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Posts posted by crazy_biatch

  1. Hey!

    Congrats on ur jump! ;)I was a static liner! I was a fortunate person who was satble on every single jump, and had really really good exits- both student, dive, unstable etc! :)I am by no means experienced, :)and even when he progressed onto freefall, he could not automatically become stable. He would roll all over the place, and spin! :oHe just could not exit the plane stabally! He is not a natural skydiver, but he was continuously been told to RELAX!! Eventually, by RELAXING, he managed to exit stabally! I think that is the key! Also, he did not give up! He tried soo hard, and,well, got his CAT 8 on his 34th jump!

    Good luck and keep up with the good work! U'll crack ur exits!!

    Leanne B|

    Enjoy failure and learn from it. You never learn from success

  2. Hiya

    comgratualtions on deciding to do a paracjute jump...its the BEST thing u'll ever do!!

    im one of those people who did not do a tandem jump before beginning my static line course. i believe i made the correct decision, having the satisfaction of both jumping, and jumping alone.

    i got my cat 8 qualification after 24 jumps, and did a tandem jump the day after...strange but amusing experience! :)
    good luck with whatever jump you decide to do, and i hope you enjoy it! :ph34r:

    Enjoy failure and learn from it. You never learn from success

  3. Heya

    I live in scarborough, but i jump at grindale, near bridlington!!

    ive done static line jumpos so far, and the next time i jump, it will b dummy ripcord pulls!! A couple of friends have done them, n say it is a bit nerve-racking! [:/] then again, thery r lads!!!

    Enjoy failure and learn from it. You never learn from success

  4. hello

    im new to this site, and new to skydiving! ive done 3 jumps within 3 weeks, and im addicted! unfortunately, im jobless, so cant afford to jump all the time! also, the weather is rubbish in the north of england >:(, so roll on the summer!!

    leanne :)

    Enjoy failure and learn from it. You never learn from success