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Posts posted by AND1

  1. RandySwallows

    I have about 1,100 jumps on both of mine. I immediately noticed that from pulltime to inflation is faster (not to mention much, much smoother).

    fully agree with that, its quite fast but alot smoother than my normal d bag thanks for the posts people

  2. hi all I have just received my new semi stowless d bag from upt, now I have ordered it for my javelin odyssey now my problem is im finding that im under full canopy faster than I can blink im jumping a spectre 97 and never had this problem before fitting this new d bag, now im not getting hard openings just very fast deployment is this how these d bags are

  3. hi all it may not mean alot to most but i thought i would share i have just placed a order for a new phantom 3 which will be my first ever new wingsuit, been flying a friends acro and r bird for some time now while i saved up to order my first ever new wingsuit it took me alot longer to decide on which suit to go for as it will always be a phoenix fly but it was a toss up between the phantom 3 and the shadow 2, so just like to thank james macca mcdonald for sorting me out and now the long wait for my suit to be made as the order only went in today hope the phantoms are as good as every one said they are any feed back from phantom 3 owners

  4. Quote

    I bought a brand new Shadow 3 but its just slightly too tight height wise... Will it stretch out a bit with wear and usage? Anyone ever experienced a suit that was a bit too tight but eventually stretched out a bit?

    how long has the shadow 3 been out did not even no there was one ???? i thought there was only a shadow 2

  5. hi all im just about to order my first ever NEW wingsuit that I have saved long and hard for now phoenix fly offer balloon zp fabric as standard and parapak as a option extra what are the pros and cons of both materials apart from the parapak is alot stronger just need to no then I can put my order in any help would be much appreciated thanks

  6. Quote

    Just got my new wings container that was ordered with wingsuit bridle. It measures 7' 4" from pin to pilotchute attach piont & 8' 9" to deployment pud. Not sure if they have given me right bridle, but on my PF shadow probaly not a issue.

    Sounds like they have gave you a standard one as the one I have just ordered from sunpath is 129" over all length and 111" (9' 3") from pin to pc

  7. I can see why you got a new pc, I'm just stuck on which size pc to get weather I get a 28" or 33" I have been told a 33"will be better suited for my 97 spectre and my weight but after reading your thread now I'm not sure now decision s decisions

  8. hi all i no i have another thread ongoing about PC size but i have been of work today so spent all day on the,right my dilemma that i have is this,i have took delivery of a brand new javelin beginning of July and did not get any of the wingsuit mods as i had a second rig and was going to do all the mods to that rig but i have got rid of it now so I'm now in the process of converting my new javelin so after spending all day on the Internet there seems to be major conflicting advice on there two problems i have

    1,i no we should have a bridle length of 9' but is it 9' from the pin to the PC or 9' from d-bag to PC as sunpath do 2 sizes and according to Chris these measurement's are complete bridle length 112" and 129"
    2,PC size whats best to get as sunpath do 3 sizes 28"-33"-35"
    the canopy I'm jumping is a pd spectre 97 and I'm skinny twat at 138lbs fully kitted up with a wing loading of just trying to get the right advice as I'm living in the UK and it can be a MAJOR costly mess up if i order the wrong ones

  • hi all just got a question that i can not find a accurate answer on any where,I'm just about to place a order in for a 129" kill line bridle from sun path but theres no where that tells you the best size pilot chute to get as sun path do 3 sizes 28"-33"-35" but according to sun path once there assembled there about .5" to 1" smaller so going of that which one is going to be best to order as I'm a very light person at 135lbs fully kitted up

  • I have got the TJNK and I have a 107 katana in it but I would defenetly not go any smaller so for your rig 120 is the smallest I would put in it as yours is half an inch bigger than my rig but you should always contact the manufacture first then what ever you decide after that is on your ow back

  • hi there I'm currently jumping a pd stiletto 107 at a WL of 1.28 and I'm thinking of getting a spectre 97 and my WL on that would be 1.40, just wondering whats the differences going to be and yes ones a 7 cell and the other is a 9 cell, now fully kitted up I'm 137ilbs, now i do have a old spectre 120 that i jump every now and again but I'm just sick and tired of going back wards in the slightest gush of wind and Fancy a smaller version

  • Quote

    You mention wanting to fly a PF Ghost, but unless you're a heavy person the Phantom3 will most likely suit all your needs in flocking, acrobatics and performance flying.

    that counts that out then as even fully kitted up and wet through im only weighing in at 136ilbs

  • Hi all I'm after some info about the alien wingsuits been on there website and scrolled the internet but not much info about I no there the newest wingsuits on the market but I think there suits look really nice I'm wanting to order my first new wingsuits in a couple of months because by then I'll have about 80 wingsuits jumps granted I only have 6 at the moment that's why I'm writing till then to order I'm torn between there advanced suit and the phoenix fly ghost any input would be great running up to ordering one I would of used the following wing suits
    Birdman classic 2
    Birdman gti
    Phoenix fly acro
    Phoenix fly phantom 2

  • hi all as i have just completed my first wingsuit jump and now I'm hooked just wondering, i have just took delivery of my new rig for normal fun jumps and my old rig is a now a dedicated wingsuit rig I'm wanting to convert if fully for wingsuiting now my question is

    1,what size pilot chute is best for wingsuiting
    2,what length bridle line is best
    and is there anything else i need to change on my rig

  • Quote


    If you wanted to do it, why did you wait until you had 500+ jumps to do it?

    option 1: UK rules
    option 2: Not being in a rush and wanting to be competent skydiver before adding a wingsuit in the mix.

    Both are great reasons to wait untill 500 jumps or more...of all good reasons to start wingsuit or any other dicipline or sport, rush is the worst one..

    You hit the nail write on the head both of the above options above