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Posts posted by onlyood

  1. Quote

    ... don't assume you can easily force (and hold) a downplane unless you have some CRW training.

    It is my understanding (please correct me if I am wrong) that a downplane is not a "self-correcting" situation (i.e. a downplane does not naturally tend to go to a bi-plane or side-by-side ... rather, it will stay a downplane until it hits the ground). If this is indeed the case, does one need to "hold" it as described above?

    KindredSpirit: Thanks for the great link (dualsq.pdf ). Very informative! Gems:
    1) In a two-out situation, anything you do or don't do can make the situation better or worse.
    2) Remember: high performance canopies can give you not only high performance openings, bu

  2. I've heard the thoughts from many at my local DZ and was wondering if you would consider inducing a downplane from a side-by-side situation and cutting away (given sufficient altitude)? And, most importantly, why? Gems:
    1) In a two-out situation, anything you do or don't do can make the situation better or worse.
    2) Remember: high performance canopies can give you not only high performance openings, bu

  3. The Airport Express will work with PCs. Gems:
    1) In a two-out situation, anything you do or don't do can make the situation better or worse.
    2) Remember: high performance canopies can give you not only high performance openings, bu

  4. I just got back from a year in China and was unable to find a dz on the mainland (or HK). I also tried to contact the dz in Henan a few times throughout the year, but never got an answer. The dz in Hong Kong closed a few years ago (possibly shortly after the handover), so your best bet is to go to Thailand. Tiger Airways flies out of Macau to Bangkok regularly and cheaply. And if you want tunnel time, SkyVenture is in KL and reasonably priced. Good luck! Gems:
    1) In a two-out situation, anything you do or don't do can make the situation better or worse.
    2) Remember: high performance canopies can give you not only high performance openings, bu

  5. Take a couple of years off and travel the world. See if you can hit every known DZ, while you're at it. Gems:
    1) In a two-out situation, anything you do or don't do can make the situation better or worse.
    2) Remember: high performance canopies can give you not only high performance openings, bu

  6. Lefties have an advantage when using chalk/white boards. Their bodies do not cover up what they have just written, so students can see what they're writing. Saves a bit o' time in class. Gems:
    1) In a two-out situation, anything you do or don't do can make the situation better or worse.
    2) Remember: high performance canopies can give you not only high performance openings, bu

  7. I'm headed to Genting Sky Venture Malaysia ( to get some tunnel time next month. Was wondering if anyone can recommend cheap places to stay nearby? Thanks in advance!

    R Gems:
    1) In a two-out situation, anything you do or don't do can make the situation better or worse.
    2) Remember: high performance canopies can give you not only high performance openings, bu

  8. Good god, this thread is making me hungry.

    I'm gonna go with 2-3 pots of strong-ass coffee (black), a pack of Marbs, and a copy of the Journal. Gems:
    1) In a two-out situation, anything you do or don't do can make the situation better or worse.
    2) Remember: high performance canopies can give you not only high performance openings, bu

  9. Hey,

    1) Do you really *lose* connectivity or does IE just crap out? (ie. Can you still ping an address/get mail when this happens)

    As suggested earlier, you might just have to reset TCP/IP Gems:
    1) In a two-out situation, anything you do or don't do can make the situation better or worse.
    2) Remember: high performance canopies can give you not only high performance openings, bu

  10. Quote

    Jump off your roof and arch all the way to the ground. If somewhere besides your stomach hurts after you land you need to keep working on that arch. B|

    What are the building height requirements? :P Gems:
    1) In a two-out situation, anything you do or don't do can make the situation better or worse.
    2) Remember: high performance canopies can give you not only high performance openings, bu

  11. Quote

    I like the old telephone call that goes....

    Me: Knock knock

    Her: Who's there

    Me: Not you 'cause you're a bitch!

    Then hang up.


    Hands down, you win. Gems:
    1) In a two-out situation, anything you do or don't do can make the situation better or worse.
    2) Remember: high performance canopies can give you not only high performance openings, bu

  12. In the spirit of Walt's recent "getting dumped in style" thread, I thought I'd pose a question. If I had to break up with someone who lives thousands of miles away from me, I would want to do it with "Bonfire Forum" class. Which of the above methods are acceptable when breaking up with an SO? Gems:
    1) In a two-out situation, anything you do or don't do can make the situation better or worse.
    2) Remember: high performance canopies can give you not only high performance openings, bu

  13. I am totally going to Malaysia during my next week-long vacation. Thanks so much for the tip :) Gems:
    1) In a two-out situation, anything you do or don't do can make the situation better or worse.
    2) Remember: high performance canopies can give you not only high performance openings, bu

  14. All of your links are something like . Use relative links such as

    On the resume page, some pictures cover a bit of the text. Might just be my browser (Safari 2.0.2)

    Would like to see the links at the top of the page (I am also a lazy browser).

    The persistent links (costumes, resume, etc...), although they have a black background, contrast ever-so-slightly against the background of the document ... makes it look kinda strange. Might think about embedding the font in your webpage?

    I like the site:) Good job. Gems:
    1) In a two-out situation, anything you do or don't do can make the situation better or worse.
    2) Remember: high performance canopies can give you not only high performance openings, bu

  15. How I broke my leg ... I reached down with my right foot. *crack*snap*crack* I've got a few breaks:)

    1) In a two-out situation, anything you do or don't do can make the situation better or worse.
    2) Remember: high performance canopies can give you not only high performance openings, bu

  16. There are a few pretty good threads about reading lists in the forums. I try to pick up a couple books everytime I go to Hong Kong. Thanks for the tips about upper body strength ... :)

    Any of you guys find yourselves in Shenzhen in the next few months, stop by & I'll show you around;) Gems:
    1) In a two-out situation, anything you do or don't do can make the situation better or worse.
    2) Remember: high performance canopies can give you not only high performance openings, bu

  17. This post has been done a number of times, but I just wanted to see if I could get some more answers. I had my first jump a little over a year ago and broke my leg (tandem). I wanted to do AFF after it healed, but I moved to southern China where there are no DZs (much beer for anyone who proves me wrong on that one). I will go back to the states in 6 months and want to start my AFF as soon as I get back. What can I do to prepare given that there are no DZs, wind tunnels, etc available in my area (Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macau)?

    Here are some things I've gleaned from previous posts:

    Breathing Techniques: To help me learn to relax
    Stretch: The more limber, the better the arch
    Read: SIM, etc...

    Any other words of wisdom? Any advice would be appreciated.


    Edited: To prove I have a basic understanding of English grammar Gems:
    1) In a two-out situation, anything you do or don't do can make the situation better or worse.
    2) Remember: high performance canopies can give you not only high performance openings, bu