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Posts posted by clearblue

  1. Hi Marcus

    Thanks for this.

    Will indeed try to relax - I appreciate the feedback.

    PS: have a friend who's recently completed his AFF in Spain - he had the same 'rigidity' problems at first. On one of his student video's, he was inverted for over 10 seconds! I sweat just thinking about it... :o



  2. Hi

    Just wanted to say that I'm entering the sport quite late (I'm 34) having only done around 7 static line jumps (have done one dummy pull so far). I can't get enough and I've caught the bug...

    However, I think this web site is great and I'm getting a lot from it.

    Is there any advice you can give for a first freefall jump (I'll be doing it this year)? I'll be renting the equipment initially at the DZ.

    All the best.

    Jason. :S