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Posts posted by AndyAnderson

  1. Still watching from afar. Miss you Chuck, and the rest.
    That day out of Keystone was one of the most memorable in the 27 years since I first lobbed out the door. We watched the sun rise over Palatka from in the plane, jumped and the sun went behind the earth and rose again under canopy. I think Windsor had a mal somewhere down the east coast and used Scotty Carbone's rig for the rest of the trip.

    Not really such a great guy.

  2. Read the requirements on the "A" license card, If you can not meet the requirements do not sign the card.

    Even if you instruct at a big DZ you can let the student spot, give corrections and exit other wise you are robbing the student of an ability and forging the proficiency card. Looking out the door on a jump run just does not cut the mustard.

    If the DZ will not do it properly then they shuold not issue any licenses!

    I am dissapointed by D license holders who have never really spotted a jump run.


  3. :o:$HA,HA HA. Always log off when done on the computer in the bar at Z'hills.
    I never even saw this thread untill I got some strange pm's. Really funny as I have no idea who did it.
    And I do need some loving but I think I am happy staying with girl love- Bring on the hair-pies!

  4. Chris at Z Hills got a DCR HC1000 and is not happy with it as it cannot handle the burble especially headdown. I think it is another case of the 3 chips fighting with each other- harmonics etc

  5. It would be against a whole bunch of FAR's but it is possible.
    First it should be Garret powered not P&W (exhaust is only on the right side not both sides.)
    Second the hopper has to be washed out very well, especially if it is used for pesticide. Remove the baffels and the lid.
    Ride up in the hopper and at altitude climb out on the left side and hook your left toe over the leading edge so you can get your hand to the leading edge and then your right hand and you will be kneeling facing the prop with your hands on the leading edge.
    then shimmy out left all the way to the end of the wing and jump off the end of the wing so you can not hit the tail or ailerons.
    It is very obvious where the structure in the wing is so you do not damage anything.
    Also don't do it as it is against a whole bunch of rules

  6. Some of the movies I worked on (A Far off Place, Bopha, Tarzan) hoped for a real theater release. Most however were for the cable and more importantly the video stores in the middle east and the far east. The market for B grade action/ war movies is insatiable.
    One production company took un-used footage from 6 other movies and spent 3 weeks shooting links between scenes and released a piece of garbage that people still rent.

  7. "Yasu" Kubo has jumped without a rig in Japan.
    If you look for the biggest "Banzai" in the Guinness Book of World Records.

    He wore a harness with shoulder clips and followed a specially shaped freefalling rig some seconds after it was tossed out the door at 13 000'.

    This was after he did a few jumps with other jumpers(Segi San and Tomo San I think) falling with the rig and some with a rig over the special harness. When he showed me the video I think I saw BJ there as the stunt coordinator.

    This was for a TV show in Japan.

  8. "When I want to see a fictional movie, I will go to see one that is honest enough to admit it is fiction like LOTR."

    Even Lord of the Rings is an artists interpretation of the events that shaped the life of Tolkien. The Boer war, WWI and WWII are all well represented in this "fictional tale".
    Democracy is giving the voters the choice of which politicians lies to believe.

  9. All RWS rating holders can now feel free to follow Bill Booth's example and ignore his previous words "The risk is simply much greater than the reward. Fight the temptation,
    and please make the right decision for all of us. "
    You have done great things for skydiving but you have lost your credibility.

    How many TI's who have been found by RWS to have done under-age tandems were blackmailed into paying a donation (fine) to RWS.
    Bill after you broke your own rules you owe that money (if you ever collected their donations) back to every one of those TI's.

    A few of those TI's that action was taken against did not know their passengers were under-age but were held responsible for not checking their ages. You knew your daughters age and in spite of all the "advise" and threats you gave us you broke your own rules.

    'So I issued an exemption to Relative Workshop's rule. I would have done the same for any experience tandem instructor parent who wanted to jump their 17 year old into such a momentous event." It is good to know you can exempt yourself from your own rules but what action would you take against yourself if you had not got your exemption.
    That is so assanine.

    Do not be surprised when others follow your example!

    Edited to add: Where are the exemption applications to any of the clauses in the rating rules or the "end user agreement" or we just issue our own exemptions to ourselves after we do anything "momentous"? Or the exemptions only available to skygods through a secret system, I can not find the exemptions at your web site.

  10. My brother called from SA at 2 am to let me know about an incident on the Zambezi that rivals the other thread ( You wont F'ing believe this).

    A canoe safari on the Zambezi encountered a heard of elephants crossing from Zimbabwe to Zambia. They could not back paddle or land so they tried for a gap in the heard but 3 canoes washed up on 3 of the panicked ellys which kept swimming for the bank.

    The matriarch returned down the bank squealing and stopped on a ledge, 3 feet above the water, going bezerk. Hurbet, the guide, in his canoe on an ellys back passed under the ledge and the ledge collapsed and the elly landed in the canoe as Hurbet jumped out the way.

    The other 2 canoes had also turned over and there were 6 people in the water with 6-10 ellys and all were in a panic. The people all swam to the other canoes and the ellys all made it to the bank.

    Any one who knows the Zambezi knows there are crocks all over the place.

    Lucky bunch.