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Posts posted by noluckned

  1. I borrowed a rig and after opening I discovered that the colour scheme clashed with my jumpsuit, so I had no choice but to cut it away;)

    The views expressed in the above post may or may not be the result of drunkeness or temporary insanity and should only rarely be construed as the views of the poster himself

  2. Hello everyone.

    I just wanted to send a sentimental shout out to the community here at

    Sadly, due to my wife having been taken seriuosly ill in December last year, I have been unable to be as active as I once was, this must be my first post here in .....mmmm 6 or more months.

    In short I have no personal life ATM, I really only have time to check my mail, but hey, I was missing all you nutters!

    Also I have had no chance to jump this season at all

    Anyway, that was just a quick hello to the great peeps of old and to the new faces.

    Blue Skies everyone, I hope to be back in action by next summer, sigh... skipping a whole season 4TL

    Take care

    The views expressed in the above post may or may not be the result of drunkeness or temporary insanity and should only rarely be construed as the views of the poster himself

  3. Hi all

    I found this:;_ylt=AlSCj9Y0fH_x4B0LlSw9UmagOrgF;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl

    Is this indeed the new record? Well if it is then congratulations are in order to all those involved.

    What a way to spend New Years eve:D
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  4. This is one of the save stories......a case of the typo imitating life or rather; a freudian slip:

    12.August 2002
    Västeras, Sweden: Quotation from the activation report: „Not an aggressive pilotchute throw, baglock occurred, fail to proper emergency procedure, just cut away, short entanglement on right fool with main canopy, unable to locate reserve ripcord, CYPRES fires at approx. 200 meters plus, saves jumpers life.“
    A right fool allright... lol:D
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  5. [reply

    If the answer is GOD DID IT what is there to study

    Easy answer, subjects left to study would be.....
    What is the origin of God?
    How did it design this?
    Where is its lab?..
    Could an entity as complex and allmighty as the thing we have named God(if it exists) have evolved by itself or was it also intelligently designed?
    If it evolved then what was its origin?
    If it was designed what designed it?

    We are faced with a situation similar to placing two mirrors face to face...the question recedes into the distance forever.

    Yes I have read all the posts on this topic, this is the one I want to respond to first though.
    The only thing I am certain of is that at this stage I am unable to draw a conclusion based on the evidence at hand...note the evidence that I as a non-scientist am able to interpret, this is the rational middle ground...nothing is certain except that there is uncertainty(at the moment)
    Until somebody turns on a microscope and finds a tiny stamp on a subatomic particle which says "made in heaven" we will have to live with not knowing for sure.
    Some people may well believe, but that is miles apart from knowing.

    We are not yet seeing the complete picture. And we are forgetting how young we are as a species....there are still millions of years of evolution ahead of us, if we manage not to kill eachother first and the one constant of human history has been that the previous idea we had was largely erroneous. We may or may not get the answer we are all seeking, we can only hope that we, or our descendants eventually will.
    The views expressed in the above post may or may not be the result of drunkeness or temporary insanity and should only rarely be construed as the views of the poster himself

  • Ok Ok

    I am forced to make a contribution to this thread at this point.

    This incident first came to my attentioon a few weeks back in the incidents forum. Since then I have seen it reported twice on the news here in Holland, once on a Youth news channel. As a result i have also had to deal with concerned whuffo relatives and friends calling me up to try to talk me out of, as they see it, near certain death. It was only reported here as being 1. Her first jump and 2. That her main totally failed to open. So the gear safety has been called into question.
    At first it was incorrectly reported that she had been jumping a 170 main...later corrected to the 190.
    I made an ill considered post regarding the kind of thinking that goes into putting a low jump number student out on a canopy like that.

    Now people lets think this through a bit. Sure her weight was within tolerance for the wingloading, but was it a good idea? I dont think so.

    Other posters have stated that they made their student jumps on 190's ect and that some dz's routinely put their students out on canopies like that.

    Is this really a prize winning idea? Again I dont think so.

    Do I have to point out the the differences between these canopies and student rigs are huge?
    If Shayna had been under a 260 doing riser turns and her toggle had popped would the spin induced have sent her into the same level of panic as the 190 Sabre did? I doubt it very much, though she might be someone who is very easily spooked, I don't know her personally so I cannot tell. Once again though why was she doing riser turns on her first solo AFF at an unfamiliar DZ. Have we forgotten that riser turns can be done after the breaks are unstowed and that doing em with breaks stowed has the potential to cause a release? Obviously Rick forgot to mention that bit in her briefing or she forgot about it, who knows?

    And then we have the reserve mal situation, now that might have happened no mater what size it was and I would still love to know why it was in a spin since stuck sliders do not usually result in a spinning malfunction. I read somewhere else that there my mave been a small pressure knot but that by the time the rig was inspected it had dissapeared. We may never know the answer to that one.

    There are a few lessons to be learned from this besides the fact that it is a good idea to have health insurance. The main thing is not to overload students with too many things at the same time, andnever ever overestimate students, even if they are your significant other.

    I can do nothing to change the policies of instructors who choose to throw their students in at the deep end of the pool but they will have to at least realise that not all students can handle the sensory overload associated with the wind whisteling by your ears and the loud flapping slider caused byt he extra airspeed. I have no doubt that these things factored in shayna's descision to cut although she may not remember them as such. Unless Rick asked her to collapse her slider too? If that was the case she was most certainly overloaded.

    Anyway that is my opinion and assesment of this whole circus and I stand by my statement: Higher Performance canopies are NOT safe for people who are just starting out, no matter what the wingloading.
    The views expressed in the above post may or may not be the result of drunkeness or temporary insanity and should only rarely be construed as the views of the poster himself

  • I feel your pain...

    On the way to the DZ one day a pair of escaped sheep came bolting out of the bushes onto the dirt road I was on...I had to lay my bike down too.

    No picks of that incident though and I was lucky to escape with only a little roadrash on my left leg..also the bike was relatively undamaged because I was already slowing for a corner when it happened.
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  • As regards the whole situation: A few years ago I got to wondering, after seeing the umpteenth movie in which a referal was made to the CIA not being allowed to operate within the continental United States. The conclusion I came to was that their operations include activities which are not legal or constitutional under U.S law. It has always seemed a bit odd to me that this fact was out in the open but nobody chose to make an issue of it...until now.

    So if anybody else has an explanation for why they are theoretically not allowed to operate on U.S soil I would love to hear it.
    The views expressed in the above post may or may not be the result of drunkeness or temporary insanity and should only rarely be construed as the views of the poster himself

  • I donr know anyone involved, but I vote yes on principle.

    I did my 100th naykard in winter, it was........refreshing.

    The views expressed in the above post may or may not be the result of drunkeness or temporary insanity and should only rarely be construed as the views of the poster himself

  • Have these people got nothing better to do??

    What they have done now is cause a controversy where it was totally uncalled for. If the girl was a memeber of some weird sect which required her by their law to wear a dead skunk around her neck, it would technically have been permissable.

    I think what they are doing is trying to avoid the whole "freedom of religous expression" thing:if she is allowed to wear a crucifix then muslims should be allowed to wear bhurkas is they want ect... I couldent care less really, express yourself as you feel appropriate as long as it does not involved injury to others.
    The views expressed in the above post may or may not be the result of drunkeness or temporary insanity and should only rarely be construed as the views of the poster himself

  • Someone set up us the bombB|

    we get signal

    Main screen turn on!

    Take off every Zig!:D
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  • oh Gawd, da Couch Freaks are back:S

    peeps are geeting sofa king crazy these days.
    The views expressed in the above post may or may not be the result of drunkeness or temporary insanity and should only rarely be construed as the views of the poster himself

  • If the plural of Ox is Oxen, why is the plural of Box not Boxen?

    If Rough is pronounced Ruff why is Plough not pronounced Pluff?

    [:/] Mysteries of the universe.
    The views expressed in the above post may or may not be the result of drunkeness or temporary insanity and should only rarely be construed as the views of the poster himself

  • haha...I had to do mine in the middle of winter.

    The bastards intentionally dropped me off about 3-5 k's away from the dz...I had to deploy immediatly and damn it was cold at altitude...I managed to make it back though... landed on the club's lawn and took a bow.

    Note...dont ever ask your mates girlfriend to take naked photos of you...even as a joke!;)
    The views expressed in the above post may or may not be the result of drunkeness or temporary insanity and should only rarely be construed as the views of the poster himself

  • Many moons ago, when I was young and innocent(hah yeah right) I went to a town festivla with somr friends of mine, I got falling down drunk on cheap draught beer and basicaly was just going with the flow. I followed some friends to a large house in a quiet side street where I was pleasently surprised to find a pool table and a bar in the large living-room.

    Some of the people I was with dissapeared for a while with some girls who had been hanging at the bar and came back with wide this point I still hadent realised what was going on.
    Only after I went looking for the toilet did I realise the following: Hey this house has loads of bedrooms and wow they all have double beds in them. BLING!!

    Light dawned

    I was in a house of ill repute.
    well f*ing A the young me thought.

    Anyway, to cut a long story short, my visit consisted of hanging at the bar and watching my mates get their jollies, but it was a real eye-opener for me, in a sleepy little South African town was a fully fledged, well appointed Brothel. Talk about a cosmic revalation! In short that was when I realised that almost nothing in the world is ever quite what it seems, if you scratch the surface you had better be prepared to be surprised at what you find.

    Now my views of these things are a little different, I have been living in Holland for years now and sex clubs are pretty much normal around here,not to mention the famous window prostitutes. I am one of the lucky ones, I am happily married and even before that I have never needed to pay for services rendered. I still think that it should be legalised everywhere though, men have needs and not all of em are as smooth talking as you need to be in order to get laid...A bordello is a perfect compromise, I think there would be fewer bar fights if the frustrated among us knew they could go next door and let out the tension.
    Also legal and regulated prostitution is much better for the women involved, they no longer need to consort with Pimps and other criminals and can take a place in society albeit at the fringe.

    my 2 eurocents worth.:ph34r:
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  • This happy little .gif file is called: Saving Private Ownage.

    You dont have to be a gamer to appreciate it but it will help... enjoyorz!!lolroflmao11!1

    oH...Leroy jenkins is a cult figure on World of warcraft famous for charging in wildly and ignoring the plan...shouting his own name as a battle cry.
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  • AAARGH!!! I am dooomed!!

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  • Yep. was working yesterday afternoon. But when I tried to log on later it seemed to be down...and still is.

    Help us PilotDave only you can save us!!!:S
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  • Darkness washed over The Dude, a darkness blacker than a black steer's tucus on a moonless prairie night...B|
    The views expressed in the above post may or may not be the result of drunkeness or temporary insanity and should only rarely be construed as the views of the poster himself

  • I have got to hand it to ya!


    bet you know how to handle yourself around women

    The views expressed in the above post may or may not be the result of drunkeness or temporary insanity and should only rarely be construed as the views of the poster himself

  • Ok Ok....I retract my "Attempted Murder" statement.
    it was certainly uncalled for and ill-considered.

    I still stand by my view that putting a low jump number student under a canopy like that is asking for trouble. The margin for error is just so much smaller than a big slow student rig.

    Respect to the people who have posted here about doing their first jumps under small canopies, I am glad it all worked out ok for you.

    However we see that in this case the choice was not the correct one. An unstowed brake on a 288 is nowhere near as traumatic as on a 190 Sabre. The very fact that she didnt get the damn thing unstowed and had to cut is an indication that she was being put in a situation she was not ready for yet. I have not seen the video, but I have doubts about her body position after cutting a spinning main and her unstable deployment of the reserve may also have factored in its malfunction. Yes... pure speculation, I know.

    In short, for this jumper, the instructor/boyfriend clearly overestimated her ability to cope with a correctable situation and I take my hat off to her for following the EP's and wish her the best of luck on her road to recovery.
    The views expressed in the above post may or may not be the result of drunkeness or temporary insanity and should only rarely be construed as the views of the poster himself