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Posts posted by missredd19

  1. Hey Lana,
    When I posted that response to you I didn't realize that I was logged into her account on DZ.com. This is actually DK from Crosskeys.~~~
    You know how many jumps I have, (5,800), and how much experience I have in skydiving. (11 Years). So you know clearly that it wasn't Missredd 19 who wrote that. It was me, and I am just backing up my friend, cause we all know who's doing the wrong here!!!~
    Why are you making it seem like Jacko's the bad guy?? What did he ever do to you?? It sounds like a personal strike to me.
    And how come you don't have any of your info posted on here like: jumps, liscense #, yrs. in sport, etc.???
    So now you know Missredd 19 is DK. ~~~;^)-------------@

    P.S. So if your gonna post something...MAKE SURE IT'S POSITIVE!!!!

  2. This letter goes out to everybody out there that has no business posting on this forum!!! #1. Almost everyone on this forum doesn't even know of Jacko's experiense and qualifications while being an Instructor.
    #2. Jacko has a crystal clear record with all his students. (Tandem and AFF). USPA is being way too harsh on Jacko, they should definately over-turn their decision they've made.
    Why on earth would they take away his AFF rating & USPA membership??
    That has nothing to do with tandems!!!
    There are soo many TI's that should not be doing tandems out there!!!
    Jacko is definately one of the best TI's I've ever seen!!!!