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Posts posted by ShadowPenguin

  1. Quote


    Laugh, and the whole world laughs with you...

    You were laughing alone.

    squink I'm sorry for your loss. Loosing a loved one is never easy.

    probably woulda been better to ignore the little pricks troll, he got what what all attention whores want...attention.

    anyway Squink, i feel for ya too. We just had to put one of my rotties down, loved that lil girl to death, she had a "mass" growing and there nothing we could really do for her, she wasnt in pain or anything but i got so big she could stand anymore, she ate like horse but kept losing weight.

    I dont even wanna think about when my other rottie or my Mastiff go, thats gonna suck hard, but i'm with ya keep ur head up [:/]

  2. Quote


    A nice cuddly kitten.

    We could start a new sport called "Cat Chasing." Oh, wait, I think I read about that once a few years ago. Never mind.

    Yeah, I used to have the book "Bedtime Stories For Skydivers". Had a story about the Cat Chasing Championships. Fucking hilarious... Unfortunately, I lent the book to a friend who then a few days later cheated on his wife, got caught, kicked out and all his stuff, including my book, thrown in the garbage... [:/]

    whens your birthday i'll buy it for ya :P

  3. ya know I never really had an idea one way or the other what I wanted to be growing up, I can remember saying "Lawyer" when asked the first day of Kindegarten (sp?) but other than that never really knew or gave it much thought, I always knew, though, that I didn't want to be bossed around :P

    I grew up watching my friends play with computers, and was always enthralled learning how they worked, messing around on BBS's etc.. then like the week b4 i graduated high school I decided to go to tech school and i'm now an IT Coordinator at a University (a law school funny enough) and I love my work, never got paid so much to do somthing I enjoyed, I actually look foward to going to work everyday because it's a career not just a job.

    I'll eventually get my bachelors in CIS and I want to run my own company one day....working FOR someone else is for suckers....

    anyone know when that whole growing up shit happens? gimme a heads up so i can doge that bullet :ph34r:

  4. Quote

    Alright, I've looked EVERYWHERE in my apartment. I'm pretty sure it's not here...

    It's not in the medicine cabinet.
    It's not in the freezer.
    It's not in the shoes under my bed.
    It's not in my underwear drawer.
    It's not in the pockets of coats I haven't worn in months.
    It's not in the garbage.
    It's not in my bedding, it's not in my dirty laundry, and it's not in the couch cushions.

    Any other suggestions?

    Check in between the seats in your car? (if you took your car anywhere today) mine falls down in between the console and my seats all the friggin time.

    if they offer it where you have service get some wireless phone insurance? with cingular you pay like $6 a month and if you lose your phone or its stolen you only pay $50 for a new one.

    dont feel bad sometimes i'll have something in my hand then realize its not there anymore, i'll spend HOURS looking for it only to give up and in two seconds it magically appears on the coffee table or something.

    good luck ;)

  5. Quote

    I'm a dumbass. Thought Shadow's post started the thread. I'll go back to shutting up now.


    yah i freaked out at first when i sobered up but I have fraud watches with all three agencies and I subscribe to a service that monitors any changes or inquiries, by credit cards i meant check cards so those were easy enough to cancel. i'm a credit nazi, i keep a tight watch on what happens, even before the coney island thing.

    i called all neccesary people as soon as i woke up the next morning, talk about customer service got it all taken care of on a Sunday.

  6. I got blitzed beyond belief one night at a bar in Coney Island the girl I was with decided it would be fun to go on the beach at 1am and go swimming in the NY river...IN OCTOBER.

    I thought if i put my cell phone, stuff from wallet on the beach and walked a straight line from the benches I would be able to find them again....yah well after that much Jager theres no such thing as a straight line.

    why i didnt just think to leave my stuff ON THE FRIGGIN bench i'll never know, some homeless guy in brooklyn now has a new cell phone, credit cards that dont work and a copy of my license

    /mmmm, Jager

  7. Quote

    I guy was going down on a girl in a dark forest.

    "I think I need a flashlight." he says.

    "I think so to. You've been licking grass for the last ten minutes." she said.



    guy in a girl meet in a bar, get very drunk, and she whispers to him, lets go back to my place.

    Soon as they get there, they start tearing clothes off and he goes down on her. As he's going at it gets a piece of corn in his mouth, things WTF but he's drunk so he keeps going, then gets a piece of chicken stuff in his teeth, and it smells REALLY bad down there, again he's REALLY loaded so he keeps going,

    FINALLY he gets a piece of spaghetti stuck in his teeth, jumps up says THATS IT!! DAMN WOMAN YOU SICK OR SOMETHING??

    she says "No, but the guy before you was"



  8. Quote

    Did you all read the fine print?

    [Fine Print]
    By adding yourself to the Dropzone Members Map, you hereby offer up your couch, the contents of your refrigerator, and at least one clean bath towel to any skydiver that wants to crash at your pad to jump at your local DZ.
    [/Fine Print]

    My couch is always open anyone coming to jump at Maytown or anywhere in PA...but you gotta wrestle my Mastiff for it ;)

  9. wow...from a student 2 jump stand point, I probably woulda said sure its cool if you do that, as i'm sure this student did, but then after actually seeing it and reading about what COULD have happened I woulda freaked.....thats just me. I didnt even know how important the drouge was untill i started researching on these forums. Hindsight of course always being 20/20.

    not about to get all OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!! or anything but i hope the proper sanctions were taken against the people responsible.

    /my .02

  10. hmmm....can you regret being immature when you didnt realize you were doing it untill it was too late and what you regret happened was a direct result of said immaturity but you learned from it and will be a million times better off in the long run but still regretting ever letting her slip through your fingers.....

    cuz if so then yah I got one or two :S

  11. Quote

    They're not Alice In Chains, but they do a good job of echoing their sound. I like that they acknowledge that they model their sound after AIC by paying tribute to them in their band name.

    RIP Lane Staley :(
    what a useless and sad way to go out, when you heard him sing you KNEW you were listening to Alice in Chains, a far cry from a lot of todays bands that all sound the same, his lyrics were powerful and filled with raw emotion...def. one of the all time great metal/grundge bands....while not my fav. band per say, Man in the Box is my favortie song across all genres...straight hard guitar riffs, brutal drums and he sings with such emotion you feel his pain go through you....just awsome....i keep that my MP3 player all the time when i'm in the gym.

  12. Quote


    As I Lay Dying,

    YES! I just heard them and picked up their latest CD. Great stuff. Also I'm really enjoying Killswitch Engage right now as well.

    ps: And Chris - yes you're a poser but we like you anyway :D

    DOH!! how could i forget them, phenomenal band!!! been a fan of theirs for awhile now.
    If you guys like that type of music also check out Ill Nino, they're in my top three.

    1. Bad Religion
    2. Disturbed
    3. Ill Nino

  13. Quote

    So call me a poser, or whatever... but I like Godsmack!:D

    nah bro...i dont care how hard you think you are, what bands you're into, how much you diss the "mainstream" EVERYONE has that one mainstream band they dont really want to admit or refuse to admit to liking.

    For instance I think Three Doors Down is very talented and my fav. bands are ones like Unearth, Throwdown, As I Lay Dying, Hatebreed, (old) Atreyu, Shai Hulud...etc...shit i'm also not afraid to admit that I like some mainstream stuff, Godsmack is also one of my favs. and I love it when I say that and hardcore kids give me a hard time when you just know they're jamming on Backstreet boys when they're alone :P

    Mainstream doesnt always mean sellout, i'm with ya on this one.

    //end of rant :S

  14. Quote

    heh nice to see i'm in such good company, anyone feel free to add me to their friend list my username on myspace is the same, because I'm so creative.:)

    that friggin search thing never works for me...maybe i'm just a moron, got a link to your profile?

  15. Network tech by trade so I have a front row seat in the nerd section already...but yah myspace too.

