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Posts posted by ndege

  1. Just an observation. It was not directed at or against the GOP, only at those who seem to echo Putin's talking points. Next year - well if you are lucky. Personally, I prefer not to waste time debating online, but sometimes I just can't help myself.

  2. Once again Trump proves to the World that he is a spoiled child. I guess nothing this immature bully does will disenfranchise his fans. I have hundreds of friends overseas and everyone of them tells how they and all the people they know are losing all respect and trust in the US because of this pompous uneducated oaf. 

  3. 17 hours ago, turtlespeed said:

    Nah - He's not redneck enough.

    He shows up as a spoiled, entitled, narcissistic, rich person - 

    I was referring to his demeanor and actions  not his social status. By the ugly American I mean; loud, arrogant, pushy, entitled, rude, ignorant and lacking in self awareness. Of course there are these types from most Countries but some Americans just excel at it. Trump of course being an outstanding example.

  4. Trump shows once again his childish , vain and bullying character. He cannot stand criticism just as you would expect from a spoiled child. His response to the leaked emails were both pathetic and completely expected. I can see people agreeing with policy positions but continually seeing such reprehensible behavior which causes no concern or doubt about the mans mental stability and moral character I do not understand. The pettiness of the man is without peer. Truly the epitome of the ugly American.

  5. Without knowing the actual specifics and the findings from the Black boxes and voice recorders it's just speculation on my part. My best guess is, especially considering that some US crews apparently experienced this issue without crashing, that the root cause of the accidents were the crews lack of significant systems knowledge, lack of wide experience and inexperience in hand flying the aircraft, which causes them to try and correct problems using the automation as they are in many instances afraid of taking command manually. No doubt a contributing factor was that the MCAS system relied on input from only one source and was able to activate by an erroneous input without a crosscheck reference. This is probably where the fix will occur. If this system operates correctly and the aircraft was flown within normal limits it would never activate, so I have no issues with Boeing's decision to install software as a back up. All large jet aircraft have multiple limitations, overspeed, underspeed etc. which if the aircraft is flown beyond the automation will try and correct by flight control and/or engine inputs - so this is not an uncommon situation.

    Personally I would have loved to see Boeing design a mini 787 to replace the 737,  maybe that will be next.

    Virtually all training today, as I'm sure you know, is done in simulators which provide a wonderful training experience, much better than you could manage in the actual aircraft, but only a very small portion of the entire training is taken up with hand flying and removing the automation, many times in the sim I have been criticized for not using the autopilot enough. The crash of the Airbus 330 in the South Atlantic a few years ago was another example of over reliance on automation, lack of rounded experience and poor manual flying skills. The crash of the B777 in San Francisco in perfect weather is another example of lack of basic flying skill and fear of hand flying .Hopefully the training will in future include more manual flying time, along with automation which when correctly used is invaluable. 

    I have no knowledge of the design implementation so can't comment if the project was pushed through too quickly, but seriously doubt there was ever major safety compromises made by  Boeing and/or the FAA to facilitate the delivery schedule.

  6. These type of accidents, that are preventable by comprehensive systems knowledge, wide range of real World experience and adequate training are likely to increase as pilot proficiency becomes more about computer management than physical hands on flying. Even after these two tragic crashes every Airline jet flying is incredibly well engineered and safe even in the hands of mediocre crews as shown by the safety statistics. Having flown hundreds of acceptance test flights as PIC in Boeing, Airbus and McDonnell- Douglas aircraft as well as being the observation pilot on these types of flights performed by Airline crews from all over the World,  the biggest issue I see is over reliance on automation and lack of general system knowledge. When you couple this with crews that have never experienced a real inflight issue due to the reliability of modern aircraft and often their too quick intro to the right seat of a jet airliner after only 200 hours or so of strictly structured flying it's actually a wonder there are not more accidents, which just emphasizes the safety of modern aircraft, including the MAX.  This is not to say that the Max problems don't need to be addressed but as they say hind sight is always 20/20, it is very possible  Boeing and the FAA  could not have foreseen this sequence of events and lack of crew ability to deal with it, when or if it occurred. So before jumping on the bashing Boeing or the FAA bandwagon lets see what the final outcome of the investigations are and what Boeing will do to correct any problems. With all the above  being said I do think that both Boeing and the FAA were very laggardly in grounding the aircraft until the problem could be understood and fully addressed. As an aside -- yes you can disable the trim systems by flipping two stab trim switches on the aft of the center console , and this was emphasized on every recurrent course I ever took, which were many.

  7. Bitterness and envy seem to be the hallmarks of the trump clones, much like what drive the man himself. Old angry white men wondering how the World slipped from their grasp.
    Unable or unwilling to consider that maybe, just maybe, there is another side to every story.

  8. Is there anybody who thinks Trumps weekend trips to Florida are excusable? Especially given his rants about Obama's travels.I'm really curious to see if something as egregious as this is still ok to the rabid Trumpers that lurk in this forum.

  9. Well all religious books are full of illegal, immoral and unhealthy practices. The leaders modify the teachings to try and keep them in line with modern ethics, and laws (well not all-you know who you are). The truth of the matter is that none of these books could be published today as they would be considered racist, bigoted, intolerent and hateful. Let me modify that and say unless under the guise of religious freedom which apparently exempts them any form of political correctness or even common sense. So yes the Mormon church originally espoused plural marriages - then modified that. Just as it modified it's stance on Blacks. Most people, in any faith, who stick most closely to the original are now called fanatics. Makes you wonder about the whole thing - well not really. It just shows the stupidity of basing your life on writings from the time when even the best educated knew less than a well educated 8 year old of today.