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Posts posted by skydveraz

  1. Quote

    " mags Off"

    "pull it through"

    " OK "

    "Mags ON " !!!

    " Clearrrrr "!


    putta putt putt... pop. vroom vvvaaaarrroooommmmmm !!!

    "ok GEt IN " !!!!!!B|;)

    been there. done That !!!:) usually when it was 10 degrees F.........

    Been there, done that, got the tee shirt.
    Those were the good old days!B|
    Arizona only has two seasons, Hot and HOTTER!

  2. Get some tuner cleaner for tv sets. They sell it at rado
    shack or electronics stores. Use it only on the keyboard.
    It is for cleaning electronic contacts. Make sure it is safe for plastics!!! You can also get a usb keyboard and just plug it in to the computer and use it that way if everything else is ok.

    What ever you do, Do NOT buy electrical contact cleaner..
    It will destoy the keyboard!
    Arizona only has two seasons, Hot and HOTTER!

  3. Quote

    NWS is predicting severe thunderstorms with "large hail" here. Wiki says that the NWS defines large hail as 1" or more in diameter. Anyone know about how big hail balls have to be to dent a car and/or break windshields?

    You may want to consider not being outside while the storm is overhead. Just a thought!!

    Be safe, Blue Skies!:)
    Arizona only has two seasons, Hot and HOTTER!

  4. Quote



    A new way to communicate

    The mouse and keyboard were invented before the Internet even existed. Since then, countless technological advancements have allowed for much more efficient human computer interaction. Why then do we continue to use outdated technology? Introducing Gmail Motion -- now you can control Gmail with your body.

    Sweeeet... who needs speech to text... now we can get exercise too

    Microsoft has one that works already!
    GMail has been sleeping! :)

    I do not think they have incorporated hotmail into the Kinect yet:ph34r:

    It's a top secret project they have that is supposed to be available next May to everyone.
    I got the word through the geek grapevine...
    Arizona only has two seasons, Hot and HOTTER!

  5. Quote

    A new way to communicate

    The mouse and keyboard were invented before the Internet even existed. Since then, countless technological advancements have allowed for much more efficient human computer interaction. Why then do we continue to use outdated technology? Introducing Gmail Motion -- now you can control Gmail with your body.

    Sweeeet... who needs speech to text... now we can get exercise too

    Microsoft has one that works already!
    GMail has been sleeping! :)
    Arizona only has two seasons, Hot and HOTTER!

  6. Next week, the tubeless "TP" will be sold in roughly 200 Walmarts and Sam’s Clubs in the Northeast.

    I refuse to buy anything from Wally World.
    Ever since I bought a juicing machine from them
    with used carrots in it, They can keep their JUNK!
    It is usually cheaper elsewhere, anyway!

    Arizona only has two seasons, Hot and HOTTER!

  7. Quote


    Just imagine if you could actually sneak up on the shuttle just before it launched and...


    Just make sure you wear an asbestos suit incase
    someone pushes the GO button!:P
    Arizona only has two seasons, Hot and HOTTER!

  8. Just tie it to a weather balloon and let them
    track that. That said, you may want to disable On Star
    if you have it.:|

    Arizona only has two seasons, Hot and HOTTER!

  9. Quote





    Wait till you get in Texas!
    The rules of the road don't apply!:PB|

    Actually I'm in Texas right now, stopped in San Antonio for the night and then back on the road tomorrow morning :)

    Just think, You will be able to do 80 mph about
    70 miles west of San Antonio to almost El Paso on I-10.
    Have a safe trip!:)

    The last Texas Legislative session had a bill that would have increased the speed limit to 85mph. If you've ever driven that stretch to and then through Junction, then you understand. Even at 85mph you'll look to the right (if you're west bound) towards the trains and see them passing you!

    What I hated about that stretch was all the fucking jack rabbits that committed suicide on the air dam on the Jetta... I swear to god the damn things would sit there on the side of the road.... dead still.. till I was just a couple feet from them.. and then they would go for it..:S:S

    Dinner Anyone?
    Arizona only has two seasons, Hot and HOTTER!

  10. Quote




    Wait till you get in Texas!
    The rules of the road don't apply!:PB|

    Actually I'm in Texas right now, stopped in San Antonio for the night and then back on the road tomorrow morning :)

    Just think, You will be able to do 80 mph about
    70 miles west of San Antonio to almost El Paso on I-10.
    Have a safe trip!:)

    The last Texas Legislative session had a bill that would have increased the speed limit to 85mph. If you've ever driven that stretch to and then through Junction, then you understand. Even at 85mph you'll look to the right (if you're west bound) towards the trains and see them passing you!

    Been there, done that.. Gone through there 5 or 6 times. Lets just make it an even 100 mph and be done with it! Can't let the trains pass us up!
    Arizona only has two seasons, Hot and HOTTER!

  11. Quote


    Wait till you get in Texas!
    The rules of the road don't apply!:PB|

    Actually I'm in Texas right now, stopped in San Antonio for the night and then back on the road tomorrow morning :)

    Just think, You will be able to do 80 mph about
    70 miles west of San Antonio to almost El Paso on I-10.
    Have a safe trip!:)
    Arizona only has two seasons, Hot and HOTTER!

  12. Quote



    I actually use iheartradio (free app for iphone/ipod touch) to listen to my favorite radio station from back in houston 94.5...

    Completely free, seems to stream quite a few stations, just make sure you're on wifi or unlimited data.

    I use I heartradio also. With unlimited data on T-Mobile, I've got tons of radio stations from everywhere. Waco Texas has a great station, KBGO.
    Sixties and Seventies!!:PB|

    Works on a Blackberry also!

    What about droid phones?

    As I said, It works on a Blackberry!!:PB|
    Arizona only has two seasons, Hot and HOTTER!

  13. Quote

    I actually use iheartradio (free app for iphone/ipod touch) to listen to my favorite radio station from back in houston 94.5...

    Completely free, seems to stream quite a few stations, just make sure you're on wifi or unlimited data.

    I use I heartradio also. With unlimited data on T-Mobile, I've got tons of radio stations from everywhere. Waco Texas has a great station, KBGO.
    Sixties and Seventies!!:PB|

    Works on a Blackberry also!
    Arizona only has two seasons, Hot and HOTTER!

  14. Quote


    The Statistics say it all.
    Been there, done that.
    Won't do that again.
    Follow the numbers!:|

    So how do divorce rates link in with the topic of this post???

    The end result explains where a relationship might
    end up. Look at the info the link has.
    It explains everything.
    In my case, I'm not interested no matter what she looks like. :SB|
    Arizona only has two seasons, Hot and HOTTER!