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Posts posted by kstone

  1. Gosh... I haven't been on here for a while and it's really fun to read all the stories about Michael. Even if I wasn't there for all of the events, I can totally picture Michael behaving that way and saying all those funny things.

    I remember when Michael first moved out to Eugene. He and two of his friends moved in with us, as John and I have just got married. It was quite the full house. I remember him leaving one night with his two friends and told John and I that he would be leaving for approximately 3 hours and that we would have the house to ourselves for approximately 3 hours and that we may want to use our time wisely. Then he looked at John and repeated how they would be leaving for approximately 3 hours and said "dude, go light come candles or something". Nothing like having your younger brother scheduling your sex life for you!

    Mike and I took a red eye flight to FL from Portland one time and we always like to mess around with our Mom. We started out at about 1am playing poker in the Portland airport with a stop over in Vegas. As they were calling final boarding in Vegas one of us hit the slots, only about $40, but all in quarters. We couldn't figure out how to carry all the change so Michael took off his sock and we filled it up and proceeded to use the money to buy cocktails on the plane all night. Once we arrived in FL around 6am, we had told Mom that Michael had his nose pierced. She was thinking small stud in the side nostril, but we took a small hooped earring and put it in the front of his nose like a bull ring. He got off the plane, my Dad was laughing so hard I thought we would pee his pants, and Michael just walked up to our Mom and licked the side of her face and told her how great Eugene was. I thought she might pass out. Not to mention we had both been drinking all night long.

    My list of stories can go on and on. I really wish I was still adding to them. The ash dive for Michael is scheduled for Aug. 26, 2007 in Eugene. I can't wait to see all of you and celebrate Michael's life together. I look forward to being there and going to a bunch of places that Michael loved. Plus, visiting the Broadway house. There are so many great memories there and many projects that Michael did there, as well as all the projects from Vanessa, Miles, Joe, and Jason. That house will truly have all of your touches and memories there for life. I will always remember the fun times in that house because of all of you.

    I look forward to seeing you all the end of the month.
    :-) Kim

  2. HI Timmy! Thanks for all the kind words about Mike. You are a very dear friend to him and a lot of his memories came from the Eugene days (you all know who you are).

    Michael's work posted a tribute to him on their site and also a way for people to make donations in Mike's name, if that is of interest. They have more work related pics and quotes from clients. He was obviously thought of very highly. You can check it out here: http://www.encompassdb.com/mike/

    Hope the rest of your trip goes well, and we look forward to catching up with you when you return.

    Also, for anyone interested... final ceremonies will be in Eugene next August. We will keep you posted about details.

    Thanks to everyone for all the kind words about Mike!

  3. On behalf of the family, I would like to thank you soooooooo much for tribute to Michael. I know that each of you mean the world to him and we heard so much about many of you. You are truley great friends and I am honored that you were a part of my brother's life.
    Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
    :-) Kim

  4. Michael is my brother and after reading all the kind things everyone has to say, I couldn't be more proud. I know how important skydiving was to his life and even though the hole in my heart is unbearable right now, I really applaude Mike for living life and doing the things he loved. Mike didn't dream dreams... he lived dreams.

    Thanks so much to his skydiving "family" for all the kind words and attending his funeral. He always talked so highly of the people involved in the sport and I think that's a huge reason he loved it so much.

    I've attached a pic for everyone to see.