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Posts posted by Katherine

  1. Quote

    Sorry, but you can not say that the Price is low because it does not include VAT -

    Oh, and yes I can. One shop quotes a price for, say, a £100 alti wihich includes VAT and gives a price of £120. Another shop has a brochure price of £100 excl VAT. Factually correct to say that that quoted price is lower becasue it doesn't include VAT.
    Leeds University Skydiving Club

  2. Quote

    No need for me to go "easy there" and I never implied that all customers did.. I was was warning those folks that did.. please read 3 posts up.

    If one did nowt wrong then one has nowt to worry about but, if on the other hand one did knowingly evade HMRC their dues - then one ought be careful what is written to a public forum.


    I'm saying it was left as the customers responsibility to pay the UK VAT and Import duty, which when not quoted in the headline price makes it all seem very cheap. And cheap as chips is THE number one reason why people bought from Gary rather from a UK dealer where thats all wrapped up in the quoted price.

    When I had to pay up the VAT & Import durty I remember thinking I perhaps hadn't got such a good deal as I initially thought.

    Like in the US sales tax isn't quoted in the prices on the shelves which always catches me out, get to the till and you're already committed and pay it, but you might not have made the purchase had you included the tax in your initial assessment of if the item was a 'good deal'.
    Leeds University Skydiving Club

  3. Quote

    I'm kicking myself for actually depositing £3.5k ish into a Royal Bank of Scotland account belonging to the girlfriend of a bloke in Australia. Sounds fucking dumb now doesn't it?

    Yup, can't believe I was so stupid - luckily I got the rig I ordered, but seriously, can't believe I put the cash in his girlfriends account.

    Gary's prices were much lower that quoted elsewhere - obviously the quotes from UK dealers included VAT, enough margin to cover paying for their shop, staff overheads, UK tax, import duty on the rig etc etc. Gary's prices did not.

    The number one reason why people (myself included) were so happy to buy from Gary despite any misgivings and unease about the set up was that you could have your rig delivered to Peris or whatever and then paying the UK VAT and import duty was your responsibility. Hindsight is a wonderful thing eh?
    Leeds University Skydiving Club

  4. Quote

    You can poke a hole in it with a normal writing pen and then rub it together and the hole will disappear.


    I've seen them do that too, it is really cool!

    Leeds University Skydiving Club

  5. Quote

    We found out that the person we shipped to did not live at the apt complex and was waiting for the UPS truck to deliver the gear, he got the gear and disappeared.

    Right, so UPS just gave the rig to someone waiting outside the apartment with no ID?

    Sounds like the dealer shouild have persued his claim against UPS.

    Really sorry Eric is getting screwed. The dealer got screwed over all that time ago, which does suck, but is it really the ethical thing to do to now screw over some poor guy who bought the gear in good faith?
    Leeds University Skydiving Club

  6. Quote

    sucks I didn't think of it to be honest.
    Get it done on your next re pack or I would me HAPPY for you to get it done now and I will pay for the repack.
    Let me find out if it was done as I did get is assembled so it may have been.
    Only reason I would be happy to sort it out for you is because you have so much White and I'm pissed at myself for not thinking of this earlier.

    I'll find out, if it has not been done ask a rigger to do it now rather than later and I will sort you out.

    Post it note just went on my desktop for future.

    kind offer, but don;t worry about it! :)
    Leeds University Skydiving Club

  7. Think Gary is talking about my rig... I also happen to think it looks pretty good ;)

    I just got my vector with the split lightning pattern with red and black either side and white as the stripe. I would recomend Gary as a dealer, I had no probs at all with him and he was very helpful.

    Don't listen to the doom sayers about the white - just don't fall over. The white will get grubby, but should still look cool.

    I think your 1st and 3rd designs are the nicest. Your 2nd one looks like an icon :P

    Leeds University Skydiving Club

  8. Quote


    If the DZ has a computer run manifest, they may have a record of what you have done.

    Excellent, it's worth a try, many thanks. Do you know about being current with jumps though and is there an expiry or refresher time where you'd beed to re-train?

    post on the uks forum www.ukskydiver.co.uk and you will get answers specific to the uk which will be more use. short answer, you will need to retrain. you never had a uk a lic so are still a student and there a strict rules regarding students currency. people over on uks can give you the exact regs.
    Leeds University Skydiving Club

  9. Quote

    unfortuntly i run booze emphoriums in london which means hardly enough time to even jump.
    (1 - 2 days a week max) ( and i tend to rant on about things)

    limited time for jumping? why not try the tunnel :P If I want to get better at 4-way but can't really afford the time away at the weekends to go to the DZ, then the tunnel is a much better option (40 mins of coached 4-way in one eve for £100 each) For 3 months after xmas I'm not rally goign to be able to get out to the DZ, but Iu can still take part by doing 1 night a month in the wind tunnel.

    Some people try wind tunnels and don't like it, other people love it as much as skydiving (you can go up!). Personal preference. And it is sociable, you sit around and chat when you aren't flying.
    Leeds University Skydiving Club

  10. Quote

    Do you have to take a test in mechanics for getting a driving license?

    not exactly, but kind of yes. on you driving test iin the uk you are asked basic maintanance questions like how to check the air pressure in the tyres, oil level etc
    Leeds University Skydiving Club

  11. Quote

    Tall the while enjoying that extra safety margine if the wind picks up

    Not so true if you would then go backwards.

    I think I downsized pretty sensibly, student kit on RAPS, 280s loaded at what, 0.6 or something? (with kit on 150lbs) Then about 4 jumps on a 200, 30ish on a 190, 30ish on a 170 then my own pilot 150 at 90 jumps loaded at 1.03 lbs/ft² according too the wingloading thing on my profile. and here I plan to stay.
    I really don't think loading at 1.03 was excessive at 90 jumps, and it isn't now at 140 jumps. Howeer, if I hadn't had free uni kit hire, I would probably have bought a 170 after about 20 jumps on the 190.

    I think the attitude you describe isn't totally as prevalent as you immagane. at my dz a few people about the same level as me (all much heavier males) were saying be very cautious on a 150 (although they were oftern loading their 170s much higher).
    I haven't actually seen anyone off student status go racing for small canopy (although I havn't been around very long). Perhaps economics of renting a rig while downsizing is the real issue.
    Leeds University Skydiving Club

  12. Quote

    A fee-based packing course is ridiculous.

    maybe maybe not. if you are trying to get your pcking certificate and not just a logbook endorsment you need to do basic maintanance like 3 ring maintanance and learn how to do the tangel test. then need someone (instructor or rigger) to actually do the test with you. probably not easy at a busy dz. learning form loads of different people in small chunks can get confusing with everyone having their own slightly different method. getting it all from one source in one go could work out a lot better for some people.


    Isn't it part of the training over there to learn how to pack?

    no. not for A license.
    Leeds University Skydiving Club

  13. office for mac is great, no compatability issues usually for mac->pc->mac. sometimes in powerpoint, an image that displays fine on my mac won't on th uni pc's - gives a bix saying the pc needs a quicktime tiff compressor or decompressor or something, so just make sure pics are in jpg if that could be an issue.
    office is the only thing on my mac that crashes, esp when copyingfrom powerpoint slides to word or vice versa, but i have a way old version (2002) so am sure thats all fixd by now.
    Leeds University Skydiving Club

  14. from the UK, so different liability issues i am sure...

    but we had to do a massive risk assesment. I basicly coppied it from the BPA, then the union changed all the risks to 5x5 (death x likely) so i had to go in and explain that a cut away DIDNT reult in certain death:)
    the dz should have their own liabiltiy insurance, you are not instructing ANYONE in skydiving,m the dz is doing that. all you are doing is taking people there and booking them onto courses. so the uni shouldnt need insurance for actual skydiving. if you have club equiptment, then that would be a bit different. we have 3 rigs and can't get a clear answer from the uni about where we stand if anyon hurts themselves on our equiptment. but as a new club then you probably wont need to wory about equiptment anyway.

    kath x
    Leeds University Skydiving Club

  15. Quote

    Buy an open face helemt. See the world, communicate more freely with friends, and save $100. Seriously.

    and really cold, hurt worse if you get kicked in the face...:)
    Leeds University Skydiving Club