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Posts posted by JohnRet

  1. Unless you're doing tandem video, then I'd stick with the 35mm for now.

    There's nothing stopping you switching to digital if you need to in the future.

    Stick the 35mm on and play around with it, you might find it's perfect for what you're doing. Or you might start to see the advantages of digital.

    An advantage is that you have the pictures in your hand after they've been developed, they're tangible.

    Whereas, when they're stored on a computer, you actually have to go thorugh the effort of having them printed.

    Digital will win every argument though, it's just a case of if you can afford it :)

  2. Quote


    You're using an aperture of f11, too. Try around 6.

    This is going to do two things though. The larger aperture will decrease the depth of field. If he is still using auto focus that wont make as big of difference but it could add more blur.

    Which is why I said

    "Use Manual focus, back the lens down to it's widest, then focus on somehting on the ground, which is the same distance as you'll be shooting at in the air. "

  3. Senn as I had the same camera and lens; try these settings.

    in TV mode, set the shutter speed to around 250 / 300. Depending on how bright the sky is. Take a few practice shots of the sky from the ground and see what you like best. I wouldn't go anywhere below 250, that's blur territory.

    Use Manual focus, back the lens down to it's widest, then focus on somehting on the ground, which is the same distance as you'll be shooting at in the air.

    As someone else said, don't keep your tongue presed down on the switch, focus on taking individual shots.

    Also, put a couple of elastic bands / tape around the zoom and focus on the lens, the focus gets knocked and moved about easily on the kit lens.

    Then come back and tell us how it's going :)

  4. I have a Cookie helmet, the Mxv....

    And a stroboframe to mount my stills.

    The trouble is, the flat-top on the cookie isn't wide enough to fit my stroboframe. I don't want anything hanging over the edges of the flat-top.

    So does anyone use their stroboframe mounted lengthways?

    Or has anyone got a solution to this, any other ideas?
