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Posts posted by Programmer

  1. The NTSB has taken a great interest in seatbelt use on skydiving airplanes. You can think of the NTSB and the FAA as being a sniper team, with the NTSB as spotter and the FAA as shooter. If I was the pilot, I wouldn't want to make myself into a target. Or let some stubborn skydiver who doesn't want to wear a seatbelt do it for me.

  2. ...Jwow and Snooki had a contest to see who could slurp the most tequila out of Pauli's navel, would the Situation get out of hand?


  3. They aren't in jail because, for the most part, what they did was legal. The SEC has not provided the protection for the general public that it should, just as the MMS did not act as a public safety watchdog over the BP oil-drilling fiasco.
    There's no outrage because most people don't read Rolling Stone or Vanity Fair. They get their news from TV pundits who don't understand and can't explain complex issues.

  4. It's probably not paranormal. It's just the crazy guy who lives in your attic. Nothing to worry about.
    As far as the computer is concerned, power it down, then unplug it, then press the power button. Now it's off until you plug it in again (unless it's a laptop with a battery or it's hooked to some sort of UPS).

  5. I assume this thread is limited to a discussion of the white, starchy, Irish or Idaho potato and that I would be out of line to mention the better tasting and culturally superior sweet potato, baked, split open, and smothered in butter and brown sugar.

  6. Used gear with steering lines that have shrunk or that have been adjusted for another jumper can sometimes give you way more response than you were looking for. It's a good idea with a new-to-you canopy to have the steering lines measured with the help of a rigger or have a really good canopy pilot jump it to check things out.
    And guys, don't get hung up on this 9-cell vs. 7-cell thing. The greater difference is in characteristics of individual types of canopies (sabre vs. sabre2, triathlon vs. pilot, etc.)

  7. One of the main reasons for that is that in the U.S. the defendant has to pay his own legal fees regardless of who wins the lawsuit. Go to a loser pays system and you'll see a great reduction in low-merit lawsuits; but that won't happen because most members of congress and state legislatures are lawyers.

  8. That was a thought-provoking post. I'm not sure I would have had the presence of mind to evaluate the situation like you did. I might have just chopped it; which probably would have been the wrong thing to do. Thanks for the info.