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Posts posted by Droppedbomb

  1. Keep plopping the acid if that is what it takes to think creatively. Innovative thinkers are not bound by the currently available technologies or understanding of physics. As much as we think we know about physics there is just as much that we don't know or understand.

    Consider da Vinci and his "prophesies" of future technology. While there may or may not be another da Vinci out there, a forum like this allows many minds to meld into one and become closer to da Vinci's.

    Granted there is a place for the skeptics, without them the discussion would get out of hand. However, playing both sides of the coin is the best mix. IT WASN'T JUST "MATH AND PHYSICS" that sent humans to the moon. Much philosophy and thinking "outside the box" enabled America to be the first to walk on the moon.

    If this thread was a means to find out who to invest my $$ in, my dollars would go towards Jii Wings and of course Jarno. (but, I am still trying to figure out how Jarno makes his money) (All the free stuff Jarno puts on the web shows his motivation) (Thanks Jarno!!)

    Keep this thread going and let's see what may come out of it!!

  2. Kallend,

    That is what I am talking about. I have discussed this with others and I think you are right on! After all, who would have ever thought that a Jumbo jet would exist until Alloy materials and jet engines came along. It is hard to imagine future iterations of an innovation when you are looking through a lens of currently available technology.

    Thanks for the input!!

  3. Imagine if the "large" manufacturers of wing suits (BM, FYB, Phoenix fly, Tony suits, etc) had a large pot of $$ and support to conduct R&D to develop the future wing suits. What would they look like? Hmmm?!?

    After researching wing suits and the few rigid wings being developed (Yves Rossi's wing, the SPELCO Gryphon, and its precursor which Felix B. flew across the English Channel with) I personally see the future WS being a hybrid semi-rigid wing. Almost like what Batman flew in one of the more recent Batman movies.

    I sincerely believe the technology is only on the second wave of development. The first being the flying gypsys of the 30s (Clem Sohn etc) and the current being the technology which builds on what Patrick de Gayardon started. What will the next wave look like?

    Jeb Corliss has been getting a lot of coverage on international news about his idea to land a WS. And although I recall hearing that in 2003, which never came to fruition, his ideas and thinking are vital to the next iteration to man's "unassisted" flight.

    I am curious to get input from anyone else out there who has ideas (Tony, Campos, Jarno, or even Monkey Boy) Where do you see wing suit technology going?

    I am finishing my Master's thesis on "Innovations in Air Insertion (Involving Parachutes)" and have been giving this a lot of thought.


  4. Darn! I was hoping to get some flights with you. No worries on the thesis. I am working on my conclusion chapter and should have it done before Christmas. I fully understand how busy you are and whenever you get me feedback it will be appreciated. Have a Merry Christmas! I wish I could have made the Holiday boogie :(


  5. Thanks for all the information you guys have provided. I emailed both Bill Booth and Ted Strong and have already heard back from Ted. I am currently listening to the skydive radio article with Ted Strong. There is a lot of great information out there and you guys helped me and are continuing to help me with my research.

  6. I am writing a chapter in my Master's thesis (Innovations in Air Insertion: Involving Parachutes) on tandem parachuting and would like to find the early history of this form of parachuting.

    I have found some stuff on the Strong Enterprises website (who appears to be the first to develop a tandem system) but can any one point me to a book or any other sources on the early history of tandem?