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Posts posted by TOmmy2

  1. A recent happening on a DZ in Norway(translated from a preliminary report):A highly experienced jumper recently had a Cypres AAD(not known if 1 or 2)deploeyd reserve canopy in low altitude(100ft AGL). The jumper was then in a high velocity final after more than 720 degree turn. It was a small crossbraced, less than 100 sqft. The jumper was wearing additional weights. During landing the reservecanopy deployed, and the jumper landed under two canopies without injuries.

    This is from the Cypres` users manual:

    "Even with extreme maneuvers during exit and in freefall, CYPRES will cope with it.
    Whatever you can think of under canopy like stalls, spiral turns, down planes, hookturns
    with the smallest canopies as well as any CRW, CYPRES will analyze these movements
    without problems. It won't interfere with any normal activities while skydiving."

    This might need some editing, after several incidents with HP canopies? Especially the part:"...Whatever you can think of under canopy..."