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Posts posted by jimrees

  1. The guy's tweet read: "I am broke but will scrounge and literally give $500 to anyone who kills an ice agent. (at)me seriously who else can pledge get in on this let's make this work."

    He used the word 'literally' and then claimed it was said in jest.   Sadly, that's probably the strongest argument in his favor these days.

  2. 1 hour ago, brenthutch said:

    I looked into it and you are right, according to NASA the rate of sea level rise has increased by a profound .9mm per year.  If this were truly a threat it would  be reflected in the price of beachfront property in Miami and the Obamas would not have spent millions on their house on the shore. 

    What does Miami have to do with this?   The beach house is on Martha's Vineyard.

  3. 6 hours ago, kallend said:

    What we know already.

    David Leonhardt 3/22/2019

    •  Trump was secretly pursuing a business venture in Russia and lied about it. During most of the 2016 campaign, Trump associates worked to build a Trump Tower in Moscow, while publicly denying any such business relationship. Trump’s former lawyer, Michael Cohen, lied to Congress about the talks and was sentenced to three years in prison.

    This is a bit disingenuous.  The sentence for lying to Congress was only 2 months, to be served concurrently with the 36 month sentence for tax fraud.

  4. I would guess that for different teams at different levels, the "scoring speed" could go either way.

    For our team - Mass Defiance - we definitely score better in the air. The tunnel the so unforgiving to our team having 3 6+ footers. We are forced to make very precise moves and fix them before we can key a formation, and it sometimes takes time to get back on balance. In the air, we can slide around the sky a bit while clicking through. I know it doesn't sound pretty, which is why I suspect that a 19+ average team might have the opposite experience.
