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Posts posted by arjantoor

  1. jarrodth,
    thanks for the input. But we have no radio assistence over here (Belgium).
    And in groundschool I never have been teached about a landing pattern :(.
    I'll be going to another DZ I have visited several times since "no more jumping" and I have noticed that they teach much more thoroughly. It gave me confidence again. It's a much longer drive, but I can see the benefits of it. I'm not giving up :)Thanks for the positive response.
    Good luck on finishing your AFF :)
    Edited to say: you're off AFF :$

  2. I recognize myself in what you write. I did 3 tandems. I was nervous and very excited, because I wanted to do that and I loved the freefall part.
    I decided to start AFF. Level 1: freefall went fine, but it was at the moment I pulled, I realized that from that point on I was on my own :o. Couldn't see the DZ and landed way out, but safe. Level 2: freefall ok, landing again way off, but safe. Did level 3 twice (but did not pass), both landings, do I have to say it: safe, but way off again. Seems like I don't steer the parachute, I just let it fly me :S. But from that point the fear really set in. Haven't jumped anymore. But it never goes out of my mind. I still want to start again, first do some tunnel in February, with the intention of continuing AFF after.
    Once you tasted freefall, the feeling never goes away. Every day it's in my head, I always look at the sky, I'll spot any plane I hear and say, or, too low to jump or yeah, that's high enough :)So I now what I have to learn: make that chute go where I want it to go. I'll have long talks with my instructors I'm afraid, sorry guys :$.

  3. Talking about fear....
    First I did 3 tandems and I loved all of them. So I wanted more a asked for AFF 1, just to try.
    I did my AFF 1, was good, except for landing out. So I decided to take the course, because I love the feeling. Due to weather conditions (Belgium), I could not jump for several weeks. But went back for level 2: passed, but landed out again. Up again for level 3: failed it twice and still have to do it over again (third time). Too tensed in freefall. But this is not really my problem. On every jump I land out. Safe (except once), but never on the DZ. Seems like I have a canopy control problem. And I don't see how to fix this. Now my problem: since my last jump (out again of course), I have this enormous fear I will never get my landings right. I see (on most jumps) the DZ, but I don't steer the canopy. Immediatley I start looking for a safe place to land instead of heading back to the DZ. So I do see where the problem is, but now I've got this fear of doing it again. Getting out of the door is not really the issue, but at that time, I'm already thinking of landing. Probably the reason why I'm so cramped during freefall.
    I don't expect any direct solutions, I will have to do this myself I guess. It's already been 5 weeks since my last jump and the fear is only growing. Guess my instructor is thinking he will never see me again.
    So, just wanted to say this here. Maybe someone recognizes some of my issues.

    Encouragements would be welcome.


  4. Bringing this one back up.
    I did my AFF 1, was good. So I decided to take the course, because I love the feeling. Due to weather conditions (Belgium :S, I could not jump for several weeks. But went back for level 2: passed. Up again for level 3: failed it twice and still have to do it over again (third time). To tensed in freefall. But this is not really my problem. On every jump a land out. Safe (except once), but never on the DZ. Seems like I have a canopy control problem. And I don't see how to fix this. Now my problem: since my last jump (out again of course), I have this enourmous fear I will never get my landings right. I see (most jumps) the DZ, but I don't steer the canopy. Immediatley I start looking for a safe place to land instead of heading back to the DZ. So I do see where the problem is, but now I've got this fear of doing it again. Getting out of the door is not really the issue, but at that time I'm already thinking of landing. Probably the reason why I'm so cramped during freefall.
    I don't expect any direct solutions, I will have to do this myself I guess. It's already been 4 weeks since my last jump and the fear is only growing.
    So, just wanted to say this here. Maybe someone recognizes some of my issues :$.

    Encouragements will be welcome :)

  5. I have a similar question. After 3 tandems, I signed up for AFF. Yersterday I got the ground school, but later in the afternoon they said we couldn't do the jump because it was too windy.(Level 1).
    Now the whole time I think I will not find the DZ after pulling, and if I do, I think I will never get to the point where I should be landing.
    Can this only be learned by practise? There is no radio, all by myself under that canopy, trying to let it go where I want it to go. So that is my fear.
    Hope the weather will be better next weekend, but here in Belgium it's not that obvious.

    Thanks for good advice.

  6. @steveorino: that tandem progression appeals to me, but I never heard of it here in Belgium.
    I'll ask at the DZ next time, though I have my doubts. Sounds like it's not done in Europe (or nearby Belgium).


  7. @wayne8577: way you put it: I feel more like POPS !! ;-)

    Q: about canopy control: what is the difference between SL and AFF concerning canopy control? I can't figure it out. Static line: is just about canopy control, no freefall.
    AFF: you have the freefall, but then, next is also canopy control.
    Or am I way off? I don't see the difference.
    You have to land anyway...

    What am I missing here? :$

  8. @Steveorino: checked out the site. Made me laugh at first, I don't feel like +40 ;). But it is good something like that is to be viewed. I came "back to earth", I am +40. Thanks for the link.
    @Eule: at the DZ they already explained how it works before the 1st AFF jump, as you wrote. I plan on going there Saturday (if the weather is good enough), to talk, but I probably will take another tandem. I NEED one! I'll let you know. I will check the French site and see what I can find there.
    This is really an addiction, wanting to have that feeling again.
    Thanks all for the warm welcome and support.

  9. First, do not pay attention to my typing. I'll try my best english :).
    A friend asked me if I would do a skydive. No thinking when I answered, I love flying: YES! So I got my birthday present: a tandem on aug. 27. When I came "down to earth" I said I want to do this again. So I did, another one on oct. 23. Was even better. Now people at the club say I should go for AFF, but there I feel [unsure]. Alone under the canopy, afraid I won't be able to control it, will I keep my stability when freefalling?
    But no day passes without thinking about it. Watching those video's every day...
    Is my weight not too light (stupid question probably) :$ ? 50 kilos.
    I read here about tandem progression. That would interest me before doing AFF. Will ask at the club if they do that.
    Just wanted to say: jumping relaxes me enormously. The moment I hung out of the plane, I felt so peacefully. No words can describe that feeling.
    I have so many questions, but enough for now.

    Keep jumping !