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Dropzone Reviews posted by Confuzed

  1. This club has recently seen a lot of changes, moving away from its tandem factory image to become an excellent fun jumpers' dropzone.

    The Cessna 206 is still used to serve RAPS students, and hop 'n' pops, but the tandems and fun jumpers now have access to the ultimate jump plane, the King Air. 14 slots, FL150 in less than 10 minutes.

    The regulars and staff are friendly and helpful. I did a couple AFF levels here with Andy Montriou before cracking off my consol's, and always felt that I was getting the best instruction and advice. This has continued since I got my license and I'm now signing up to do my FS1 there.

    The club recently moved to a new site on the airfield with new buildings and a large packing area. There is a hot shower and free camping. The bar is just yards away, for post jumping beer time.

    Organisation of loads for the King has got better and now back-to-back lifts happen regularly over the weekend.

    Quite honestly I feel the thing this DZ needs most now is a few more regular fun jumpers. This will add to the already great vibe, and it will help to keep the king moving as frequently as it can.