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Posts posted by jblastamasta

  1. thanks all.

    i do agree that getting a hi per rig JUST off student status would be rash, and i will talk to my instructors accordingly. I just love anything extreme and my goal is to be able to go skydive whenever i want with my own gear, and be able to perform in it and pull some nice Gs.

    thanks again! This site rocks.

  2. Hey all. Just started jumping. I am IN LOVE!!!!

    Sorry, but im so hyper when i think about jumping again i cant think. Ive made three static line jumps, (to date- which will probably double after this weekend!!) and i have been completely addicted since the first time i let go of that Cessna 182's strut at Skydive Toledo in Washington!
    My buddy/cousin is the primary pilot up there, and ive been aching to ARCH for awhile. Needless to say, i am spening most of my days wishing for blue skies and more cash. Toodles.
    Oh yeah, if anyone has good info on an intermediate high performance rig that i may pick up once im off student status and i feel more comfy, let me know.

    Like I said, im super new to this sport and I dont know the good from the bad. Except a splat on the ground. That is bad.