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Posts posted by benblee

  1. All good points!

    I've been setting up my sites so that you can have photo albums galore...but you can also set your privacy level for photos to "Friends" only, then you can choose who sees them. I've also done that with the personal blog space there, you can set it to friends only and on that part, the friend doesn't have to confirm, it's more so you can set the permissions of who gets to see you blog (it starts out wide open, you have to set it to be private!).

    And, always double check your settings on sites like Facebook and stuff. When any large site goes through upgrades, mistakes can happen and your previous settings may have been reset. MySpace and Facebook have had a couple slip ups in the past and constantly have to revamp their systems. Just like any website, it needs constant attention and constant upgrades.
    Ben Lee

  2. Quote

    I wasn't a believer when someone first said it, but there needs to be camera free zones, or hours..... the nudity, and shenanigans levels in this sport have been dropping right off the map.

    Can't argue with that point. If people have to remember something, they may shy away from doing it.

    ....buuuuuut, I can say that I think the vibe at the St. Patty's Day Boogie was pretty awesome due to social networking stuff. People who had previously never met but on the forums and on facebook were looking to meet up at the boogie and it seemed like people were introducing themselves to each other more so than normal. Spence throws boogies with good vibes anyways, but it seems like while the fuckery may seem like it's going down (you may be in the wrong tent ;)), the clickery may also be going down and people are hanging out in bigger and bigger groups again.

    Not making a statement for or against, just another angle to look at.
    Ben Lee

  3. Not sure how many of you know me, but I'm Ben Lee and I started and run To offer as much as possible to college skydivers from all over, I also work with Event promoters to enable more jumping with more people!

    The tough thing to swallow here is that part of my trade in help with people throwing boogies is that I do some website work for them. James seems to be lurking around the website and taking every idea I use. This is frustrating because had he just wanted to listen to me months ago to begin with, he would have already had the info.

    It's not very cool to step on toes within the skydiving community and to pass over organizations looking to help out then rip off their ideas.

    Now with overwhelming feedback from users of, I'm having to pull back support of this event.

    I hope everyone attending has a fun and safe time, but will not be attending this event.
    Ben Lee

  4. To the creators of

    There are very few successful websites out there that can gather and help this magnitude of a group of users in one place. That in itself means the site is a success.

    Your work is greatly appreciated and I'm saying that as someone who has been in the sport for nearly 6 years when was already a mainstay and standard in the industry.

    Thank you guys and my criticisms are not focused at the creators like Sangiro, this is how things go and what is involved in entities that grow this large.

    Either way...the info on this site better not ever be lost because it will never be recovered. There is a hell of a lot of history here and needs to be kept somewhere for the sake of the sport.

    Ben Lee

  5. charges in the vicinity of $700 - $1000 per advertiser per month. If you have 4 - 5 advertisers, that is right around $40,000/year.

    If you have different numbers...and think that the site what wanted to be purchased by a corporation because of lesser numbers, and think that the corporation has your best interest in mind...and think that money doesn't talk, then there is an arguement.

    My issues with dropzone are that it was started by skydivers for skydivers. It offered lots of cool stuff and now it doesn't so much. Part is because times have changed and technology changes with the times and part is just because the market is enticing (yes, it did sell because tracking a forum this large has to be exhausting on people doing this 100% of the time like Sangiro and partly because someone wanting to pay you to take it off you hands after this long of a run is a huge compliment).

    In the end, there is better technology out there and ways for the forum to continue...I however never receive any responses from "the powers that be" when it comes to issues of how to resolve bandwidth and hosting costs. Yes, I do work with sites larger then this in both bandwidth and server space and the sites offer more! Are there plenty of people out there that promise this, yes, can 99% of those people deliver on their So, yes, I do understand for not having received a response.

    The bottom line is that this site can offer a hell of a lot more to is user base. Why don't they, it is a pain to run it and when it comes to hiring, it's not worth hiring someone at the rate of $35,000 per year to run a site that makes $40,000 per year.
    Ben Lee

  6. The site looks great. As for the drop down menus, they save too much space and open up the rest of the page too much to get rid of them. They are a plus in my book. Also, you are on a system that can allow for "brushing-up" so in the future the site will only get better.

    I like it a lot and think you guys did a great job!!!

    As far as search engine stuff, just have an xml site map that you can submit to Google that will assist their crawlers and then after about 3 months things will start panning out again. This was too much of a good improvement to worry about some of these details. Sometimes an huge overhaul is needed.
    Ben Lee

  7. If you're looking to post your SkyFest pics for everyone to see, we've opened up a section of the website to give everyone their own album. You can also register and post a link to your other albums. Hopefully this will give everyone a central place to find pictures of the event:

    Register it will create an album for you automatically. The upload limit is 7 MB at a time, but you can pretty much have unlimited space on their.

    Use the "Upload Applet" to beat the 7 MB limit (requires that you have Java installed).

    If you need help, email me at [email protected].

    Show us how much fun you had!
    Ben Lee

  8. Well, that was one great Boogie to go to. Now it's time to post your pictures. As part of the website, I've added a gallery that you can all join and it will give you your own album to post whatever you want. There is an upload limit of 7 MB at a time, but pretty much unlimited space for you. It resizes the pictures and makes the thumbs for you so it takes a minute or two, but it works pretty well.

    If you use the "Upload Applet" you can get around that limit pretty easily. Click on "Add Items" then click on the "Upload Applet" tab. It's a Java plugin so make sure you have Java installed.

    Check it out and start posting.

    When you register it will send you an email to confirm things. After you click the confirmation url, just login and go nuts.

    Let me know if you have any trouble:
    [email protected]

    This should allow video too, but please use the upload applet for that.
    Ben Lee

  9. The only think idiot proofing does is makes for bigger idiots!

    I just thought of this one tonight and thought it fit what I was working on pretty well. It did prove to be true.
    Ben Lee

  10. Quote

    A sane man would have set it up like this:

    Click Paypal button
    Fill out paypal info
    Survey comes up and must be filled in before paypal goes through.

    Paypal info correct? Yes
    Survey completed Yes
    Process payment and log survey.

    I told you...I have IDEAS!

    Wanna hear some more?


    If you really want a setup to do that for next year, just drop me a line.

    - David

    OK guys, I didn't hear too much website advice any of those other times I've been down to The Farm. That's right, I know who you are and you didn't know it was me that was doing

    The whole story is that this is a CMS that allows the website to be able to grow. It's also set up so that J can make updates when he needs to and doesn't have to rely on someone elses time scale. It works pretty damn well and offers a lot.

    I know there's other solutions out there, but if you aren't going to be on call and on the phone with J for an hour or two a night trying to figure out what he wants, be careful about offering up your website help!;)

    J, you're kickin ass and it's not your fault skydivers can't read!:S
    Ben Lee

  11. I'm curious. I do a little bit of website development and there are times here and there when I could use some help. I'd like to see what everyone can do as well.

    My work is more centered around CMS, but graphics can make the page!

    What is it you saw that nothing else looked like?
    Ben Lee

  12. You take a band like Led Zepplin and it's easy to recal that Jimmy Page was one of the best guitarists of all time and John Bonham was one of the best Drummers (if not the absolute best) of all time, it becomes easy to forget that Robert Plant was one of the best vocalists. Not a lot of people expect to hear that but if you talk to the ones that know vocals and the dynamics of it, there are few people out there that can match what Robert Plant is capable of.

    Allison Krauss is incredibly talented herself. Pretty cool to see two generations come together like that.

    On a side note, I'm drinking a lot and updating my website, so I'm not sure what I have to offer the world right now and it's kind of making me depressed.
    Ben Lee