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Posts posted by llkenziell

  1. omg thats amazing. i was trying my hardest not to laugh at work ahhahaha

    "Living like fallen angels who lost their halos" - Unknown Prophets

    -Love Life-

  2. hmm.. i went o'hare - charlotte - gainsville.

    wasn't that bad - but then you'd need to get to orlando lol

    "Living like fallen angels who lost their halos" - Unknown Prophets

    -Love Life-

  3. ahh.. i love apple products. Slightly biased because I have apple computer & iPod, but those products really are amazing. Thought about the iPhone but think I'll wait for them to release a couple generations, plus - I played around with one and wasn't too much a fan of the touch screen typing. I text a lot & messing around with it, misspelled a bunch of words just because of the touch screen... so no, not buying one now... maybe later.

    "Living like fallen angels who lost their halos" - Unknown Prophets

    -Love Life-

  4. ok this is freaking me out. people call me kenz (aka McKenzie) and seeing these theads about "Kenz" is wayyyyyyy toooo weird.

    ps.Kenz - probs for having an AMAZING name~!!!!


    "Living like fallen angels who lost their halos" - Unknown Prophets

    -Love Life-

  5. hmm... don't know. don't know a lot about drugs like that, but would be shocked if someone gave that much coke away to chance. Maybe a friend messing with you??

    I agree w. previous post -get it checked out - - - airlines are ridiculously unreliable recently. Too much concentration on 3 oz. liquids - ignore everything else

    "Living like fallen angels who lost their halos" - Unknown Prophets

    -Love Life-

  6. Quote

    Probably a bad idea... I'd never need to leave the house if I could go fishing while watching t.v.:D:P

    "I'm not even fishing, I'm watching fishing! I'm taping fishing!!!!

    ...she's a beauty...."

    -Brian Regan

    "Living like fallen angels who lost their halos" - Unknown Prophets

    -Love Life-

  7. I signed a lease for an apt. for next year thinking that this chick was going to room w. me, but turns out shes graduating this summer. I can't get stuck w. entire lease bill, but I can't find a roommate!!!! =(

    "Living like fallen angels who lost their halos" - Unknown Prophets

    -Love Life-

  8. Quote

    its been awhile since ive been in any strictly math classes, but i believe that 5lnx+3lny takes the form,


    hooray for college

    then don't u raise "e" to all of that? and the other side - - to get rid of the "ln"?

    "Living like fallen angels who lost their halos" - Unknown Prophets

    -Love Life-

  9. I was at a Bull Riding/ Rodeo type thing where there were a bunch of people, an announcer & music -the whole thing. Some pop/country song was on and an adorable little blonde girl (prob 5?) in the stands was standing on top of her bleacher dancing. She got the attention of the announcer, who in turn go the attention of the whole crowd when she promptly lifted the front of her shirt up to her chin!!!! The parent's looked like they wanted to die...

    "Living like fallen angels who lost their halos" - Unknown Prophets

    -Love Life-

  10. friend was talking about possibly going... heard some interesting things about it - nothing like that camel story though =P - just semi-mercenary stuff. =/ not really sure what to think.

    "Living like fallen angels who lost their halos" - Unknown Prophets

    -Love Life-

  11. Love the Raiders. Russel should do us some good =)

    Quinn... eck.

    "Living like fallen angels who lost their halos" - Unknown Prophets

    -Love Life-