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Posts posted by afdave

  1. Well, as far as assignments go, im locked in Italy till March of 2008, then i'm moving to korea for a year. Not much in the way of jumping here that's affordable. Someone sent me a PM about possibility of being a jump instructor in colorado, i'm looking into it.

    I guess i could get a high paying job and jump on the side.. *sigh* if only happyness paid rent, i'd be golden

  2. I think i just found my calling. I've been in the military for almost 4 years now, i love it, but at the same time, i dont know if i could do it for the rest of my life. But on the other hand, i had no clue WHAT i would do if i were to get out. Well, i went skydiving once, a few years back, and it was honestly the best money i ever spent. I vowed if i could somehow find a job that would let me jump out of a plane, i'd do it in a heartbeat. The total amount of sheer freedom you get, falling thru the sky, it's amazing.

    Anywho, someone sent me this link. 10K for the enrollment, plus i'd have to pay for my own gear, get a NZ visa, and a few other things. But damnit, it's pulling me into it's world of wonderfullness. Only real question is, can this be a actual career? I mean, its jumping out of a plane. can i realistically be doing this at 40? 45? 55?

  3. Hey everyone, just stopping by and saying Hi. My name is Dave, been skydiving twice. I've decided im most happy when im falling out of a plane. Soon I'm planning on doing AFF course. Eventually i'd love to try one of those fly suits that let you slow down you're drop speed and increase your freefall times.

    If anyone has any tips, send em my way. Thanks!