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Posts posted by DaleH

  1. Well, I figured it out. Just thought I would post incase anyone runs into this, but I'm sure I'm the only one B|.

    For an E-Friendly file, .wmv with a 640x480 resolution and PAR set to HD Anamorphic 1.333. Zero black bars all around, and it fills the screen out!

    For a SD DVD, .mpg2 with a 640x480 resolution and the PAR set to Widescreen 16:9.


  2. Gotcha.

    I can play the .mts file with VLC and it fills fine, the pillar boxing only appears after converting the .mts to any other format. It appears on the computer monitor and TV.

    I opened it in GSpot and it only had Container info. I checked the Media Info in VLC and it shows it as follows:

    Codec: h264
    Resolution: 1920x1080

    It also shows it as 1920x1080 when you check details from the library in Premiere.

    The .avi produced from the .mts that shows the pillar boxing comes up in GSpot as the following:

    SAR 1.5 (3:2)
    PAR 1.185 (32:27)
    DAR 1.778 (16:9)

    Seeing that the PAR is 1.185 and the DAR is 1.778 that would explain the Pillars?

    If I do a custom .avi and set the aspect ratio to 32:27 the preview looks perfect..... fills out the width and height without any black bars. However, when I export it, it comes out 4:3!

    That file shows the following in GSpot:
    SAR 1.500 (3:2)
    PAR 0.889 (8:9)
    DAR 1.333 (4:3)

  3. Project Settings: AVCHD 1080i30 (60i)

    Import the .mts file, shows as 1920x1080 (1.0) 29.97 FPS.

    Place it on the timeline, then I Export-Media.

    Export Settings: Microsoft AVI, NTSC DV Widescreen (1.2121) and resolution is locked in at 720x480.

    The output preview window shows the vertical black bars and they show up in the exported product.

    If I choose NTSC DV (.9091) the width fills out, but it exports in 4:3 and I can't find any other option to make it 16:9 whilst keeping it .9091.

    Sorry if I'm really noob at this, never had to deal with this before.

  4. I'm using Adobe Media Enocder. I see what your talking about, you can adjust aspect ratio and watch what it does. However, no matter what ratio.... preset or custom; there is a very small amount of black bars. It seems anytime I do custom it immediately outputs to 4:3.

    I tried .mpeg1 and it seemed to be the closest, but very choppy. When I shoot in SD-HQ .mpeg2 I just edit my project and export in .avi 16x9. It comes out very smooth and crisp.

    Am I missing something here, or is there no easy format to convert AVCHD to SD with? Hate to have to keep shooting SD when I have an HD Camera!

  5. DSE, I see what you mean; is there any other formats I can use for SD DVD's?

    Nyhus, I started the project with AVCHD 1920x1080i 29.97fps settings. I have only imported a couple .mts files and they fill out the preview and sequence preview fine. I'm looking for a format I can save the sequence as, that will lower the resolution to 720x480 for a SD DVD; yet still fill the screen out.

    I don't recall having this issue with my HC5 HDV.

  6. I finally got to mess around with some CX100 HD footage in Adobe Premiere CS4, everything is great except for when I export! I have tried .wmv, .avi and .mpeg2 and all of them come out fine..... minus the picture doesn't quite fill out the width of my screen/tv. I have tried practically every setting combination for each format to make it work. It is a very small amount, but my OCD is killing me trying to make it fill out.

    When I worked with SD footage it filled out fine. I am trying to stick with HD to have a better quality SD product. I have attached two video stills to show the difference.

    Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

  7. I have found myself keeping the arm wings zipped 100% of the time. However, it seems I get more performance on solo max distance flights with the leg wing unzipped. The only time I keep the leg wing zipped is when flying dirty/flocking.

    Anyone notice this? I only have 75 wingsuit jumps 50 of which are on my SM1. I may need some more jumps before I can dial in the ability to utilize the more rigid locked leg wing.

  8. All of my wingsuit jumps have been out of a C-182, 2-4 ways. The Swing-Under-The-Strut-Backfly-Exit is easily doable. I have exited that way in my Tony SM1 several times without issue. The only semi-difficult part is actually swinging around the strut, but other then that no problems. That exit is real nice because you can have another hanging from the strut and two on the step. Good luck and have fun!

  9. Just hit my new best today, previous being 84 sec.

    Phoenix-Fly Phantom 1, solo jump.
    Exit - 11,200 ft
    Open - 3,000 ft
    Time - 105 sec.
    Avg. Fall Rate - 53 mph
    Slowest - 46 mph
    Ground Cover - Aprox. 4 miles.
    Plane - C182

    This was my 14th wingsuit jump, and my 14th jump on this suit. Loving it! :)


  10. Mccordia,
    Cm and Kg have been added to original post, sorry I was posting so closed minded ;).

    I got stuck on PF very early on, prior to getting my license. I have just always respected how far they have come with their suits, base gear, and skills. I am obsessed with BASE wingsuit and so naturally I became sold on PF seeing Robi and James flying in numerous BASE vids. I am not discrediting any other company, I am sure alot of the suits are very comparable as well as quality, but that is the reason I am stuck on PF.


  11. That's the plan, I won't be able to order one until a month or so. At that point renting this Phantom on the side I hope to have close to 20 - 30 more wingsuit jumps. By the time it does come in, I will probably be well over 50 wingsuit jumps.

    I was just curious if the Ghost would be a nice match for my build.

  12. I searched around a bit, but couldn't really find exactly what I was looking for.

    I have 10 wingsuit jumps, all on a Phantom 1. I am renting this suit as much as possible until I can afford a new suit. I'm hoping to be able to place the order sometime within the next month or two.

    My main questions is, go with a Phantom 2 or step up to the Ghost? I am 6'1" (185cm) at 200 lbs(91kg) and most of the people I am flying with are 5'8"(173cm) - 5'11"(180cm) weighing around 160lbs(73kg)-180lbs(82kg). So far the average fall rate when I am backflying or base is around 70-80mph. This is a bit fast, and alot of the time I can see them having to pull in their wings some to keep up with me. However, on my belly... maxed out it is around 55-60mph. I've read 70mph is a comfortable flocking speed?

    Should I stick with the Phantom platform and just work on my piloting skills or should I step up later to the Ghost to give me more range? Thanks for any input!

    Take Care,

  13. Quote

    Just jump a lot!
    Have fun! Jump with other people! Freefly, RW...just enjoy and learn to move around in the sky...

    Dont waste your time on 100 solo tracking jumps...B|

    Of course! I only have four Tracking Dives under my belt, but they are by far my favorite type of dive.


    Do lots of Atmonauti, it should almost be a prerequisite and its a whole lot of fun.;)

    Heh, I'm not even going to talk about that word, as I have seen how the last couple of threads end up ;).


    Firstly, hello and welcome :)
    Secondly, don't think of jump 200 as some magical 'you are now ready' number.

    The minimum jump number is just a guideline. As many others will say here, there are jumpers with 100 jumps who they would rather teach to fly, then some with over 1000.

    It's all about the individual, the skills they posses and more importantly their atitude.

    Forget about the number for the time being. Enjoy your skydiving. Have fun. Then when the time comes, speak to an experienced wingstuit pilot, buy them a beer and find out what you can do to prepare for a course.

    Also check out the FAQ in this forum, lots of useful information there :)

    Gotcha, I have just been a little hyped lately thinking about wingsuiting ;). I am obsessed with tracking, and just can't imagine what a wingsuit will do to me :S.