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Posts posted by jwilkinson

  1. "I'm an hour north os the Dz and it's solid clouds here...besides the BEARS are playing today!"

    Thats what got me into trouble when working on my A, Im 2.5-3hrs north up 59 and it'll be perfect here and by time I got there solid clouds. I guess I should learn to trust radar.:)

  2. I have not jumped in almost two years due to life getting in the way. I just walked outside and looked up to see not a cloud in the sky. I said to my self "It'd be a great day to fall out of a plane". To all that will be at spaceland today cheers, enjoy this awesome weather.

  3. Im in the same situation. I weight train 5 days a week, pretty flexible but I have 3 missed handle in 11 jumps.The first time I went unstable and pulled. The next 2 times I went back to boxman, got stable and pulled with no problems. I am aware that pulling takes priority over stable and I WILL go for silver if a 2nd miss occurs. I think it is a mental issue now more than a physical one.

  4. I to am a aff student at spaceland. going into the 12th I had completed level 8. Had Rex not been there I literely would have been jumping that rig, it was the only student 280 at the time.I was on the next load up which was a hour of so after he went in. No one at the DZ said out loud what had happened but if you were paying attention you could figure it out. My heart goes out to Rex's family especially his son that I believe was on the same load as he. I decided to jump because I do not know if i would have went back. I did 3 jumps after his passing with each ride to 14k a little easier each time. I do not know what rex or his family would have wanted but I hope I made the right chose

  5. Welcome, I am on level 8 of my aff training. The biggest thing that I have learned so far is trust and listen to your instructors. They will (should) cover every mal imaginable. and they do it in a way where it is beaten into your head, where it will be instinct and not just so you can pass a test on the ground.
    It was a great feeling after did my first solo poised exit and did a few backflips(not on purpse) and my body just arched hard and went bellydown and got myself stable. I say save your money and skip that 3rd tandem and start your S/L or aff training.

  6. thanks, I did get 4 jumps in today. first solo exits went pretty well, after the first couple of back flips. arched hard and went bellydown. Did my upper and lower 360's very well. Barrelrolls OK, needs some work. Last jump of the day, bad spot landed out unassisted standup in the middle of a muddy field. I am 6 for 7 standup :))))

  7. levels 1,2 and 3 in the books. 3 standup landings on target....targetish:) exit on 1 little unstable, pulled my left knee towards me until I realized it was going the wrong way. lots better on 2 and 3. overall a great day. cant wait till the 13th to get hopefully get 4-9 done.

  8. and the big kicker about me not being able to jump, I brought 2 friends with me to do there first tamdems, each did 2 to my 0 so it was a long ride home to say the least. but I do now have 2 more friends to jump with because they are hooked.

  9. so I get 2 spaceland about 9am yesterday, go through malfunction junction, fill out dive flow worksheet get with my aff instructor. We walk into manifest and the i get the bad news. wind is up to 18 and being level 1 I could not jump. sat the rest of the day in the hanger. waiting, never got to jump. will have to wait another week:(

  10. nice, thats where I am about to start my aff coarse, good thing seeing as I have a 2 hour drive to get there.
    ***Spaceland: $22.00 to 14k. $12.00 hop 'n' pops.

    First price increase since I have been here.
    (4 years).

    Impressive considering fuel costs.

    And it's nice to see that the money is going into improvements to the DZ. (New security system, remodeled video room, soon to be remodeled bathrooms, packing room soon to be doubled in size.)

    And a DZO who when he says it's going to happen,