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Posts posted by DroptheMan04

  1. Quote




    Who broke in my footlocker and read my diary?!? If not one of you and who drew nasty pictures on my diary?! >:(>:(

    If ya don't know who dun it, how do ya know they red it?:o

    I'm not the one who drew the nasty picture on my diary!

    just cuz they rote it don't mean they red it:|

    you must be idiot.

  2. Quote


    Who broke in my footlocker and read my diary?!? If not one of you and who drew nasty pictures on my diary?! >:(>:(

    If ya don't know who dun it, how do ya know they red it?:o

    I'm not the one who drew the nasty picture on my diary!

  3. I know I'm a lady. It's time to support men! Help out and support this dropzone.com to create "Men Only" under Community! Men need equal like women do! ;)

  4. Quote

    Where could I find to have class for training of rock-climbing? I hardly find it around websites. :S

    here's site of http://www.theadventureguild.com/rockclimbing.htm. all I can find for southeast states.

  5. Quote

    You typically do 10 jumps with a 100+ jump jumper as the "student" then another 10 jumps on probation before you're signed off completely as a TI. Even then, 20 jumps teaches you how not to die. You learn so much due to all the variables on each jump. Every wingloading is different on every jump, the students react differently on each jump, its just different on each jump. Its also a LOT of fun!

    What do you mean "another 10 jumps on probation before signed off?" :|