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Posts posted by AlMacDonald

  1. Being the manufacturer of the Sidewinder, and making up the manual, I thought the instructions were very clear on closing the main container when comparing the text with the drawing. The colour photos of Fling's post show the correct closing. If the bridle was supposed to be routed under a sideflap it would have been mentioned in text and shown separately in another drawing. There was never a need for the bridle to be routed up above our side flaps..... that system was a throwback to the days of the original Wonderhog, where the bridle had to separate the velcro closing both side flaps together. I'm glad UPT has finally come around to doing it the way we did when first manufacturing rigs in 1979.

    Michael, on your post at 5:59 AM your last sentence is not correct: the bridle exits between the top and bottom flap, not from under the right side flap. Once the flaps are all closed and the pin is inserted, then you can tuck the little extra bridle under the right side flap. When the rig is closed, it may LOOK like the bridle exits under the right side flap but that flap is just hiding where the bridle actually exits the container. Fling's first photo shows this really well. Riggerrob also incorrectly says the bridle exits the container under the right sideflap.

    After writing this manual I sent it out to a number of experts in the industry for feedback before printing it. Some of the feedback was very helpful and in some instances I changed what I had written. Some feedback was a little less so but worthy of a hard second look. All of us missed a mistake in a diagram that was very important and I only stumbled onto it 5 years after the fact. Comment from one senior member of the TSC was this was the best manual he had ever seen.

    The manual was specifically done with line drawings at great expense to Flying High. The logic was: at that time most of the other manuals were using black and white photos that did not reproduce well, and many were poor right from the factory. Many riggers had manuals that were photocopies of a photocopy, and very difficult to even read the text let alone trying to decipher what was going on in the photos. Photos can be difficult to highlight the points you want, whereas with line drawings it is relatively easy to use artistic license to exaggerate detail or size to make a point. Remember in 1992 there was no internet in wide use, so no websites to put your free high resolution colour photos on.

    My apologies to anyone who didn't find my drawings and explanation crystal clear..... I really thought I had covered it well. I hope all are satisfied with the correct way to route the main bridle now. A tip of the hat to Michael for chasing this down to his satisfaction.

  2. I just became aware of this thread.

    The Flying High "Bullet" harness/container system was designed in the mid 70's, with the last one produced in 1994. To date I have only ever had one request to install a Cypres AAD, which I did after consultation with Airtec. We both agreed that for the length of time the Bullet has been out of production and for only one request, it would not be worth anyone's time to publish installation instructions. For anyone in the field who wishes to have a Cypres installed in an old Bullet, I'd suggest the time honoured "contact the manufacturer".

    [email protected]

    Al MacDonald
    Flying High Manufacturing Inc.

  3. Quote


    For the riggers who are looking for a bartack machine.

    Ask for a PFAFF 3334 958/01 20B "V" belt with HJ1466 CENTER START/STOP CAM (1 X 42) with the ability to 1" long bartack & the width you need.


    40-11 SKILLMAN AVE.

    PH: (718)392-1956 (800)338-1956
    FAX: (718)392-2748

    Safe Rigging !!!

    That is where I got mine. I have one with a leather belt however and that can save a couple hundred bucks. Works great and he is recomended by Pfaff

    I just bought an older Pfaff 3334 (round belt) with new cam 42 stitch center start/stop, from Herbert Jaffe. He described the machine as 'rebuilt'. I sent him some spectra line samples that he sewed and returned -- they looked fine. I bought the head and made up my own table/motor. The machine appears to be rebuilt, as it is nice and tight. He included 2 new feet that work perfectly for holding even the 500# spectra, and it does a beautiful pattern. I'm very impressed with the machine and his company. I'd reccommend him to anyone.

    Al MacDonald, President
    Flying High Manufacturing Inc.
    Alberta Canada.