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Posts posted by jad_ben

  1. Good morning ya'll,

    My question is fairly simple.. I have been out of the sport for exactly 16 months. My last jump was during the WPC Dubai in 2012. I didn't get injured or anything, just had to stop for personal reasons.

    Between March and December 2012 i made a little over 800 jumps, 300 were Tandem, around 200 on a Velocity96 early season and then after selling that VE-96 i made 300 jumps switching back and forth from a Velocity 84 and an FX 79. I was extremely comfortable under my canopies, my accuracy was 8/10 in any wind condition, elevation, etc..

    I am making a comeback into the sport this year and not too sure where to start from. So my question is for those who have been out (either for injuries or ... well, injuries mostly) when you came back into the sport, do you go straight to what you were comfortable with before, or slowly ease back into it ? Want to know your opinions !
    If everything seems under control, it's because you're not going fast enough.

  2. Quote

    Hey guys, new to the forum...

    I'm looking to take my 3D GoPro camera system up for a jump and was wondering if anyone has any experience with mounting the 3D box for skydiving?

    Is there a 'perfect helmet' out there to mount the 3D system to?

    The dimensions of the mount (flat surface) are 4.5" wide by 2" deep (11.5cmx5cm).

    I could mount on a curved surface, but it would require additional mounting parts, which would mean that the camera would be mounted further away from the helmet than if it were flat mounted... and that doesn't seem favorable for wind resistance.

    Hey man, My Flat Top Pro has been my best piece of equippement since i've started shooting video, i can mount pretty much anything on that helmet, and now got my 3D mounted on it as well on the front part, here's a picture if it helps. I changed the setup just a bit, it's now mounted on both pieces (on this pic its only one) and it stands a little lower and closer now, and way more stable.

    Shooting 3D is tricky, stay cose to your subject, but not "too close". Filming tandems is fun, film every single one of your jump and edit'em all, shoot on the ground, in the air, in the plane, and learn what works and what doesnt work in 3D, and it will help you making a very nice final product. Last piece of advice, order 5, 10 or 20 pairs of 3D goggles on eBay ! the big thick goggles that look like sunglasses, it's cool at the DZ so a lot of people can watch the video at the same time, and if someone wants to bring the video home, throw a pair of 3D goggles with it !

    Have fun budd,
    If everything seems under control, it's because you're not going fast enough.

  3. I'm thinking about switching to X-Braced. I'm currently on a KA107 loaded at 1.75:1 (give or take depending on a hop'n pop or a fully loaded video jump). Anyways here's the deal.. I've been puting a lot of effort and invested in good coaching in the past three years and everytime i change my wing, i feel like a need to relearn everything. The knoledge stays and in fact is still very usefull (thanks to Jay and Pablo). I've been thinking for a while now about getting more serious. I wanna bring my skills a notch higher and eventually start to compete, so get something that i know i'll be puting 1000 jumps on in the next year and learn everthing i can from it.

    1) First of all, i've been asking around for the past few weeks about canopies, and geez... it changes from a DZ to another depending on who's their main canopy provider. Velo, Sensei, VX... I trust PD, i jumped a few Velos, i demoed a Sensei, and never tried a VX (tried the FX though..). Now what ?? I wannt something i know i can learn on. I've been told that the Sensei is a good canopy to actually learn on before transitioning to a Velo (ok, i don't think that'S true but i'm curious to know your opinion about that) and for you Icarus pilots out there, bring it on, why a VX over a Velo or Sensei ??

    2) What to do after i get my new wing ? put a shit load of jumps on it to learn to know it, and then seek some coaching ? or go straight to Flight-1 with it and start right away ? And what about Ground Launching ? Basically what i'm asking is .. what do you think would be the optimal progression here ?

    3) Wing loading.. ok, i've read a lot, and asked a lot about this, and it always seems to vary. Now let's not forget that i'm still in a learning environement. I don't wanna know what WL is optimal go get killer swoops, but what should i consider as a 1st X-Braced canopy. If i take everything i got from everyone i talked to and every bit of info i got from this forum, i think i should probably go for a Velo 96. Is a 1.85:1 WL optimal for a 1st X-Braced canopy ??

    Let me hear ya, i know i'm asking a lot, but i can't seem to get the right answer anywhere else !
    If everything seems under control, it's because you're not going fast enough.