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Posts posted by tinkerbell1983

  1. Yes Jay a lot of things are changing for the better we now have new management that care about us Fun Jumpers, Staff, and the Students. (customers)

    As for Skyride I really don't want to make any comments on that because I don't want to say something with out knowing all the facts.

    But we do not charge a deposit of any type. we do charge a cancellation fee. (that a lot of DZ's charge) the only thing is that I take it upon myself to let them use that toward there jump when they come back out. (BTW they are only charged that if they dont show up or if the cancel after the alloted time)

    A customer is not expected to pay in advance if they dont want to. I would rather them pay when they get here.

    I try my best and do all I can to make ASC a better place as well as a lot of other people here do.
    But people only see the bad, they are not looking at the good.
    life is short, Live it up!!!

  2. All I am saying until you know the entirety of what you talk about then it is point less to point fingers

    There are alot of DZ that do think that people don’t like, and that are wrong. Like certain people for the farm coming over and trashing up ASC spray painting the build and breaking windows. But you don’t see a Topic just about that. Maybe it’s because it happen to ASC so people don’t care. I dunno.

    The main thing to think about is that we are all FAMILY. We all love what we do and we love having new people join that family. I think most people have forgotten about that.

    Most the people on here are so intrigued with taking skyride and ASC down that they lost sight of that.

    Above all I care about you guys, all of you! You are my family! And that is not going to change.
    life is short, Live it up!!!

  3. i have 2 babies a 3 yr old and a 1 1/2 yr old and they love going with me. And the people at the dz love my kids dont worry about it. Kids are fun and they will change your life. But look at it this way one day you and your child can jump together. My oldest on loves to watch people land. I dont think it will cut in to your skydiving as much as most people think we have a few instructors here that have children the same age as mine and they jump everyday.
    life is short, Live it up!!!

  • Funny thing she never told where she found these facts I'd like to know and I never said there wasn't an indictment just that no one at asc would have known about it. I just thought you guys would like to know that if someone who works at asc says something like that they are probably lying unless they found it on record and can tell you how to find it.
    life is short, Live it up!!!

  • First, They do know two of the jumpers work for asc reservations. They taunt us by calling us skyride chicks wich if you had looked you would realize that is what comes up. There are no discussions about actual buisness practices. Skyride is 2 hours away from the DZ. They are as bad as you guys about pretending to know what is really going on. So why don't you go back and type in skyride and then you could try reading the posts and finding out what they really say!!
    life is short, Live it up!!!

  • i myself have asthma as well as my best friend. Mine doesn't bother me that much, But when it does it is usually caused by get to hot to fast . However my friends asthma really bothers her. she can control it with an inhaler which she cares in her jump suit. Might want to think about keeping yours close by just for safety measures.

    Stay safe
    life is short, Live it up!!!

  • Quote

    It hard for them to seperate the actual tandem numbers from the guaranteed no show tandem charges and the fraudulant "skyride" charges. The actual money they make off actual tandems is minimal to the money they make conning people.

    Just a quick note most Skydiving centers charges a cancellation fee. Most of them will not even give a grace period but ASC does give you a period of time that you can cancel. If that is a scam then I guess skydive center across the country should be accused of the same thing.
    life is short, Live it up!!!