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Posts posted by bill4tide

  1. You may try to get a coach, or just the next person out of the plane to hold out some fingers for you to count when you leave. Your goal is to tell them how many fingers they held up when you get down. This will force you to look up at the plane, and may help your exit.


  2. I had the exact same thing happen to me. Actually, the first time, I was already out rear float, and it "paused" on the exit. I used gaffers tape to cover it last weekend, but haven't reviewed the footage yet, or at least what parts I have watched have been fine. I'll watch the whole tape and report my findings.


  3. What you need to look at is shutter lag. The shorter the better. This is the time between putton press and shutter opening. Most digis are slow, but some are not. Also, turning off auto focus can help as well as using pre-focus. Some will let you half press the shutter to focus and then finish it to take a fast picture.


  4. Quote


    Hi Guys,

    I want to purchase a newer Sabre 1 .


    I am no expert, or even close. All I know is I own a 1998 Sabre, and it has not ever given me a hard opening. Actually, it opens very softly. Granted I only have about 70 jumps on it so far, but thought you might want to know. I would test it out and see what you think.
