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Posts posted by cucamber

  1. Hi everyone,

    a relative of mine flys to San Francisco soon, and asked me if I need anything from over there. Well, my skydiving junkie brain immidietly thought of buying the next accessory I need which is a Solo audible altimeter.

    So, does anyone know where can he get it near SF?


  2. Hi everyone!

    There is a habit in the sport to release the chest strap after opening the main in order to make the canopy spread more, but after thinking about it.... isn't it dangerous in case you need to chop it afterwards, in case of canopy collision for example?

    Any more possible dangers in it? Do you do the same thing after opening?

  3. judging by their description it should be a very unique rig - the no-side-flaps-reserve, magnetic risers, the d-bags design, boc, cutaway housings... the list goes on. It's as if someone decided to build a parachute from nothing.

    I already have a rig - i am very happy with my vector 3:)
    So just wanted to know weather there are people here with experience with this system - just how good is it?

  4. I just got my Vector 3 from overseas! I found it on classifieds here.

    I agree with all the tips above. Call the seller, ask for pics of the gear, and closed up pics of the labels. Check for his user preferences on

    I used a third party rigger I knew from UPT for help. He inspected the gear throughly for 60$, so I knew exactly what shape it was in. When I sent the money to the seller, the rigger sent me the gear.

    You should use this method too. The rigger doesn't have to work for the manufacturer, but he must be of your choice.

    And always remember the most important rule on classifieds - if it's too good to be true, it probably is. It has saved me from a scam. Oh, and another common scam that someone tried to pull on me is being asked to send some of the money (usually half) up front - it's a sure one.

    Good luck!

    If you have any more questions about my purchase, feel free to send me a message.

  5. Hi everyone,

    Just got my Vector 3, and I am very excited. Love the feeling of having a new toy to play around with. Spent hours just walking around the house with it.

    Any way, I've noticed a while ago that almost all of Vector's competitors (javelin, voodoo, mirage, etc.) have chest rings as standard, or at least as an option. This seemed kinda wired to me, because I assume that a harness with chest rings would fit better than one without them. So why don't UPT offer them?

    Trying to find the answer, I entered UPT web site, and this is the only related thing I could find: "The harness curves nicely over the shoulders, and the new yoke design prevents the harness from slipping off of narrow shoulders and eliminates the need for chest rings and the problems associated with them."

    So my question is - what are the "problems associated with them"?

    Are there any more advantages to them apart from what i specified?
