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Posts posted by Lucky...

  1. I don't like many skydivers, sorry, just the way I feel. Too many skygods and other egotistical assholes and then there's Ash. He packed my chop and we did a hybrid 6 of us. That was the most memorable jump of all my jumps. They broke the mold after this guy was minted. I read the fatality section to learn, this time I read it to be sad and pissed.

    I knew he was in Hawaii, I hoped to cross paths with him again one day. Ash was a living legend in the sport but would genuinely never accept that title. Too many in this sport remind you of their status w/o being asked. Ash always wanted to help to make skydiving a better and more fun place, not to show off what he knew.

    This makes me love skydiving less.

  2. Quote

    Maybe if he didn't have SIX kids he could have afforded to pay his share of his employer provided health care.

    Essentially he is expecting the tax payers of the state to pay for his health care so he can pay for his kids, which he shouldn't have had in the first place.

    I agree that brewer is a piece of scum, but if this guy wasn't intent on doing his part to overpopulate the planet, maybe he would have been able to afford his own insurance instead of counting on the government to take care of him.

    SIX freaking kids. I wonder what other government subsidies his family relies on.

    And I agree. I have none and we need to reduce the population by being responsible. At the same tome, it is what it is and do we need to put money before people? WHat if he had 2 kids and a crappy job w/o insurance? What if he had ins but lost it with his job? There are lots of responsible people on ACCESS, just poor.

    This is just one case and how will his kids grow up w/o a dad? Maybe as criminals? Disorganized, incomplete? At the same time, I'm sure teh military will use the kids in some proxy war, so we will get bang for our buck; it isn't the rich kids going to war.


    That the benefit of having such a rancid POS governor; Arizona has some real winners.

    As long as we can just keep putting money before people we will be doing well as a corpo-fascist fucking nation.

    Just keep doing this shit and soon people will bring in uni-care as they see teh faces of death all around them. Look at the 3 pigs, Harding, Coolidge and Hoover; 5 straight terms of D's. Why does it take the obvious to do the obvious?

  4. Quote





    Congratulations, another Godwin's Law loss for Lucky. Oi.

    Actaully it was a win, theefore it pissed off your heroes. Rememebr your heroes, they would arrest protestors wearing anti-GWB shirts? Yea, you party, the one of non-censorchip.

    Pull your head out of your ass.

    (A) Godwin's Law is an automatic loss.
    (B) They're not my heroes. Have I ever said they were? No. (prove me wrong, I dare you) I criticize morons in both big parties and in "third parties." If you could manage to stop defining everyone who disagrees with you as a fascist neo-con you might realize that I hardly fit the mold of a Republican.
    (C) Censorship reflects government's lack of trust in the people, negating the argument "of the people by the people for the people." I disagree with censorship and prior restraint type of laws that prohibit doing things that might lead to other crimes (censorship, prohibition, gun control, etc)
    (D) When is the last time a campaigning candidate for POTUS allowed disruptive protesters into one of their events?

    As well, you should pull your head out of your ass.


    So you have nothing to say about the fact that you didn't understand the Godwin's Law reference and didn't bother to look it up (we call that laziness).

    Bill deleted it after I posted it; I call the lack of that knowledge, ignorance.


    Nothing to say wen you claimed politicians were my hereos when I didn't even like them (we call that either strawman arguments or lack of reading comprehension).

    When you show ultra-conservative leanings and refuse to post your voting record, favorite politicians or even political ideoligy then we have the right to draw out own conclusions based upon what you say.


    Or about the fact that you label everyone you disagree with as a fascist neo con (I don't even have words for that).

    If you love Reagan's policies, you are a neo-con, as he was the true neo-con. It's not an insult by itself, just a defining term such as socialist.


    Or the fact that you deride one politician's actions because you don't agree with his positions while excusing the same action for a politician that you like (we call that a double standard).

    Oh, show me where I have. Of course you do that by chastising Clinton for perjury/obstruction (political trial acquittal) and then defending or acquiescing Libby for the same and GWB commuting him, certainly thinking he should have received a full pardon as did Cheney.


    Go ahead and stand by your positions. And then run when you're called on them. Just for the love of God please don't try to turn this into another thread full of your (limited) ideas on tax policy.

    Laughably, and pathetically, you can't even show me one major federal tax cut that has led to overall economic benefit, yet you clammer on as if you do even as I illustrate example after another where tax cuts are caustic. Just keep trying to draw in fans, cheerleaders while providing zero substance.


    It's more tiring than the birther threads and less thought out than rhys' 9-11 truther posts.

    Oops. Too late.

    Says the guy who can't address my tax cut question.

  5. Quote

    I don't moderate this forum but this is just fucking stupid. I've read this entire thread and for the most part its a waste of time and bandwidth. People that are saying that we as moderators ban people for advertising are loony.

    This forum caters to the sponsors. They need hits to sustain interest from the sponsors, but the sponsors pay the bills. If that's not the reason for the unpredictable moderating, then explaion it because no one else has. And no, that's not a complaint, it's an observation.


    No one tells us what to do other then the general guidelines that Sangiro gave us.

    Isn't Sangrio out of the picture as far as ownership? The new media company calls the shot now, right?


    Some people in this thread are taking things way to personal and serious... they need to step away from the keyboard and rejoin society for a while.

    Explain then why Kennedy can tell me to pull my head out of my ass, yet when I tell him to do the same the post gets deleted. I'm just trying to understand the rules and what to expect so I can act accordingly. So far I've not been shown consistency.


    Some people are posting just to push other peoples buttons and that is stupid...

    This is SC, I think that is the norm. Show me who acted out of line first; who pushed buttons first. Oh, was it Kennedy? Yet I'm being chastised and blamed by you.


    ... and I think those users will find themselves banned from the forums if they keep it up...

    Who, Kennedy for telling me to pull my head out of my ass or me for daring to defend myself?


    Consider this a warning to the entire thread.

    I thought you weren't the moderator of this forum.

  6. Quote

    It's inaccurate to say I like tax cuts across the board.

    You like the concept of tax cuts and think they benefit the economy. You and everyone who thinks like that are unable to constructively show me when, in the last 100 years, esp since FDR, when tax cuts have helped. Again, one area *may* improve, as when Reagan cut taxes and deficit spent, but then there is a backlash where another area went down the dumper. So I'm looking for an overallbetterment or a tax increase where tehre was an overall worsening. It's counter-intuitive to think raising taxes works, but the data supports that tax increases do work, whether accross the board or on the upper class. The important thing is that the upper class, the class that holds virtually all the money, pays more if they fail to reinvest for the writeoff.


    On the other hand, I am in favor of living within my means. Our current system in the US has us defining "within our means" rather like a lot of people did in the last decade: mortgaged and borrowed to the hilt, because we "deserved it."

    I think that attitude was born in the 80's under the, "Me generation." It was exacted in the 90's and failed in the 2000's under both low taxes and lkow interest that led to runaway artificial appreciation.


    The Danes, with an extremely high tax rate, are one of the happiest people in the world. They like their system. But if the US were to start taxing at the same rate that the Danes do, we would not have their system (all that money would be pissed away on pandering bullshit), and I'm not sure that Americans would be happy with what makes the Danes happy (that would include good education, a strong social network, and a relatively low unemployement rate :)
    Wendy P.

    Good points. We're happiest, as a whole, building a lot of killing machines. But to mock any system in the US is a bad idea, as we are unique in ways as they are. We can borrow some aspects and keep some individual aspects. What we do know is that taxes in the 20's% and 30's% are not good. It worked under Clinton as we had such an active economy with the boom that the tiny tax increase multiplied exponentially. Really taxes need to be 50-60% top brkt at a minimum; find where any other has worked.

  7. Quote

    You have been sounding like a Truther for so long now, no one bothers to do anything close to reply to you. We just mock you ant your theorys.

    Drop it already. Is it really that important to show everyone how little you know?

    What is the expression?

    No, the clones have been trying to come up with a tax cut that has led to ecomic benefit for quite a while, a few good attempts. Now that they and you cannot find one, it's down to insults.

  8. Quote



    Pull your head out of your ass.

    (A) Godwin's Law is an automatic loss.
    (B) They're not my heroes. Have I ever said they were? No. (prove me wrong, I dare you) I criticize morons in both big parties and in "third parties." If you could manage to stop defining everyone who disagrees with you as a fascist neo-con you might realize that I hardly fit the mold of a Republican.
    (C) Censorship reflects government's lack of trust in the people, negating the argument "of the people by the people for the people." I disagree with censhorship and prior restraint type of laws that prohibit doing things that might lead to other crimes (censhorship, prohibition, gun control, etc)
    (D) When is the last time a campaigning candidate for POTUS allowed disruptive protesters into one of their events?

    As well, you should pull your head out of your ass.

    You first . . . then you could see that the rest of us already have.

    Dark isn't it?

    Well, as long as you have, that's what matters. ;)

  9. Quote

    Pull your head out of your ass.

    (A) Godwin's Law is an automatic loss.
    (B) They're not my heroes. Have I ever said they were? No. (prove me wrong, I dare you) I criticize morons in both big parties and in "third parties." If you could manage to stop defining everyone who disagrees with you as a fascist neo-con you might realize that I hardly fit the mold of a Republican.
    (C) Censorship reflects government's lack of trust in the people, negating the argument "of the people by the people for the people." I disagree with censhorship and prior restraint type of laws that prohibit doing things that might lead to other crimes (censhorship, prohibition, gun control, etc)
    (D) When is the last time a campaigning candidate for POTUS allowed disruptive protesters into one of their events?

    As well, you should pull your head out of your ass.

  10. Quote

    Pull your head out of your ass.

    (A) Godwin's Law is an automatic loss.
    (B) They're not my heroes. Have I ever said they were? No. (prove me wrong, I dare you) I criticize morons in both big parties and in "third parties." If you could manage to stop defining everyone who disagrees with you as a fascist neo-con you might realize that I hardly fit the mold of a Republican.
    (C) Censorship reflects government's lack of trust in the people, negating the argument "of the people by the people for the people." I disagree with censhorship and prior restraint type of laws that prohibit doing things that might lead to other crimes (censhorship, prohibition, gun control, etc)
    (D) When is the last time a campaigning candidate for POTUS allowed disruptive protesters into one of their events?

    Well, I have to at least offer the reciprocal, "Pull your head out of your ass, copper!!!"

  11. Quote




    Bill, is there a way we can warn/ban this guy? He does this shit and then apoligizes to do it again.


    Pull your head out of your ass.

    I like his replies and think he makes very good points unlike some posters.

    Sure, an ultra-conservative citing ultra conservatives as supporting evidence would be viewed as very good poiints by other ultra-conservatives. Just don't ask him to post 1 major federal tax cut that has actually helped the economy, he'll run from that.


    I am not like most of the SC posters in here. I don't just agree with one person because he/she "ultra-conservative" or not.

    Uh, you are, obviously.


    I don't reply a hundred flipping times so it looks like I am replying to myself.

    I've yet to read anything, esp anything substantive from you in SC, you ought to go back to Bonfire.


    I reply to post in here if I think I have something to add. If I don't I just read the threads. I post the nothingness/meaningless threads in the bonfire. Just ask anyone.. they will tell you. ;)

    So what's you purpose here? Cheerleading? That's not uselful.


    If i were a mod in here i would find a way to hid you post reply button after you have made more that 3 posts in 10 minutes per thread... but that is just me.

    Right, conservatives love to censor any other opinion that their own. That I do believe, you would censor me and then go to your tea bagger rally decrying the libs for revoling your freedoms.


    It is rather annoying to read a thread and then see 10 post from you back to back and completely off topic.

    I address all who adress me, I know, a lib thing. Why do you get annoyed? It's not like you have EVER added anthing substantive, EVER.


    just don't ask him to post 1 major federal tax cut that has actually helped the economy, he'll run from that


    Why don't you start a thread and address each and every federal tax cut and how they didnt help and I am sure you will have a few people including him give you insightful replies. Remember the key to others replying is to READ their REPLIES..;)

    I've addressed this issue to death, the closest I have come is the 97 cap gains tax cuts from 28% to 20%. My counter is that per the CBO cap gains taxes account for 2-3% of all income tax revs, cap gains taxes were cut by
    Mike and Lawrocket both brought this in, since I established that the 97 cap gains cut meant nothing to fed rev picture, they both went away on that issue. Not to mention the economy and deficit reduction were well under way with the 5 years Clinton was president before the 97 CG cut.

    I realize you know very little about tax policy history, but I have posted copius data on this. If you want some data, I will be glad to post it for the 1000th time.

    As for read it first, kid I read and interpret well, I don't post rhetoric and claims that I do have gone unsubstantiated.

  12. Quote

    - Hate gays/marriage - Love control - Hate organized labor - Tend to be racist


    conservatives love gays , especially conservative gays

    Cite examples. Talk about unqualified, list some.


    conservatives love traditional marriage

    And this is mutually exclusive to homosexualioty in your world. I imagine it is.


    conservatives love control (self)

    The byproduct to this self control is no gopvernment assistance. Conservatives hate that until they need it. As many RWers suck the gov tit as do libes, the former is juts in denial.


    conservatives hate organized crime , and crime parading as labor

    All you have to do is ignore your federal right to organize and call it crime and you're in. Redefinition is a fun tool to use, only certain people then try to see it as legitimate.


    conservatives tend to love content of character neutral on skin color

    Riiiiiight. We all saw how clumbsy they looked throwing Michael Steele in as RNC Chair after Obama was elected. Also, these southerners were the conservatives as Dems until the 1964 Civil Rts Act, then they switched.


    you seem wholly unqualified to comment on conservatives !

    As usual, no supporting data/evidence/amything, yet I'm disqualified. :S

  13. Quote

    there are the likeability and popularity factors !

    Exactly, truth isn't even on the radar screen. Moderation can mold who is here and what attitude the forum takes on. This is why they get pissed when people question moderation; it exposes the purpose for moderators. DZ.COM is a legitimate forum but they are alos a business, so they have to cater to who pays the bills. Forums with no moderation tend to lean toward the general populous to decide what kind of behavior to allow or ban.

  14. Quote

    Its amazing how ineffective forum bans are to affect behavior or access so I honestly wonder why anyone bothers..

    When they're one-sided they can create an atmosphere desireable by the mods/management.

    Letting one entity slam the others while over-pursuing others draws a certain genre of viewers. If an injustice appears but is loved by a certain demographic, it draws them near.

    I believe most moderation is done to cater to sponsors; remember, just follow the money.

  15. Quote

    I agree. I'd have preferred something other than "pull your head out of your ass" but the rest of it was spot on. And he's by no means lockstep with anyone.

    Wendy P.

    He likes tax cuts like you, but neither can support their benefit to the overall economy, of course you like him.

    As for spot on, the conservative Kennedy cited wants to dispell the Nazi identification as GWB fits that most closely and his rationaliztion camee at the end of GWB's term. Comparisons between the current Republican and former Nazi Party are present in teh substantive sense.

  16. Quote


    Bill, is there a way we can warn/ban this guy? He does this shit and then apoligizes to do it again.


    Pull your head out of your ass.

    I like his replies and think he makes very good points unlike some posters.

    Sure, an ultra-conservative citing ultra conservatives as supporting evidence would be viewed as very good poiints by other ultra-conservatives. Just don't ask him to post 1 major federal tax cut that has actually helped the economy, he'll run from that.

  17. Quote

    Yeah, I could have been nicer. Wah.

    OK, Bill has been on the forum, I Pm'd him, he's done nothing on the forum or in PM, so apparently, "get your head out of your ass" is in. Let's see if it's a one-way street or there is actually fair moderation. Everytime I read your posts I see a kid with his head fully lodged up his ass, I just never said anything as I was under the apparent understanding it was against the rules so I refrained.


    You've said worse. Others have said far wrose. Stop playing the martyr. To quote the Amazon, don't get all butt hurt about it.

    Well, again, I was under the conception that the proud guy would, "Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards. " I guess refering to people the way you did/do is considered honorable. See, honor is independent of anyone else; you establish your own honor, yet now you defer to other's behavior, not real objectively honorable.


    So can you answer any of the points in my post? Or are you going to play the victim and hide behind hurt feelings?

    I don't get hurt, I just have to try to figure out the rules to avoid these violations. How much ya wanna bet Bill will ding me for saying the same thing you did? See, some of the sponsors are RW maggots, so he does that for them, not for other reasons; don't get a big head if he tosses my post and leaves yours.

    As for your cite, I hope you haven't slammed someone for citing Wikipedia, I'm sure you have.

    Mike Goodwin is a bit of a conservative maggot himself:

    In particular, conservatives should
    insist that CMU not alter its principles in the face of pressure from what
    may well be a paternalistic government.

    Godwin also credits the late Professor Charles Alan Wright, a staunch conservative, with helping shape him as a rigorous constitutionalist.

    So let's see, you cite Wikipedia (something I suspect you have slammed others for) and cite a RW maggot as a reason to suggest the term, "Nazi" is a loss when referring to RWers.

    When I use, Nazi" to refer to conservatives/Repubs, I use it as a metaphore. Republicans:

    - Hate gays/marriage
    - Love control
    - Hate organized labor
    - Tend to be racist

    See the comparison between Nazis and Repubs? Yea. That's why I refer to conservatives as Nazis; don't get butt-hurt.

    So why would your new Texan hero, Goodwin denouce the term, "Nazi" in these discussions? Easy, it aims at his party, his ideology so he finds himslef trying to water it down. It's simple, metaphorically Dems are the Commies and Repubs are the Nazis. Quit looking for somnething more into it and quit bringing in other Texan Nazis like Goodwin for support.


    (A) Godwin's Law is an automatic loss.

    Yes, an automatic loss as it refers to Goodwin's fellow Texan Nazi, GWB so he tries to neutralize the word.


    (B) They're not my heroes. Have I ever said they were? No. (prove me wrong, I dare you) I criticize morons in both big parties and in "third parties." If you could manage to stop defining everyone who disagrees with you as a fascist neo-con you might realize that I hardly fit the mold of a Republican.

    Ooooow, I double dare you. WHat a joke. Conservative leaders are your heroes. See, you keep telling us what you're not, never tell us what you do, I believe you're a cop, you seem to have those leanings, yet slam people for, in your idea, not guessing right. We know you're a pro-tax cutter, even tho you can't defend your position. I can't think of anything about your ideology that is other than somewhere between Republican and Libertarian.


    (C) Censorship reflects government's lack of trust in the people, negating the argument "of the people by the people for the people." I disagree with censhorship and prior restraint type of laws that prohibit doing things that might lead to other crimes (censhorship, prohibition, gun control, etc)

    Limits are needed, for example child porno. You might call this ridiculous as we all know that MUST be illegal and prosecuted. But if you do, that rejects your claim about censorship. These things as well as the 2nd and other elements that have freedoms must also have limits, you infer that these things should be limitless.


    (D) When is the last time a campaigning candidate for POTUS allowed disruptive protesters into one of their events?

    Probably never, but I wasn't refering to a campaign event and wearing an anti-GWB shirt isn't considered disruptive. Actually was it VP Biden or another who had some conservative nut disrupt and allow him to blather? Maybe ot was another, but it was a conservative protestor and the offended was allowed to speak his mind.

    Nice to see you defending conservatives, even tho you aren't one I guess :S.

    It appears most of the disruptive nuts are conservative politicians, as in Joe, "you lie" Wilson. Unfortunately they are allowed to stay.

  18. Quote

    Congratulations, another Godwin's Law loss for Lucky. Oi. :S

    Actaully it was a win, theefore it pissed off your heroes. Rememebr your heroes, they would arrest protestors wearing anti-GWB shirts? Yea, you party, the one of non-censorchip.:S

  19. Quote





    On Monday California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed the law, which makes it a misdemeanor in the state to impersonate someone online for “purposes of harming, intimidating, threatening, or defrauding another person.”

    I think this is appropriate in some cases, but I'm curious how'd that work across state lines.

    As long as we're talking about state, and not federal, law:
    The very short answer is: that would be a matter of each individual state's laws and body of state court caselaw - in this case, California. If California law provides that an act committed outside of California that has a criminal effect inside California is a violation of California law, then California can enforce it, as long as they can get physical jurisdiction over the defendant. This concept pre-dated the existence of the online world. More often than not, challenges to this on grounds of federal unconstitutionality tend to fail.

    What if both parties are outside the state, but one has the wherewithal to bring suit because he feels as if he's been harmed inside it?

    Well this is a criminal statute, so civil lawsuits don't come into play - here.
    But the general rule in civil cases (subject to each individual state's respective peculiarities) is that in order for a state to have jurisdiction over a civil lawsuit, there must be some sort of connection between the state and the facts of the lawsuit, in order to give the state jurisdiction over (a) the subject-matter of the lawsuit, and (b) at least one of the parties to the lawsuit. Sometimes, the facts fall into a grey area, and jurisdiction is disputed, whereupon the procedural issue is litigated, and the courts have to make the call.

    That and in order for a civil court to have venue jurisdiction that defendant must reside or have been damaged in that venue jurisdiction.

  20. Quote


    On Monday California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed the law, which makes it a misdemeanor in the state to impersonate someone online for “purposes of harming, intimidating, threatening, or defrauding another person.”

    I think this is appropriate in some cases, but I'm curious how'd that work across state lines.

    If it's a state law, they could only punish the offender that broke the law from Cali. I guess they could extradite, but that would get tough. Jurisdiction would be a boundary here, I imagine that they could only prosecute a person writing from Cali.

  21. Quote


    Most of them know a lot about skydiving, have long fuses, have been here a long time, and are willing to put some time in for the site.

    It's something you're asked to do, not something you volunteer for. And, if asked, you can turn it down. I'm pretty sure that you can let Sangiro know that you're interested in becoming a moderator, but if you want to use it to play tit-for-tat it's not likely to happen.

    Wendy P.

    What do you figure my chances are?:ph34r:

    I was kicked off Hannity's site for referring to GWB as a Nazi, so I assume the moderation would be similar with you there, so do the math.