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Posts posted by SkyJunkie10131

  1. Well, I can't let you guys have all the fun out there without me. I'm going to be heading out either tonight or tomorrow at the latest, depending on when I can get away from this place. Can't wait to see you guys and jump with all of you again. I'll be brining my mini bar and mixing drinks to help the shenanigans begin.

    - Drew Smith
    Something you never wanna hear on the DZ..."Hold my beer, check this out!"

  2. This just a simple post to show my appreciation for all of the awesome people that I met at Raeford Parachute Center in NC. That place was awesome and I'm going to miss you guys a lot. I wanted to thank Tony and Kate for accomadating me with my AFF program and all of the awesome information I received from the instructors. Truly an awesome place to learn to skydive. Even after I received my liscense I was welcome to jump with everyone there and even learn more. I can't wait to come back there when I have time and jump with you guys again.

    Blue skies

    -Drew Smith
    Something you never wanna hear on the DZ..."Hold my beer, check this out!"