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Posts posted by erikph

  1. Video from a jump last year. Exit separation was 25 sec.

    A solo freeflyer ended up underneath me. He exits, followed by three other solo (6 sec separation), then us. 25 sec after him. It was an instruction jump, an AFF level 6, so we were moving about a bit. But not that much, all the others were where I expected them to be under canopy.

    Normal condotions, 25 sec delay, and yet...
    blue skies,

  2. I am not a "real" camera flyer, I just make some of my jumps with a camera on my head. I have a 60 minute cassette in my camera, and when it is at its end, I just rewind it and use it again. Only purpose of the videos is briefing and debriefing students or fellow jumpers and myself.

    I am not interested in all the quality stuff, or the fancy features.

    I am interested in a camera that produces video, is lightweight and small. I want a new one to fit in my existing camera helmet without too much trouble, and I'd like the thread size to be 25 mm so I can keep my wide angle lens.

    And of course it must be unbreakable and cheap. :P

    blue skies,

  3. Quote

    shy of having a lightsource to balence the backlight (flash\bouncecard\reflector\etc... only the Flash is freefall compatiable)

    You can sometimes use light bouncing of clouds for fill. Maybe you could use the sea as a giant reflector here?

    It may need a bit of photoshopping, but I like that first picture: what a setting for a skydive!
    blue skies,

  4. Quote

    and when he is ready, he lets go.

    most instructors let go when YOU are ready :P


    That’s his job right



    “SWEEEEET I’m on my own”

    Witnessing this is one of the reasons why I am an instructor. Congrats to you. You recovered from a bad exit and got your act together again: good!


    falling perfectly

    sure about that? ;)


    as soon as I squared back up the spiral started again

    sounds like you were concentrating on the turn too much and neglecting your overall body position a bit


    5,500, waved off and pulled

    you got the essentials right
    blue skies,

  5. my guess: a failing sensor because of moisture in the chip cavity.

    I remember that a few years ago, Sony had problems like this with certain models of image sensor chips they manufactured. The good news is that they offered free sensor replacement. Maybe a search on something like "bad sensor TRV25" will get you more.
    blue skies,

  6. Quote

    It's then sliced and re-spooled

    if this is done poorly, you can mess up perfectly good premium source material. (dustfree environment, controlled humidity, traction during spooling, etcetera...)

    is the slicing and re-spooling done by Fuji/Maxell, or is it done by the consumer brands like Sony (or a third party)?
    blue skies,

  7. A good tool to recover damaged or fading discs, is isobuster. It is rather easy to use, and for non-critical use, you will not need the pro version, so it comes free as well.

    In the early years of DVD, there were problems with the ink that was used to print labels on the discs. It took a few years before it became apparent that some types of ink and colour dye had a chemical reaction with the protective coating of the discs and very slowly damaged them. So cheap discs with fancy print on them are likely candidates to fade away.

    If you clean the disc before recovery (with lens cleaner or a specialised product), be aware that some of those chemicals might not be very good for your drive.
    blue skies,

  8. Some years ago, we organised a freefall live transmission for Alcatel Communications Week. It was a guy skysurfing, standing on his board, and talking to a conference hall full of managers at the other side of the globe. The video was projected on a big screen, the sound was clearly understandable.

    The skydiving part of the project was done by Willy Boeykens. Maybe he can help you out on what mic was used and how exactely it was done.
    blue skies,

  9. In my experience, the vast majority of people are very prepared to listen to advice. Some people are responsive to a joke (jumprun too low again?). Others understand little bits and pieces of down-to-earth input (at moment X, rather than doing Y, I would have done Z). Etc. If you use the right approach, you will get through to them most of the time.

    Those like the one described in the original post, are the exceptions, not the rule. So although it can get frustrating, we have to keep trying.
    blue skies,

  10. I remember the broadcast division of Sony also doing this this some years ago. I was told back then, that they preferred to do it this way, rather than just lowering their prices, for financial (book keeping) reasons.
    There seems to be a difference between making 1000 € and making 2000 €, while spending 1000 €.

    But that was Sony professional, not consumer.
    blue skies,

  11. our student rigs are all clearly numbered, and a chart with the numbers plus corresponding color combination is attached to the back of the pilot's seat.

    also, first thing we ask a student over the radio is to open and close their legs a few times, to confirm that they are hearing us / that we are talking to the right person.
    blue skies,