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Posts posted by Akey

  1. US is pretty good compared to the UK. £18-20 jump tickets (thats $36-40) is the norm. Coz i'm a student there is one place that does jumps for £10 ($20) and i'm not going to spend any less, i'm just going to jump more! As for training, well, it was cheaper for me to fly over to spain, stay there for a week in a hotel and do my aff+10 consols then to do it in this country. Think there were similar offers in the states!

  2. Quote

    If she became pregnant, it would be wrong to impose the responsibility of a child on him.

    Something i've never quite understood. I believe that in having sex you are surely understanding that there is a chance, no matter how small that you could make a baby, and thus, should be able to deal with the consiquences!

  3. Quote

    detect a butterfly drinking a dewdrop from a blade of grass, a song bird outlined against the dappled leaves, or a beautiful lady crossing our path.

    I'm sorry, but this is just waaaay to cheesy. Is this post a joke or something?

  4. Quote

    How the List Came About . . .
    The List began in raw form after I created the first BASE jumping bulletin board on the internet. This is early in 1985 and the board is hosted by GEnie. Slowly, as the very first computer savvy BASE jumpers began to appear online, we started to exchanged information about sites, accidents, and fatalities. There'd been only six BASE jumping deaths to that point, (since the modern form of the sport began in 1978) but there are many serious accidents. Almost no jumper of the time made it to one-hundred BASE jumps without a major plaster drama. I didn't.
    I stopped updating the list at that point in trying to focus on the sport's more positive aspects while spending a summer contemplating my two broken legs. Later Nigel Slee, a longtime British BASE jumper, mailed me a story for the Fixed Object Journal about the death of a friend. Nigel brought up some tough questions regarding BASE fatalities that couldn't be readily answered because no one is actually keeping track. The BASE Fatality List is then up-dated and re-published mainly so newer jumpers wouldn't keep making the same mistakes over and over.

    Personl question to anybody and everybody is there any BASE jumper here who would object to the truth being told about how a jump went in which they themselves died, even if it cited that they perhaps shouldn't have jumped in the conditions?

  5. I posted this on another topic but i think it is applicable:
    I stated skydiving almost a year ago now (partly so as to get into BASE in the future) and whilst it will no doubt be a little while longer before i make my first jump (experience+money need to be weighed up) i've realised i've got all the time in the world and it's no rush. Whilst i did not start off with this view, this website and various others have been invaluable in helping me to to come to it. I spent a long time going over The List, and it helps to put things in perspective in a very raw way, but ghosting forums and websites like basewiki were also helpful.

    The list was really helpful in making me 'slow down' and not be bothered about taking a mroe relaxed approach to getting into the sport as opposed to '150 jumps...i'm off'. I also thought it was a place that people used as somewhat of a memorial site and also a place to learn from other peoples mistakes (i doubt many people would have thought that much about packing a wet canopy before reading about it on places like the list>) but perhaps i have been wrong on both accounts.

    I haven't read the whole forum, but people have talked about it sensationalising the sport, but really since when have BASE jumpers been bothered about the media? They do the same thing with skydiving and every other 'extreame' sport out there.
    I can see that people are deeply hurt by the loss of a close friend and my condolences go out to all the friends and family of him, however i just hope that for whatever reasons they are protesting against The List, his passing is not one of them.
    As i've said, i'm not a BASE jumper, so please tell my if i'm stepping out of line, but i'm just citing my views, and i thought that perhaps what i say might be helpful.

  6. Non-Base jumper view...
    Think this is the first time i've posted on here despite ghosting it for the last 3-4 years. I first thought of getting into BASE after watching Jebs 'a year in the life' vid on skydivingmovies. I had been thinking of getting into skydiving for a while but this was my first 'introduction' to BASE. I stated skydiving almost a year ago now (partly so as to get into BASE in the future) and whilst it will no doubt be a little while longer before i make my first jump (experience+money need to be weighed up) i've realised i've got all the time in the world and it's no rush. Whilst i did not start off with this view, this website and various others have been invaluable in helping me to to come to it. I spent a long time going over The List, and it helps to put things in perspective in a very raw way, but ghosting forums and websites like basewiki were also helpful. Now i tend to see youtube as a negative as i think it can often give the wrong impression of the sport, and if it leads to the burning of any objects then it is even worse. Yet i cannot deny that my initial desire was sparked off by videos similar to the ones shown. Nevertheless if i had to decide between the two The List wins hands down.

    edited for speeling and grammer:$

  7. [url= 'http://youtube.com/watch?v=HSj1qrCJ9Hs&mode=related&search=']Point break skydiving scene[/url] I would love to start quoting from it, but there are just too many, '1000ft, you pull', 'speed star' the list is endless...

  8. Warning, low jump number!

    The way i see it, if it comes down to it, for any reason, an rsl or a skyhook giving me an extra 100ft which is all that is needed to save my life, it has earnt its money back a trillion times. Same for if i can't for some reason reach my reserve handle.

  9. My parents hate the fact that i jump, right from my first tandem. They know that it is my decision though, and they can't change what i feel about it. I started when i was 19, so as far as they were concerned, whilst they didn't like me doing it, it was my choice to make. As for the free tandems, i find that a perticually nice touch :P

  10. hi guys
    Excuse me for my ignorance but can someone give me a quick heads up as to the problem with these guys. I've flicked though the last few pages and it sounds as though they have been hijacking websites, is this so? But wouldn't that be illegal? Also, i looked at their website and what they were offering didn't appear completly unreasonable... I'm sure i'm missing something really big :$

  11. Unlucky! Over here in old blighty the drinking age of de ol alcoholic beverge is a mear 18 years of age so this does not affect us... However...what are the rules on drinking beer in the comfort of ones own home in the US? Could this be a way to avoid such catastropies as not drinking the amber necter?

    P.S-Really don't get the US, you can jump out a plane, drive a car, drive a tank, get blown up in Iraq, and own a gun, but you can't have a bottle of beer... WTF?!