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Posts posted by MrBounce

  1. This is really unfortunate, especially considering this is classic team training time getting ready for the nationals. Even more so given _I_ was supposed to be in there on sunday [:/]

    However, I'd like to thank Bev and the rest at BFB for the promptness of the notification and the help in re-scheduling our training sessions of early august. :)
    Now, we're just looking for another 4-way team to rotate with on sunday the 13th .......


    P.S. Paul - I hope that everything comes back together really quick for you and you guys are back up 'n running soon. That way I can get back in there quicker :)


    Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. If you don't take it out and use it, its going to rust.

  2. Mine used to be "Hi this is Gavin, I'm probably not answering the phone because I'm jumping out of planes, speeding on my bike or doing something really stoopid involving alcohol. Please leave a message and I'll call back when the hangover wears off."

    But now I have to keep it boring for work 'n agents 'n stuff :(


    Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. If you don't take it out and use it, its going to rust.

  3. Fun = skydiving all day
    Happiness = talking to your mates about it in the bar afterwards over cold :D

    Just me :)


    Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. If you don't take it out and use it, its going to rust.

  4. Quote

    need some advice guys!

    i have 27 jumps and 45 mins in the wind tunnel and two weeks ago i got my i almost got my FS1 last weekend and have been told by my fab WARP instructor that i will definatly get it next weekend.
    I have also done supervised spotting and got 1 accuracy landing.

    what my question i doing too much too soon??? i dont want to run before i can walk but feel confident in what im doing... i want to be a safe skydiver and really feel this is helping with safety and awareness. although i am so inexperienced in jump numbers!! what do you think??? :|

    As long as you feel comfortable and most of the experienced jumpers around you are comfortable, then I would say that you are progressing well. The three key goals about this sport that I keep in mind are:

    Stay safe
    Have fun
    Keep learning

    In this I would trust everything that Vicki says with the exception of nakedness in the bar :)

    ... and I speak from experience here :D


    Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. If you don't take it out and use it, its going to rust.

  5. Quote

    I think you should be able to fly on your belly before learning freefly but i do not think you need to do warp coaching and pay for all this and pay for a 4-way jump for FS1 just to start learning how to freefly.

    I think you should learn the basics, FS1 is not the basics, FS1 is learning to fly 4way.

    I think England is the only country to have this system put in place and it is a crock of shit, a waste of money if you are not interested in belly flying.

    Times have changed, the sport has evolved, Freeflying is part of the sport and rules should change to encourage freeflying not making it harder and costing more.


    From the BPA Ops Manual :

    6.7. Freestyle/Freeflying (FF)

    6.7.1. To obtain Grade 1 in Freestyle/Freeflying (FF1) the parachutist must first demonstrate (in a belly to earth position, as in 6.4.1. above) the ability to:

    a) Control fall rate.
    b) Control horizontal movement, (forwards, backwards and sideways).
    c) Achieve ‘docking’ techniques.
    d) Turn in place.
    e) Dive and approach a target.

    This is not FS1, just the basics of flat flying. The jump numbers/FS1 requirements are those of your dropzone. That said, the FS1 qualification is a good indicator that you at least have a basic understanding of how to fly on your belly.

    Personally having done FS1 and a lot of 4-way, I've found that in trying out FF on a few occasions in the last year, I've both been better as I got better at the 4-way and also better able to appreciate and understand what my FF coach was trying to tell me. The improvement in body-awareness and the effects of airflow translate across all disciplines. And I rather learn that when things are happening slowly and I'm changing as few things as possible. i.e. while belly flying.


    Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. If you don't take it out and use it, its going to rust.

  6. Quote


    Qaddafi didn't change as a result of the 1986 US bombing of Tripoli. He changed as a result of diplomacy.

    Negative. Qaddafi changed as a result of the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

    Not entirely. Qaddafi was under diplomatic and economic pressure and involved in negotiations for many years. The invasion of Iraq was merely the culmination of several streams of pressure on his regime, diplomatic, economic and military.

    One of the main (unstated) reasons for the invasion of Iraq was to put pressure on neighbouring Middle Eastern regimes like Saudi Arabia, Syria, Libya, etc. In order to convince them to make internal changes and thereby lessen the degree of support that the jihadists and other terrorist organisations were receiving from those countries.


    Secular democracy & a regulated free market IS the best performing regime - far better than ANY single party state or command economy. That can be shown by example! Forcing a change on people merely breeds resentment.

    I agree with the all but the last sentence.

    Force can be used to implement change, but you then have to:
    a) Sell that change to the local populace
    b) Ensure that the change works

    If you attempt to force change on an unwilling populace and you don't get their support, then you have to have the remaining threat of force to get that change to stick. The instant you remove that force, the local populace will revolt. This tends to be why invasions of foreign countries never fully work. As long as the local populace retains its own identity and a sense of occupation, they will not co-operate. Convince them that they want what you've got and you'll have them. B|


    Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. If you don't take it out and use it, its going to rust.

  • I think that its more likely that the Joker's makeup is finally beginning to wear off. Pretty soon we'll realise that Tony is just a giant animated robot secretly controlled by the Joker.

    Either that or its the quote: "Seven grand! And you still look like shit woman! I'd change your surgeon if I were you!!"



    Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. If you don't take it out and use it, its going to rust.

  • Quote

    just having a president would really piss me off, to me it's much better the sense of belonging i get from having a royal family

    Yeah! We don't have to elect a moron every 4 years, instead they marry our monarch, and we get 'em for free for life!


    we'te not called Great Britain for nothing B|

    Damn Right!!!!


    Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. If you don't take it out and use it, its going to rust.

  • The Queen is the one and only member of the Royal Family that still retains my respect. Possibly the Princes will go on to do great things, but I'm not confident. I feel that Elizabeth will be our last, truly decent monarch. I wouldn't be too surprised if, when she steps down, this country goes on to become a republic of some kind. :(

    In the meantime, Happy Birthday Ma'am and many more of them.


    Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. If you don't take it out and use it, its going to rust.

  • Happy birthday, Ma'am.

    She's probably the last monarch we'll have as the rest of the Royal Family don't have what it takes to command this country's respect. :(


    Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. If you don't take it out and use it, its going to rust.

  • Quote

    ......would you, could you....?

    Well, I like to think of myself as the caring, sharing kinda guy ;)


    Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. If you don't take it out and use it, its going to rust.

  • Hi Kristi, welcome to Good luck with the course this weekend. Hopefully you'll be buying the :D ;)


    Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. If you don't take it out and use it, its going to rust.

  • Hey Melissa, I'm sorry to hear that you can't jump, being that ill must suck :( I'm glad that you're still enjoying hearing and watching about skydiving. Personally, I started a couple of years ago. After managing 11 static line jumps over about 8 years, including 4 on round (aeroconical) canopies :D I finally bit the bullter and took an AFF course and I really haven't looked back. Sometimes life gets a little busy, but I still come back and now I'm training up with a 4 way FS team and planning to compete at Intermediate level at the British Nationals this summer. Just the thought of jumping out of a plane puts a grin on my face.

    I hope you keep listening to the war stories and watching vids for many years to come.

    Blues to you too


    Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. If you don't take it out and use it, its going to rust.

  • Quote

    Can anyone offer any advice on how to approach the deal?

    *Pouts a bit, flutters eyelashes while sticking chest out in the direction of the salesrobot, twirls hairs while twisting one foot. "Oh, buts its such a lovely car, but I can't afford it! Can you make it cheaper for me?"

    "I'll spank you...."

    Works for me everytime :P



    Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. If you don't take it out and use it, its going to rust.

  • Hey, grats on the job.


    Sure I can slot time in for the woman somewhere! :S;)

    yep it sure gets tricky once there's 3 things to balance, work, jumping and da woman - nice juggling act if u can manage it B|


    Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. If you don't take it out and use it, its going to rust.

  • Quote

    Wow, hey - great shirt - I bet it would look even better thrown on the floor.

    Nice dress, goes well with the carpet next to my bed


    Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. If you don't take it out and use it, its going to rust.

  • Ummm, well I would've voted option 1, but i have more priorities nowadays, like keeping my GF and a job :P so #2 it is B|

    But for a while it was my reason to live and its still a really big part of my life. I know that any time that I need to smile I can just remember the good jumps, or at the worst, just go take that big step out the aircraft door.



    Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. If you don't take it out and use it, its going to rust.

  • Quote

    I'm going to be in Europe this summer and was thinking about flying about a bit instead of going by rail.


    Yep, Ryanair are the El Cheapo option, particularly if you plan ahead. _This_ is their baggage allowance info.

    So where you gonna be, and when and are you gonna jump over here? Huh? Huh?

    I might even take back what I said about tequila being evil. :):D


    Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. If you don't take it out and use it, its going to rust.