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Posts posted by NESkydivr

  1. Quote

    you can replace that plug with a 90 degree plug they sell at radio shack, its pretty easy. Im not sure they make a 90 degree adapter but I know they sell replacement plugs that 90 out.

    Radio Shack! How 'bout that! I figured it would be a specialized adapter...if one was even available. I will stop by the local RS and see. Thanks for the advice!
    I LOVE jumping clouds, but jumping triples takes most of my time (and $$$)!

  2. I've done some site searching and have found plenty on the PC-1000, but nothing on what I'm looking for. Wondering if anyone knows of an adapter that has a 90-degree turn on it. I also ride dirtbikes and would like to use the camera (along with a helmet cam) to record POV footage.

    The A/V cable that comes with the camera sticks straight out from the camera body and makes it a bit more susceptible to breaking. I was hoping there was a 90-degree adapter out there to help keep the cable a little closer to the body of the camera (at least something to minimize the "straight out" direction of the stock cable.)

    Any suggestions? Thanks.
    I LOVE jumping clouds, but jumping triples takes most of my time (and $$$)!

  3. Quote

    if I might ask, why did everyone start jumping?

    My wife and I took our first jump (tandems) about three years ago (skydiveatlanta.) No real reason...just one of those things we thought had to be done. We were both hooked.

    A couple weeks later, took the static line course. She hurt her shoulder on her first solo jump and hasn't been able to come back...BUT...definately wants to do another tandem. I have about 45 jumps and do it as the cash flow allows.

    I'm sorry for your situation and envious of the obviously close and committed friend(s) you have. You have a treasure in that and so do they (if you weren't someone very special, they wouldn't do what they do.)

    Best of health and Blue Skies!
    I LOVE jumping clouds, but jumping triples takes most of my time (and $$$)!

  4. Quote

    Hey man, 45 jumps in three years isn't pitiful!!! I've got 43 in 4 years!!!! Money sucks, I wish everything was free!

    I guess you're right! Thanks for helping to put things in perspective ;) I guess I should be more thankful for what I "have" been able to do instead of what I "haven't."
    I LOVE jumping clouds, but jumping triples takes most of my time (and $$$)!

  5. Hi all!

    Have belonged to for some time. Have done LOTS of bouncing around forums, just never piped up.

    Been in the sport about three years and have 45 jumps (I know...pretty pitiful, but believe me...if cashflow was better, I'd have that number in the hundreds.)

    Anyway, I'm in Nebraska and had my mean "initial" jump out of a SkyVan a couple weekends ago. MAN...that was the best!

    Still renting equipment and my DZ is great ( Lots'o'knowlege there. Everyone is helpful and willing. Planned on getting my own rig this spring and...BAM...job loss.

    Anyway, back in the saddle with a job and looking for equipment. Will be visiting the used gear forum alot.

    I'll be watchin!

  6. Quote

    Mark -

    How did the battery perform? Did you get good time out of it?

    BTW, I know I am VERY young in the sport (my profile shows it,) but I am doing research. I won't be jumping a camera very soon, but like to learn all I can from those who do.
    I LOVE jumping clouds, but jumping triples takes most of my time (and $$$)!