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Dropzone Reviews posted by wdouchkoff

  1. I have been skydiving for 1 year, now. What was originally going to be a one time solo jump has become a passion. Pretty amazing for someone in his 50's! I went thru AFF, got licensed and bought my own rig. I got hooked on skydiving because of the staff and facilities at Z Hills.

    The drop zone is large and on a couple of jumps I had to use every bit of it. lol While I am a 'local' I used the camping facilities and was glad they were always clean!

    I was thinking back to my experience last year while going thru AFF at Z Hills. If it weren't for Aaron Slocum, I don't think I would have gotten past AFF level 6. I was ready to walk away after failing. He is still a great resource for me.

    Thanks to Bob Clark for great video of my friends who have done the tandem thing. Also, Bob continues to watch my approach and landings, giving me much needed advice.

    I just love the office staff. They have been very friendly and helpful. Then again, I think I got them hooked on my salsa recipe! lol.....

    Khan and the gang in the packing tent have been great. Not just with my packing lessons but in continuing to answer my many questions about my rig.

    Sally, her staff of riggers and tunnel coachs helped me get past AFF level 6. They have been a great resource when I have questions about my rig, as well.

    TK, the general manager, runs a very professional and safe drop zone. Kudos for running a business and keeping it fun and safe for me.