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Posts posted by CheshireCat

  1. Food for thought: a WARNING on ParaGear opening page states that “approximately one jump out of every 20,000 results in death” and “On the average, Ram-Air parachutes are expected to malfunction once in 333 activations”. They claim the data comes from USPA reports.

    All the stats that being published – do they include fatalities from jump plane crashes?

  2. Quote


    I still wonder why people come online for these questions though - aren't there approachable instructors at any of these dz's???

    Of course there are. Speaking with few instructors and friends results in getting more or less similar opinions due to being on the same DZ. I do believe in information sharing and this forum is a great place to do so. Please mind that the original question was "What are the things to be aware about"?

  3. Recently I was jumping Skymaster 230 and similar, about 36 jumps total. Canopy control and landings are good - according to instructors. I believe it is time to move forward and try something in 1.0 WL range (I am 175 pounds).
    Of course I will talk to instructors, just curious about your first time under canopy smaller than "student" size. I understand that it is better to control the opening and everything just "happens faster". Any special issues I should be aware about?

  4. Another story about low WL:
    A tiny (~100lbs) girl was jumping a 280.
    During deployment the PC stuck in front. One or two middle cells did not inflated normally and after she tried to pull the brakes - the canopy collapsed in middle. Cutaway, good landing.
    Do not know what canopy it was.

  5. manufacturer recomendations you say.
    VLC - is what most of manufacturer charts recommend for minimal weight

    So, a questions to experienced folks: is it safe to put a 120lbs person under 280sqft canopy?
    From my observations, landing a canopy that goes backward even in light winds could be really upleasant and harmful.
    In crosswind it could be even worse.

    *VLC - Varies with Landing Conditions

  6. Although most of wingload-related discussions are concentrating on wing overloading, I'd like to ask a different question: what MINIMAL wingload is safe to fly?
    Our club offers 270 student canopies, regardless of student weight.
    If I am doing the math right, 114lbs girl under such canopy is about 0.42. Seems she can flight up catching thermals :)Another 60kg guy had slider up mal few weeks ago which resulted in an uneventful cutaway; could it be related to sub 0.5 WL?

    52kg = 114 pounds
    60kg = 133

  7. Have to admit, I am amazed.
    20+ replies speaking about importance of following procedures and checking everything. Not a single thought about HOW TO ALTER THIS DETAIL to prevent this problem (chest strap misroute). I do believe in equipment improvement. The rigs we are wearing are result of hundreds of deaths; the existing design of every detail is paid by human lifes. So, jumpers, instructors and examiners, please, could you come up with some fresh ideas about making this equipment more safe and fool-proof?

  8. True, the toggles are supposed to be on the rear rises. I was VERY confused after the landing.
    What bothers me is the reply from DZ instructors - "Yes, it is a packing mistake. You've managed to land and everything is OK". Yes, I am alive, but it was my 10th jump and I want to know EVERYTHING about things that can go wrong, how bad is this and how to deal with it.
    Thank you all for providing the information which is so important to me at this stage :)
    Let's summarize some points:
    1) Step-through is a minor malfunction caused by packing.
    2) On huge canopy I use at this stage (270+) it is probably not a big deal. If chute opens square, stable and I can steer it - there is no way something will go wrong later.
    3) It can cause problems on smaller canopy (how small?)
    4) Always pack my own main (When I'll have one)
    5) Meanwhile - kick packer's ass then it happens.

  9. Hello guys, hope you can help me on this one.
    I am a newbie, just finished IAD course. Still jumping with DZ equipment. Today it was my 3rd solo from 12,000ft, pulled stable on 3,500.
    Chute is open, and it is square. Good. The slider looks strange (twisted somehow) but it is above my head and not stuck in the middle. Going for brakes. No brakes on front rises. It is on rear. Then I realize that rises are twisted. Lines are perfect, chute is square and stable. Should I touch the brakes? My decision was yes, so I took it and tried to steer. Feels like I can steer it. The view of twisted rises is very disturbing but I did not saw any reason to start the emergency procedures. Landed nice and softly. I took the gear to one of instructors in DZ, he said it was packing mistake - the rig was twisted and the rises were misplaced. No further comments were made.
    Is it a malfunction at all? I do not have enough experience to decide how bad is this and how to handle such situation in future.