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Posts posted by friendofGod

  1. Quote

    Sad for the kids, but makes me wonder what the dude did to them. If he'll take a closed-fist swing at a woman, who else would he try to put the beat-down on?

    I agree totally, the kids, probably have seen these adults ( I'm assuming their parents) do this before, and they will think this behavior is okay. Im sure the guy did something to ag it on, but the woman should have quit, she just kept on and on and on...

    not humorous at all...sorry:|
    Exodus 20
    Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven
    1 cross + 3 nails = 4GVN

  2. so I interviewed for a position within my company in the A/P dept (what my degree) is in 3 weeks ago... conversation goes like this:

    THEM: So do you have any questions?
    ME: yes, when will you be making a decision on a candidate and when will the person start?
    THEM: We have already exhausted all of the other internal possibilties, and we think you'd be great for the position, you've been highly reccomended.
    ME: I go on vacation the 14th thru the 20th I can start on the 21st...
    THEM: no, just come in on Monday the 24th

    I assumed I had the position.


    I emailed one of the people I interviewed with today to ask what time I should come in on the 24th

    She calls my current supervisor and tells him that they never "formally" offered me the position...:S and that there must have been a misunderstanding.

    Call me crazy, but telling me to come in on the 24th told me I had the position??????

    I love the current dept that I am in, but when I was hired a year ago it was M-F, now we are working Su-Th, which is bad for me because I am very involved in my church. And Sunday has always been our family day...

    My step-mom and sister tell me I should look outside the company for something new, my mom and my husband tell me to just bite the bullet b/c leaving would be a mistake (my husband works there too in management and it is considered one of the best companies where we live to work for.)

    My dept is one of the few in a company of 3000+ employees to have this schedule....

    So if ya'll could so graciously give me advice again, I'd appreciate it....:):)
    PS they told me that I was still the front-runner for the position but it wont be available for 3-6 months:S
    Exodus 20
    Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven
    1 cross + 3 nails = 4GVN

  3. Quote

    Was it a Dealer or a private individual?

    BTW...a friend has the same van, you will love it....


    it was a private individual, a lady who lives in a gated golf community her and her husband bought it new, he passed away and she said it was just too big for "just" her...

    Thanks for the congrats! I love it already!
    Exodus 20
    Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven
    1 cross + 3 nails = 4GVN

  4. Thanks again to everyone and the advice ya'll so gracially gave me. When I first started this post on Friday, I was very aggrevated and a bit depressed, and I prayed while driving home apologizing to God for being angry and selfish, but I told him I deserved a van and asked him to provide me with a van. Saturday, I decided to look online at our local newspaper and there were several vans listed, including the van that has always been my first choice, a Chrysler Town and Country. I almost didnt call because it was a tad out of my price range, but I went ahead and called and arranged to look at it Saturday after work. When I got there I feel in love with it, she was asking nearly twice what I had in cash for it, so I put it on the table, this is what I have, can I pay the rest out? She didnt even hesitate to say yes. We drew up a contract and now I have a van that I am VERY VERY proud of!B|:)
    Exodus 20
    Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven
    1 cross + 3 nails = 4GVN

  5. Quote

    a reason as to the circumstances of your bankruptcy. but if there were mitigating circumstances... medicsl bills, both laid off from work at the same time, etc.

    Thanks too everyone for your advice! Yeah, everything was out of our control. The biggest thing was medical bills (im not ashamed to tell ya'll b/c 99% of this was out of our control) 2.5 years ago, my now 5 yro son was hit by a car by a drunk driver. By the grace of God and the awesome care of great doctors, my son today is totally fine. However, the guy had no insurance and Florida is no-fault, while there were criminal charges, you can't get blood from a turnip and we were stuck with nearly 300,000 in medical bills. I have mostly been a stay at home mom, and about a year after my son's accident my husband was ran-over on the interstate by a blue-hair while on his motorcycle going to work. So we went from one income to none. We have just had a real good run of bad luck, now we are both blessed with good jobs and things are looking up, however Im driving an 87 bronco II that while it is very reliable, it doesnt have A/C and it is already hitting 80 degrees plus. It also only sits 4 total which leaves my oldest child riding in the hatch area with no seatbelt. So yes,in a sense... Im desperate. Something will turn up, I have faith, but right now Im really aggrevated and upset about the whole situation. But thanks again to everyone for your advice!
    Exodus 20
    Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven
    1 cross + 3 nails = 4GVN

  6. Quote

    Well, I would choose "none of the above" but if I must choose the sexiest of the bunch I'd say...

    Lord...I just looked again, over and over. None of them do anything for me. I guess I'll go with Crowe:S

    Exodus 20
    Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven
    1 cross + 3 nails = 4GVN

  7. so after a week and half of trying to buy a minivan, Im ready to hang myself... (j/k) My BK was just discharged and I walk into dealerships with as much as two grand down, buying well within my means, I get an approval, but its very illogical... financing $8000.00 they still want nearly $350 month! Am I being unrealistic or anything? I expected high interest, I mean honestly i dont want to get in over my head, but I want to reestablish my credit,. but it seems like they have one goal, too set me up for failure.... help, what do I do? I would go for a small car or something, but with 4 kids, and a husband we need 6 seatbelts... I give up....
    Exodus 20
    Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven
    1 cross + 3 nails = 4GVN

  8. Thanks to everybody for the advice and encouragement. I am going our of town next week for the Easter holiday, so when I get home I plan on visiting this little DZ nearby where I live... Depending on how much money I have left from my vacation, I may make an attempt at getting current. I will post up about it!:P:)
    Exodus 20
    Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven
    1 cross + 3 nails = 4GVN

  9. Thanks racerman! I miss jumping so much! I don't and never really have had a home DZ except for where I took AFF, but that was in another state. I have my sights set on visiting another a small DZ near where I live and getting to know the people there. Maybe surrounding myself with it will help boost me along. In person, I am very shy and wont talk unless I'm spoken too first, so I have always drowned at big DZ's. I recently found out about this small one, so maybe that will be the ticket!
    Exodus 20
    Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven
    1 cross + 3 nails = 4GVN

  10. Jump again, but its almost as if I don't know where to begin, or how to go about it. The annual airshow that happens in my town started today and my husband & I were watching the Stearmans do their acrobatic stuff, I was absoulutely amazed but my mind kept wandering off each time they would go up vertically and stall and go over and back down prop first, I was "hooked" on that few seconds when they were upside down, imagining jumping from the stearman. Before I knew it I was thinking about all kinds of jumping scenerios and getting a bit of an adrenalin rush. Then my injury (which was far far from bad) comes back into mind and thats the end of my daydreaming. The I start beating myself up again, thinking if I would have, or if I should have, then I wouldnt have etc. etc... I know this has been discussed in other forums...(not my situation) but I just want advice, any advice on getting back into it. and getting over my instance of stupidity that got me hurt Thanks!;)
    Exodus 20
    Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven
    1 cross + 3 nails = 4GVN

  11. Quote

    So I have this weird thing about names.

    Over the course I've my life I've noticed that there are certain first names that I either always get along with or never get along with.

    I have nver gotten along with "stacy's" But maybe one day I will meet one that I will. There have only been two, one I grew up living next too and we never really got along and the other "stalked" my husband, after first making "friends" with me, she even some how got a hold of a picture of our oldest son and was claiming him as her own!!?:S

    But yeah, there is something to a name, I don't really care for mine and don't like to be called by it.... And as for last names, mine is hyphenated maiden-married, because I am equally proud of both!:)
    Exodus 20
    Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven
    1 cross + 3 nails = 4GVN

  12. at my graduating hop-n-pop (3500') one of my JM's literally booted me out the door, it scared the crap out of me, but I regained stabilty quickly and all was good... I definitly didnt find it funny and I recall him getting chewed out by the dzo....
    Exodus 20
    Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven
    1 cross + 3 nails = 4GVN

  13. My day was almost a year ago... :( I miss jumping terribly, and I plan to get back into one day. Right now, I don't know when. Honestly, I think its individual preference.... I wasn't scared per se, but it did take me nearly two months to fully heal, as well as giving me plenty of time to continually kick myself in the rear over making such a stupid landing mistake that could have ended much worse. And I also think that b/c my injury is connected to what was always my weakest part of jumping, (lets say Im flare challenged:S) I am a bit more reluctant to jump right away...
    Exodus 20
    Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven
    1 cross + 3 nails = 4GVN

  14. Quote

    I think we should give them a cookie and a medal. Then tell them it's not their fault that they're so confused and misguided -- society is to blame. Perhaps medication will fix their thieving tendencies, we mustn't let the opportunity to help be wasted.

    Thats the funniest thing I've read in awhile, true but funny!!!!:D
    Exodus 20
    Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven
    1 cross + 3 nails = 4GVN

  15. Quote

    Take a look at the sticky post here. Sadly, a sign of the times. :(

    Had I done something like that as a kid, I would have been knocked down by my dad... I was never for a minute abused, but I did grow up ( and continue to) respect authority and peoples property...
    Exodus 20
    Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven
    1 cross + 3 nails = 4GVN

  16. 15 years or so ago, I can remember being a "bored" kid... never did destroying or even damaging someone elses property come to mind....
    Exodus 20
    Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven
    1 cross + 3 nails = 4GVN

  17. Pesto Chicken Florentine

    Absolutely amazing....

    fresh spinach
    chicken breast
    alfredo sauce
    penne pasta
    diced tomatos
    romano cheese

    PM me if you want the exact recipe...
    Exodus 20
    Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven
    1 cross + 3 nails = 4GVN

  18. I'M new to the forums, but it seems like there are a wide array of people here who could lend some good insight into the following situation...

    There is a grass lot near where we live that is on a fairly busy stretch of road. For years ( as long as I can remember anyway) people have parked their cars there that were for sale. Nothing in several years has happened to any of these cars. For a few weeks now there has been an older Volvo sedan sitting there and a few days ago on my way to work I noticed that the windshield had been smashed in as well as the passenger window. I just don't understand the senseless need to destroy someone else's property????>:(We had looked at this car for possible purchase ourselves, so I know there wasn't anything in it worth stealing.

    So what gives? Since when is destroying someone property fun?:S
    Exodus 20
    Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven
    1 cross + 3 nails = 4GVN

  19. My kids' old doctor office had the policy of $1.00 per page if "I" went in and requested them, however if I filled out the trasnfer form that I'm sure all doctors have, they would send them to the new doctor for free. Ask the new doctor for the form, actually they should fax it or mail it for you... good luck...:)
    Exodus 20
    Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven
    1 cross + 3 nails = 4GVN

  20. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing! One day I will make it to Europe, and I will be visiting any castles I can!;)
    Exodus 20
    Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven
    1 cross + 3 nails = 4GVN