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Posts posted by tungflik

  1. Quote


    If you EVER share a motel room with them be sure to always wear your [camera] helmet.

    Don't leave the rest of us hanging!

    Oh yeah baby, I got it ALL on tape! I'm going to put it on YouTube in fact.

    Don't worry guys, I edited out the midget tossing contest and that thing with the donkeys :)

  2. When the Cinci crew isn't tearing up BASE objects in an extreme way they are even more dangerous.

    If you EVER share a motel room with them be sure to always wear your helmet. It was like a war zone.

    I walked into the room after hearing stuff crashing everywhere like incoming. I opened the door and heard one of them say "get down...no I'm serious!"

    Then it was time for pancakes. :D

  3. I heard the truck they are hauling it in fried it's transmission.

    They just couldn't get their ass in gear:P

    When they finally got their truck repaired they set out, only to end up in a really bad accident.

    It rectum and it nearly killed um! :)

  4. "The book is called Gorilla Monsoon by John Long and the story in the book is called Down and Out. One of the wickedest old school BASE stories ever told. The story can also be found in a John Long collection book called Long on Adventure."

    Thank you for sharing Spider Baby! :D



    I think Therefore I am Dangerous

  5. Who cares about his hips, check out his package! :)

    BTW: It's just a theory, but I think if you call someone a penis instead of a dick, you might not get banned from this forum.

    BTWW: I don't think he has big hips, I think his cheeks got full so he had to squirrel away the rest of his nuts in his pockets

  6. I had the honor of Jumping with BASE #1 in 1992/3 I believe.

    We all gathered for an A in TX. Phil was jumping a BASE specific container as opposed to a modified skydiving container. Don't recall the canopy.

    Anyway, his packing tray was fitted with sewn in loops for line stows. So basicaly he rubberbanded his lines into the bottom of his container and packed the canopy on top of that. It was a prototype, Rick will probably remember that design.

  7. I personally feel that male BASE jumpers should be exploited far more than they are.;)

    Admit it, if these were photos of a hot female there would have already been numerous salacious posts by the guys.

    I say bring it on! :)

  8. Me: Dude, I'm gripped
    Mike D: Of course you are, that's why we're all here.

    Right before jumping a 350' platform on a 900' A.

    Being the southern gentlemen they are I always got this:

    Me: Who wants to go first
    The guys: Ladies first