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Posts posted by jscorcia

  1. skinnay

    Sounds like you're making a promo for a get rich quick scam or some other BS fluffed with motivational speaking. Documentaries usually go through a bit of effort to.. ya know.. document stuff themselves, not use random video from the internet.

    Sorry but what you're saying couldn't be any further from the truth. I'm a skydiver myself (100 jumps so I can't record video otherwise I'd do it myself) and I also have my own consulting firm. I'm simply looking to use 4-5 second clips of footage for the opening sequence...the rest of the video is all going to come from my own content. I'm not doing this project with the goal to make money, and there's a pretty good chance I won't make a dime with it.

  2. Hey everyone! I'm working a documentary about how the same mindset, mentality, and lessons learned from becoming a licensed skydiver can be applied to help people become successful as entrepreneurs. I'm in need of some cool aerial footage, and would REALLY appreciate any contributions you're willing to make. You will of course be credited if your footage is used. Thanks!
