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Posts posted by ECoastSurfer

  1. Whats hard to process is once again: if you voted for Bush and or Support Iraq, then why are you not over there? Its a simple question that seems to continually be evaded. Stop the hypocrisy, pack your bags, quit your jobs and go relieve a Soldier or Marine who is on his second or third deployment.... I reckon thats that, huh Forest? Stupid......

  2. Your location says Yugoslavia so what the hell are you commenting on American politics for? Dont you have some Vodka and cigarettes to smuggle across the border somewhere? Oh and you guys make a hell of a car over there, loser.

  3. Nice info, but too little too late. Great to see a show of hands that think the way I do, these people are guilty as hell and should be hung... how do people not realize this? Bottom line, if you voted for Bush and or support Iraq, then why arent you over there?
    You shouldnt be at the drop zone having fun, and getting your BMW's detailed while drinking Starbucks..... you should be side-by-side with our troops. Of course most yuppies and alike come from money, and wouldnt know which end of a M-16 to hold, but love to tell "us common folk" how politics work and whats best for us..... Oh and I jump at Cross Keys if I've offended anyone, theres a big-ol parking lot out front.... anytime yuppie right wingers!

  4. I just want the box for the HC, guy at my DZ has one mounted on a Optik and it works great for him. The box fits the cam snug with the liquid lens, easy in and out, just tape the top seam and its flush mount. Cookie says the new HC line 26, 36, 46, 96 boxes are available mid-summer I think.

  5. Question for ya....... I'm looking at Sony cams for fun jumps, and the 42 looks like a good one. Whats the deal with the docking station, people are saying stay away from them, and does the 42 have the port for the cameye??

  6. Had XM first years ago and never listened to FM again.
    After selling the vehicle with the radio in it, I'm now with Sirius mostly for Howard but I cant stand FM.
    Commercials are constant, the DJ's are all the same and they suck. Satellite has opened a door to escape the rule of the FCC and I will never listen to FM again. Join the revolution America, 1-9-06 Howard 100 on Sirius!

  7. The American people have been "sold-out" by our elected officials. Politics is a money making business for the wealthy, who could care less about the little guys, and will never change despite your aguing........
    My time is better spent thinking about my next jump, rather than whos screwing who in Washington.
    Blue skies to my fellow jumpers.........

  8. Are you asking or attempting to justify Iraq?
    I see your from Texas, so that explains a few things.
    Oil is the highest its been in over 5 years @ 62 a bbl
    This isnt a war, we havent had a war since WW2, and to call it a war is an insult to our grandfathers.

  9. Honestly I dont think "time" is the question, but rather physical fitness. Do you have the sciatic-nerve problem associated with the herniation?
    Yeah, on opening your spine will benefit but land hard and you could do more damage and/or aggrevate the herniation.
    I would start in the gym training back, legs & abs if youre not there already.
    Good luck!