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Posts posted by gkfreefly

  1. It's always colder at altitude. No matter the nerves going up, once that door opens and that fresh cold air washes over me I know its time to go. Thats the moment my brain switches into go time and the my world is at peace. It is an amazingly calm feeling and Ive learned to anticipate that. People bitch about being cold on the way to altitude but it just relaxes me now.

  2. This all started with a low jump number guy asking for help and turned into a pissing match. This is a big problem all round at many Dz's. What canopy is right for the new guy? Get back on topic.

    You've already been jumping a 9-cell so stick with that. I'm not saying there arnt some great 7-cells, I had a triathlon for years and loved it. Just watch how fast you downsize, it can kill you trying to keep up with your friends or trying to be cool.

    I find it odd that wing loading hasn't become a a big part of this. You should talk to your rigger and fellow skydivers and figure out what a proper wing loading is for your experience level. Then start looking for a canopy, 7-cell or 9-cell.