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Posts posted by ryan_turner

  1. There are numerous people on this board who are both riggers and pilots, so I figure someone will know the answer to this. Is your rigging certificate and pilot certificate on two separate licenses? I have had my rigging certificate for several years and recently earned my private pilot certificate. I was expecting that I would end up with just one license with multiple listings. Instead I have the same certificate number on two separate ones. Anyone else have a different experience?

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    For the record, I believe the decision whether or not to do them should be the DZO's.

    That is an interesting stance to take. Observers on planes that do not have seats is clearly a FAR violation. You think it should be up to the DZO to decide if he should follow the FARs? Do you feel the same way about airplane maintenance issues?


    Slow down, Sparky.

    I made the mistake of assuming people following this thread knew my stance when I made that post. If you look back, I'm the one that (in the original thread on "incidents") first mentioned that the incident appeared to violate FAR's.

    Any opinion I issue is predicated on following FAR's and - if the DZ is USPA - BSR's. However, there are legal observer rides too, ya know.

    When I say the decision should be the DZO's, I mean within existing laws.

    Now drink.;)

    Didn't mean for that last post to be as confrontational as it came out. I think we are both on the same page on this incident.


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    For the record, I believe the decision whether or not to do them should be the DZO's.

    That is an interesting stance to take. Observers on planes that do not have seats is clearly a FAR violation. You think it should be up to the DZO to decide if he should follow the FARs? Do you feel the same way about airplane maintenance issues?


  4. Many of the responses are from TMs who skydive fulltime. As a former part-timer, who only worked on the weekends, I have a slightly different perspective.

    I started doing tandems because i enjoyed working with students and I figured it would help reduce the cost of skydiving. At first, it was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed it. I did 50/50 tandems and fun jumps. As the season went on, it became almost 100% tandems and the pace was so fast that I had minimal interaction with my students. Taking a break from tandems and getting in some fun jumps isn't easy to do when you know that if you come out of the rotation, then not all of the tandems will get jumped that day. Eventually it became a job that just happened to involve skydiving and all of the fun was gone. Tandems just don't pay enough if you aren't having any fun, so I stopped doing them.

  5. It really depends on what type of mistake it was. With one exception, I only repack my own rigs. But the one time I opened up someone elses rig to repack, the slinks were not tacked down. Something like that should be done, but I didn't feel the need to tell the person or try to track down the previous rigger. I just tacked them down and repacked the rig. If I had found tools in the pack job, that would be different.

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    I was under the impression that the only people certified to pack main parachutes are certified senior/master riggers or the person jumping the rig. it seems a lot of establisments use "packers". It doesnt answer your question directly, but it doesnt seem to ever be addressed on this site.

    You have to be a rigger or be directly supervised by a rigger to pack a parachute for someone else. Most dropzones violate this law. My home dropzone recently started requiring packers to log every packjob and list the supervising rigger. I have used packers at almost every dropzone I have been to and that is definately not the norm.

    I am lazy and I like to use packers, but I don't care if they are a rigger or not. I care how well they pack my parachute. It might be a violation of the law, but I would rather be safe than legal. Of course, both would be even better.

  7. My first sewing project was a camera belly-mount. I used my mom's consumer sewing machine and then my dropzone's bar tack machine in a couple of the important places. It works really well, but in a couple weeks I will have a real sewing machine (Singer 241) and I plan on making version 2.

  8. I am having problems trying to convince a friend of mine not to use an old FOX for BASE jumping and wanted to get some more experienced opinions. The canopy in question is a vented (but not valved) FOX 205. The general condition of the canopy makes me think it has about 250 jumps on it. I hanged it in order to inspect it and when I let it back down onto the ground, the canopy doesn't hold any air. When I do the same thing with my Troll (only 18 jumps on it), it holds air and I have to push the air out to put it back in my stash bag. A significant amount of air goes through the FOX when I try to blow through the material. Also, my friend wieghs about 150 without any gear. Am I being crazy when I try to convince him to not use this canopy?

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    I had a very similar reserve ride. No shit, there I was minding my own business when Kyle Grim wraped the lines of his canopy around me. Very similar to the canopy wrap in the movie Cutaway.

  10. How does canopy size affect rear riser pressure? I searched the forums and found a lot information about how canopy size and WL can affect front riser pressure, but I didn't find much about rear risers.

    I have jumped a Silhouette 150 at a 1.4 WL and had what I would consider normal rear riser pressure. But when I flew a Navigator 280 at a 1.4 WL, the rear riser pressure was so great that it required me to use both hands to pull it down less than an inch. The Silhouette and Navigator are similar and I was jumping them at the same WL, so the only difference was canopy size. Everything else being the same, do smaller canopies have less rear riser pressure?

    Edit: The Nav 280 WL was on a Mr. Bill, it's not a typo.

  11. He was anonymous because I was initially hesitant to post it here.

    Name and phone number on freebag is a good idea. Unfortunately this happened when I was jumping a friends rig. But the next time I repack my rig, I think I will add my name and phone number to the bridle.

  12. The only thing I would add is that after Jumper A cut away, my canopy started flying normally with his main entangled with my lines. I grabbed his risers and started unwrapping them from around my lines. About 15 seconds later, his canopy started catching air and the whole thing went in to a spin that just got faster and faster. I chopped it after a couple revolutions.

    A Sabre2 with a 1.1 WL and a Spectre with a 1.4 WL is not a good combination for CRW. Also, if you borrow a friends rig, make sure you know what size reserve they have in it.

    Jumper B

  13. I am using a schumacher camera mount for both my still and video camera, but I am having problems with the plate that attaches to the camera. The hole that the camera screw goes through is threaded, so I can't keep the camera pointed in one direction and tighten the screw. The only way to tighten it would be to rotate the camera. I am considering using a drill bit to remove the threading so that the screw will spin freely (like on a goldmember). Has anyone else had this problem?


  14. Be ready for a malfunction on your first jump. Last year, I saw a student on a Cat. A correctly handle a two canopy out malfunction. As others have said, most of your first jump course involves learning emergency procedures. In general, skydiving fatalities aren't caused by gear malfunctions.

  15. Even when no one gets hurts and the hanger is able to hold on, they can be very scary jumps. I have always been the puller, not the hanger, so I haven't had the joy of watching the bag and lines deploy very close to my face. But those that have been the hanger have either told me "that was really cool" when the deployment was stable, or "that was really scary" when the deployment was not perfect.