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Posts posted by Texas_Diver

  1. I've only had two tandem jumps so I don't yet know anything about this.

    OMG...Are these injuries from the canopy opening????

    I felt a big tug when it opened both times but not hard enough to rip out my aorta or to break any bones.

    Can someone please explain?? (Remember to use simple terms...I'm a newbie!)

  2. Quote

    Most of your questions will be answered by looking them up on the US Parachute Association’s web site. http://www.uspa.org/

    I would plan on new gear costing a minimum of $4,000 to $6,000. You can buy decent used gear for $2,500 to $4,000.

    Side note: I love your signature line....Go, Douglas Adams!!

  3. Hi...please pardon my ignorance. I just did my 2nd tandem jump on Saturday and I am considering AFF training.

    Here are my questions:

    1. Where online is a reliable source for injury/death statistics? I know that nothing in life is risk-free but I DO want to know the stats before I decide to pursue this further. (I'm a scuba diver and I used to own a motorcycle...risk is not a foreign word to me!)

    2. What is the AVERAGE cost of gear ownership? I know there is a wide range, but how much does one expect to pay for a entry-level canopy, etc?

    3. What do the different levels of certification mean? Levels A-D?

    Thanks in advance!

  4. Quote

    Welcome to the forums! :)

    Well I JUST did my 2nd tandem this past weekend and I haven't figured out how I'm going to budget yet another expensive hobby. (Scuba diving and photography are pretty fatal to the pocketbook!)

    Thanks for the welcome, however.