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Posts posted by SunbumPaul

  1. I weighed 140 pounds at the time, so standup landings were easy. At that time, a small rig was more important as was the freefall. The canopy was just to get you to the ground so you could make another freefall.
    I remember the jumpers, that winter of '75 at the Gulch, didn't like to have square canopies on the load. Way too dangerous. Pretty funny now, looking back.
    I remember one opening on the 26' Navy conical, where the front right lines were tangled a little and shortened, causing the canopy front skirt to fold under and reopen. I thought I might be able to land it without getting hurt but looking for a rush, decided that this was a good enough excuse to cut away. Unlike the main canopy with four risers, the 26'navy reserve was on two risers and that made steering more difficult. I had to grab groups of lines to steer the canopy. It was unmodified, but I think it had a Four-line release.
    I made a few hundred jumps on the canopy. It did the job. It was stable. It was small. It was cheap. It was strong. I continued flying it even when it was full of holes from lines burns. I might have gotten more forward speed if the holes hadn't been in the front.

  2. In 1975, before heading to Casa Grande for the winter, I purchased a SST piggyback container. It was beautiful compared to my military surplus equipment. Unfortunately, my Paracommander would not fit in the small container. I bought two 26' Navy Conical reserves for $25 each, that fit easily into the containers. I used a diaper deployment and rigged the back four lines to release on rings(Four line release). To steer the canopies, I used opposite front risers to steer and used the rear risers to flare.
    Standups were not a problem, when I wasn't backing up too fast. The turns were a little slow. I crossed a highway and a power line at Casa Grande, before doing a hook turn. It would have been impressive, if I hadn't grabbed the wrong front riser, turned downwind with no time left to correct.
    I jumped these canopies at the big Turkey meet in Z-Hills in 1976. The organizers reported the number of reserve rides taken during the meet. I was not the only jumper jumping a reserve as main, so their report was probably inaccurate.
    I finally bought a Strato Star, while in Z-Hills and didn't have to walk out of the swamps as often.
    Those were fun times. Paul Juel

  3. HI Jack,
    I received a letter from Frenchy (Robert Rouvreau) on June 15th. His address is
    Suite 18 Dr Whillans Manor Box 189 Crossfield, A.B. T0M 0S0 Canada
    It is difficult to read Frenchy's handwriting and hope the address is correct.
    Frenchy isn't feeling very strong at the moment. I bet he'd be entertained if people would write to him. I'm sure he must miss Florida and the jumpers.
    Later Paul