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Posts posted by trab1925

  1. Thanks to all! I did jumped # 2 and 3 last weekend. It was a great feeling to be let go on my own. On Jump 3 my instructors let me go about 10 seconds after exiting the plane. One of my instructors started sinking and I tried following him which was a bad idea because the other instructor was the one who was more experienced and he was by my side the entire time. But I was still on my own and pulled at 5.5k, so it all ended well but I definitely learned a lesson to not get distracted and just do what's best for me because I was stable and doing fine without instructor #2.

    Unfortunately my clutch in my car went out this week and the weather was not so great, so I had to skip a weekend of jumping. But that's OK! I'll be right back to it soon enough.

    Thanks all to the good wishes. You guys are awesome and I can't express my appreciation enough for how much information this forum has given me!!
    panicked did a 180 and nosed it down into a road and hit a car.Hit a car how many planes with skydivers have a car accident? Only here.

  2. I joined this forum when I was about 16, nearly 10 years ago. I'm finally all grown up with a real job and can afford it.

    I did my first AFF yesterday, and it was simply amazing. I couldn't even think for the first 10 seconds. It was pure zen. I had 6 minutes in a tunnel, and I was in shock immediately after jumping. It simply just didn't make any sense to me. But then shook myself out of it and started my practice touches. The falling part is pretty fun, but the canopy ride was the real fun part.

    Some of the regulars at the DZ were very helpful, one guy taught me how to daisy chain my lines.

    It was well worth the wait. I am hopefully going to try to do AFF #2 and 3 in a couple of weekends from now.

    Just had to tell someone.
    panicked did a 180 and nosed it down into a road and hit a car.Hit a car how many planes with skydivers have a car accident? Only here.

  3. Oh but landing is my favorite part about flying my gas RC planes. It's quite the rush!!! Like I said, it's just the concept of flying that's so awesome to me, everything about it.
    this is by far the funniest RC video I've ever seen.


    No brainer:

    Skydiving, of course.

    What do you expect if you ask on a skydiving forum?


    Well I'm not sure if the people posted are the ones that do both, or if they are just the ones that like biking more. hahah I'm looking beyond the general votes considering I will probably get a bike sooner or later.
    panicked did a 180 and nosed it down into a road and hit a car.Hit a car how many planes with skydivers have a car accident? Only here.

  4. yea you are lucky, but I'm 5 minutes from a DZ that's open 3/4ths the year. :p

    I'm pretty sure I'm going to just save my money but I'm going to try to regularly do some static lines.

    Honest to god, flying is the only reason I wanna skydive. I fly RC planes, and love every bit of the concept of flying. All I wanna do is parachute, I don't really mind the falling part. :S Do you think if I got to know my DZ they would give me discounts on the static lines since they don't have to train me every time?

    panicked did a 180 and nosed it down into a road and hit a car.Hit a car how many planes with skydivers have a car accident? Only here.

  5. Quote


    the people


    It's the people. You could have the fastest, biggest, & quickest plane, best weather, great landing area, great amenities, but it all means nothing if you don't have great people to share the sky with. :)

    geez, were you trying to describe boulder colorado?

    panicked did a 180 and nosed it down into a road and hit a car.Hit a car how many planes with skydivers have a car accident? Only here.

  6. that's just it.

    I'm 18, and moving out of the house this summer with the help of my parents. I am literally a couple miles away from an AWESOME DZ here in Boulder.

    My problem is, I can get there from my house in 5 minutes but then what do I do, hang out all day? I don't want to have to pay $60 a day to jump three times. I could get across colorado on my motorcycle for $60 OR FURTHER!

    I too am signed up for a msf class May 16th and 17th.

    If I can get my parents to get me my license for graduation, I will do it in a heartbeat over a motorcycle. I only wanted something like a 250 or 400 anyways..

    I think I will just go with sky diving.
    panicked did a 180 and nosed it down into a road and hit a car.Hit a car how many planes with skydivers have a car accident? Only here.

  7. That's just it. I hope to do both eventually, I just can't 'jump' into them at the same time..

    It's one or the other for the time being. B|

    I'm going again this week and so we'll see if I can convince myself to sign up for a student program.

    panicked did a 180 and nosed it down into a road and hit a car.Hit a car how many planes with skydivers have a car accident? Only here.

  8. yea I agree, motorcycles can be just as fun, but are so much more risky in so many more ways.

    I'm not planing on making a decision till June anyways.
    panicked did a 180 and nosed it down into a road and hit a car.Hit a car how many planes with skydivers have a car accident? Only here.

  9. I've done a static line and thought it was amazing. I love flying and always will love the concept of it, but a motorcycle could give me entertainment on nearly ANY given day(but also comes with a longer exposure time with added risks and pleasures).
    panicked did a 180 and nosed it down into a road and hit a car.Hit a car how many planes with skydivers have a car accident? Only here.

  10. Why does everyone try to point out trolls? Is there something I'm missing here? It's not like I'm lying about it? I'm simply here to learn as much as possible before I try it out. B|

    panicked did a 180 and nosed it down into a road and hit a car.Hit a car how many planes with skydivers have a car accident? Only here.

  11. ***sky·dive (skdv)
    intr.v. sky·dived, sky·div·ing, sky·dives
    To jump and fall freely from an airplane, performing various maneuvers before pulling the ripcord of a parachute.quote]

    What do they call people that do that sort of thing?
    panicked did a 180 and nosed it down into a road and hit a car.Hit a car how many planes with skydivers have a car accident? Only here.

  12. I haven't read through much of this thread but the first page.

    First of all, I'm glad that drop zones don't accept kids. I have been apart of this forum since I was about 15/16. I turn 18 in a couple months and now I'm working to save up for a rig/lessons. The reasons being that I am glad I couldn't do it any earlier is that I'm in no rush to get out to the DZ to learn. I know I'll get there soon enough.(next summer) It makes me feel better that a DZ won't take that kind of liability into their own hands. I would be crapping myself on the way up just thinking of what could happen to the kid, and how it's not worth it. I'm glad I had to wait this long.
    panicked did a 180 and nosed it down into a road and hit a car.Hit a car how many planes with skydivers have a car accident? Only here.

  13. Man, you guys sound worse than the biking crowd. Now that is BAD! We thought we were the only badasses around. >:(


    I'm returning to this forum every once and awhile till I am able to get my license. I turn 18 in a few months and for the time being I've been biking my ass off!! You guys don't even wanna know what biking does to your free time/social life. lol

    panicked did a 180 and nosed it down into a road and hit a car.Hit a car how many planes with skydivers have a car accident? Only here.

  14. HAHAHA, YAY!!! This is something I can call you guys noobs on!! Oh kay first of all, you could probably let go of all controlls on a turbo prop and it would stay stable for a few seconds unles there's turbulance or something. Also, no it is not that hard to bring a plane down to the ground. SPEACIALY with training. When you take private lessons after your first 15 hours of flying you do solos and you're just on the radio. It's not THAT hard to fly a small air plane at all. I've flown my dads friends air planes in the air some and they are not hard at all. If you had even 5 hours of training I'm sure you could do a landing not very good at all but I'm just saying I'm sure you could with instrument and landing instructions. Plus would you rather leave the air plane with a person knocked out and let it fall? That's just mean, also you could be saving that DZ 200,000 dollars...

    It's not a bad idea in any way. Renting a cessna at abotu any airport is about 100 dollars an hour not including gas. Plus the total lessons and renting the plane to get your licence is only about 5000. It's worth it, then you can fly when ever you want too.

    It's a great idea just look into it and do some google searches.
    panicked did a 180 and nosed it down into a road and hit a car.Hit a car how many planes with skydivers have a car accident? Only here.


    Go there, there they have everything you'll ever want to know about it.

    Also the chart for if you want to become a comercial pilot... haha Takes WAYY to many hours though. If you want a to be a comercial pilot that's for a main job such as comercial flying for air port transportation companies.... duh Expensive and VERY time consuming. So unlesss you want to fly multi engine jets at the air port and charge passengers it doesn't really matter. The only rule for private licence is pretty much just no charging the passengers any more than rental and gas prices. And you have to meet the requirement on planes. (single engine blah blah) Yeah just read it.
    panicked did a 180 and nosed it down into a road and hit a car.Hit a car how many planes with skydivers have a car accident? Only here.

  16. Yeah I'll probably end up buying both of the books just cause I can't wait. haha It might also be a lot better for me to wait cause I'm getting a job asap. My parents don't pay for one cent of my hobbies so yeah I'll just be saving up right now.
    panicked did a 180 and nosed it down into a road and hit a car.Hit a car how many planes with skydivers have a car accident? Only here.

  17. Thanks guys! Yeah I'll probably jsut save up for now and then take static line as soon as I can find a place in like Iowa. But I can go in the tunnel in Colorado as soon as that opens/next time I go to CO. No you aren't confusing me at all. I'm not new to the air at all. I've been flying in air planes all my life so it won't be weird at all going up but then when they tell me to jump out of it that's a whole new story.

    panicked did a 180 and nosed it down into a road and hit a car.Hit a car how many planes with skydivers have a car accident? Only here.

  18. Oh well thanks for pointing out that I'm not perfect ripcord... I've never really had any one have to tell me that, you make me feel right at home.

    But thanks you guys I'll probably be bacfk to see you guys in two years.
    panicked did a 180 and nosed it down into a road and hit a car.Hit a car how many planes with skydivers have a car accident? Only here.

  19. Yeah I've been talking to my dad about it quit a bit. He understands how safe it is now days and what not. About all of the males on my dads side of the family has been in the airforce including my cousins and others. My dad was a medic in the air force never went to war or aynthing while he served but he still understands how safe it is now days. I've talked to my mom some about it. I don't really know how she would take it if I told her I was gonna jump out of a plane at later this year or next season.

    haha I know she would probably let me after my dad and I explain to her how static line works and everything else. No I don't know how I would sky dive behind my parents back unless I stole a rig and then jumped out of a cessna after I get my private licence other than that I think I'm gonna have to wait at least a year. Untill then I will be saving up.

    I will most likely have a job by the end of the month some where and like some one else said pack parachutes for my local club and get paid. I might be able to do that but I've heard the lincoln club is strict so who knows. I'd have to visit them and talk to them about my options. I will by the end of the season.

    I don't really get what's the difference between the "student rigs" and the ones that I would want after I get a licence. I don't mean like what do they do differntly but how are the student ones designed for a specific slow flying or something?

    I told my dad about how I might be able to start static line. He didn't reeally seam to have a problem with that at all. I did show my mom the wind tunnel that I hear is open in colorado soon right? Where is it cause I will probably try it next time I go up to CO within the next few months if they are open then. My mom didn't have a problem with the tunnel either so I'll eventually ease her into accepting it.

    panicked did a 180 and nosed it down into a road and hit a car.Hit a car how many planes with skydivers have a car accident? Only here.

  20. Well then I gues I'm not a whuffo..

    I'm just an extrem noob... haha

    Hopeufly not for 2 more years!:o

    Yeah my parents have a condo in boulder we go all over CO or at least to like Fort Collins and Pueblo and Denver and what not. Hopeuflly I'll get some chance to start soon; ish.

    I'll probably go up to the Lincoln DZ once I get a car.
    panicked did a 180 and nosed it down into a road and hit a car.Hit a car how many planes with skydivers have a car accident? Only here.

  21. Sorry Bob I didn't think there would be much about it just cause I didn't know there's many peopel my age that wanted to jump out of a plane...

    But no Travis don't worry you aren't blabbering I love to read about it. I will be 16 this year so I could drive out to the lincoln club any time I wanted but what should I do just go out there and talk to them abour random stuff like packing.

    The other thing about Nebraska is that 19 is a legal adult here jsut cause you can't get loans or anything untill that age. [:/] But am going to be starting my pilot lisence this year so I will be able to go places such as Iowa to learn. Or just drive? Flying's way more fun though. haha

    So if I was 16 at some places I could have a parent sign a waiver to for the static line or not? I've been planning on learning in Iowa jsut because of the queers in Nebraska making the legal dult age...>:( No offence if any one here works for the Nebraska legislature or anything.

    So how legal is that for me to be packing the parachutes/how good is the pay?

    Oh yeah the other question I had was what are the steps to static line learning? I've searched A LOT about skydiving and waht not but I've never seen any steps of static lines. Is that just for the experience or can you eventually get your licence by doing that? I know you get dropped out at about 4000 feet and you have the line attached in the plane so the parachute comes out automaticly after you exit. But how do you progress from there?
    panicked did a 180 and nosed it down into a road and hit a car.Hit a car how many planes with skydivers have a car accident? Only here.

  22. Well the tittle describes it all. I am a whuffo, completly and the biggest you will ever meet. Almost....

    I've been reading abotu sky diving a lot lately like the past month or two. I am 15 currently, well I will be 16. For those of you that sky dive and are under 18-19 how did you get into it? I'm looking for a job right now and I was wondering if there was any possible way I could buy my own gear and then jsut get lessons if my parents sign something. Would that be very possible? I only know of two DZs here.(Nebraska) I'm in Lincoln and I noticed neither of them are AFF. So would that pretty much be impossible for me untill I'm 18 or not? I am starting my private license lessons within the next summer and I've flown in A LOT of air planes so I'm not completly new to the whol high altitude part.

    I know I will be MAJORLY flamed here but I was just seeing if there was any one here that would be willing to actually try to help me out? Feel free to flame me I deserve it for posting this.:P
    panicked did a 180 and nosed it down into a road and hit a car.Hit a car how many planes with skydivers have a car accident? Only here.