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Posts posted by southerncutie

  1. Firebolts have always been manufactured as a hybrid using both ultrasil and silktique unless requested otherwise by the customer. It packs similarly to other F-111 and ZP products on the market. The color seems to make as much difference in the pack volume as the product. If you would contact Parachute Labs with your Firebolt size we can tell you what we have found to be the pack volume of that particular size canopy

  2. We do not have a "sizing chart" for the Racer containers as such because we offer so many reserve/main combinations, over 150 at last count. We may offer 3 or 4 different container combinations for an AngelFire 160 reserve and a Firebolt 182 main. One may be short and thick, another wide and short, another yet long and thin, it is all selected based on the customer's canopy size, body style and personal preference.

    Do you have a specific sizing question I can help you with?

  3. Your sewing machine mechanic is wrong! When Mike Furry set up Sun Path his production floor was almost entirely 20Us, using e thread. He and Red Payne convinced me that it would be the best machine for my loft for general repairs. I'm glad I listened. The 20U I purchased new in 1984 is still running great, has never seen a mechanic, and I wouldn't part with it. I have used it for canopy repairs, container repairs, quilting, and heavy canvas projects. With the right thread, needle, and tension this machine can do just about anything!

  4. You could always do what a buddy did years ago... he used a ballpoint pen in the main closing loop and wore the rig. Naturally Murphy was watching and laughing.. he arrived at the dz, was asked on an 8 way already dirt diving, threw on his rig and had a great skydive until pull time. Need I say reserve ride? Put it in a gear bag.