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Posts posted by r6clair

  1. Quote

    I'm a total newb (14 jumps) and got a couple in at Lodi last week, for the most part it was a great experience except I was literally yelled at as I was trying to spot the LZ before exiting, "the lights green! Fucking go!" are the exact words and nobody offered to help spot even after asking. Fun dropzone nonetheless, just a little stressful for a new guy.

    If you can, make it out to Skydive Chicago. I just did my AFP there and EVERYONE, from fun jumpers to instructors, even a few world champion guys I had the privilege to jump with, were more than willing to "hold my hand" for lack of a better analogy, while I jumped. It was an amazing experience!!!!

  2. SSWWWEEEEET!!! Just got my license in the mail!!! I'm A-59215 and I'm super stoked!!! I feel more accomplished today than I did walking across the stage for graduation!! Probably not that big a deal to most folks on here, but I'm goin to celebrate!!!!

  3. i wasn't being sarcastic, i really did enjoy that plane. it was awesome except for the blue mat on the floor, that shit was slippery[:/]

    yes it is! A few times during my AFP there were only 4-5 of us in the plane and we were messing around a bit sliding from the front to the rear for kicks waiting to get to altitude!

  4. Thanks all for the warm welcome and invitations. I would love to head south for the winter but unfortunatelly I shook the piggy bank dry (and maxxed a credit card or three) to go to get my license @ SDC. I guess I could have gotten it here in CO and saved a little scratch. But I did my tandem jumps about 4-5 years ago in Eloy and was immediately addicted. The problem was I couldn't afford to go any farther with it at the time. So I've spent the last couple years just reading, watching, and learning about the sport as much as possible. (This was me and two lifelong friends/roommates that did this.) We had talked and planned to get our licenses but that was as far as it ever went. :( Last winter we made a pact that this summer would be the one, NO MATTER WHAT!! So we made it happen. This whole time reading everything we could about several different dropzones, we decided that SDC would be the best place to go. Very happy we did!!!! But now I have not a penny to my name, my credit card is 2 months behind, my cell phone has been turned off, and I still haven't been able to pay rent this month!!!
    But I have no regrets, instead a license to fly!!! And I would do it all over again.

    Anyways, thats why I wont be able to come jump with ya'll this winter. But after saving and repaying all this winter, I'm gonna quit my job, sell my shit, and move to SDC for the next summer season!!! Then where I end up!!! Well that's in the clouds!!!

    Blue Skies!!!

  5. Hello Everyone!!! Just got my A-License, actually haven't got my actual license yet but my proficiency card has been sent into USPA and I am anxiously awaiting my shiny new lic. #. I went through AFP at Skydive Chicago along with two of my friends and can't wait to continue jumping next spring!!! In the meantime, as much tunnel time as I can afford!!! Thanks to SDC and all the amazing staff for the experience of a lifetime!!